Eccentric, really too eccentric, Antu that dog is so eccentric, no wonder he died so early!

An Tu is blind, he is such a good apprentice who is unwilling to take him, Hua Yan will never give it to him, he must let him guard this place, waiting for Qian Jiyun's arrival!

Qian Jiyun and the two were a little dazed when they heard his words.

What happened to them? Isn't this the place he wants to come to the most? No, it should be the place he wants to take it for his own use. Why is he so disgusted by himself?

"Where is the pickle?"

The eerie tone came from Yunhun Moyu.

As far as Hua Yan is concerned, although Xiaomo Cave is a taboo place, it can't be described as pickled, right?

After all, there is no Howling Demon Cave, and without his Yunhun Demon Jade, where does the Hua Yan come from, and where does this place that can provide many practitioners with fast cultivation?

Such a place, in the mouth of this thing, turned out to be a pickle place?

Why doesn't he say that he is a dirty bastard? From his point of view, this dog has a black heart, and there is resentment all over his body that humans can't see. It can be seen how many lives fell on him. in hand.

"A person with blood on his hands and resentment all over his body has the face to say that my place is a place for pickling?" He really didn't understand, where did this **** get his confidence?

"Didn't you still want me to be used by you before?" He asked.

"Didn't you say you just woke up?" This sentence successfully caught Qian Jiyun's attention, and he asked Yunhun Moyu back.

Rhyme Soul Demonic Jade: "..."

He just woke up, that's right, but even if he is in a deep sleep, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know that someone is trying to trick him?

"I believe that even if the broken stone is asleep, it can sense the danger of the high priest of the devil's heart immediately." He didn't answer the plane traveler's question, but asked him instead.

People like them, who are above any artifact, are still very sensitive to their own territory, especially the masters they have chosen themselves, how can there be any accidents?

What's more, the dog in front of him is not just to deal with his plane traveler, if it's just that, he can watch the show and talk about it.

After all, plane travelers are like leeks, once they are harvested, they will grow again.

But if this dog has set his mind on him, that's intolerable! He is Yunhun Moyu anyway, how could he allow such a thing to happen?

"This is instinct, and no one can take my idea."

"When did I hit you?"

The good teacher asked back in a daze, not even caring about his fear.

He is very wronged, obviously he did nothing, Qian Jiyun brought him to this place, how could it be his fault?

"So, after so long outside the cave, why haven't you made any movement?" Qian Jiyun asked Yunhun Moyu.

He knew that Yunhun Moyu had the ability to directly kill those people who were good teachers. Who made them appear where they should not appear?


Yunhun Moyu's tone was a bit playful.

"Are you sure, if I absorb so much human blood essence, are those guardians able to deal with so many monsters?" He asked the plane traveler.

The more he absorbs the human blood essence, the stronger his ability to lure monsters to the top of Huayan will be.

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