"I'm also thinking about the safety of the people on the ground. What if someone sees his face and smiles half-heartedly, and one of them is inattentive and gets hurt by a beast?

It's better to stay calm and let him stay in the camp to practice. "

Hearing this, Qian Jiyun sighed lightly and looked at Gong Cheng's hilarious face.

"This face will indeed attract attention."

After he said these words seriously, he thought of Gong Cheng's half-hearted effort.

"Then you stay in the camp and don't go out recently. In half a month, practice hard, and I will see the results of your cultivation in half a month!"

Gong Cheng held a mouthful of old blood in his chest, almost suffocating himself to death.

Did you say that about him?

Is it his fault that he was spat on by the painted bird? Obviously the painted bird doesn't have eyes.

It's better now, not only does not sympathize with him, but also laughs at him here!

Also, after half a month of cultivation, what kind of hair can be cultivated, and the results are still achieved, what results can he achieve? Second brother is indeed, isn't this trying to help the seedlings grow?

"Jiuyue, let's go and accompany you to the Suizhilou."

After talking to Gong Cheng, Qian Jiyun really took An Jiuyue and left.

"Second brother..."

Gong Cheng looked at the backs of the two gradually moving away, and wanted to say, take him with you.

But thinking of the old building, he felt that he should calm down a little, that place, ordinary people can't afford it.

And his second brother will never pay him, he has to pay for it himself, or leave it, he can't afford it.


Outside the old building.

When An Jiuyue heard the words of the old guard, her eyes widened.

"Ten inner beads for an hour?"

She repeated these words aloud, feeling that this place was really too dark, too dark.

Even if she has just arrived at Huayan Peak, she knows what the inner pearl is. It is the inner core of the beast.

Before, she had heard promises and they mentioned that people like them are very lucky to be able to kill a demon beast a day and get an inner bead.

And all the food and clothing they need here, in addition to money, is spent.

Of course, the inner beads are the most in demand, and money is just a bonus. There are many places to exchange food, and they don't like money, as long as the inner beads are.

An inner bead, which can be exchanged for a person's ration for two days, is already dead.

But what's so special, in this old building, ten inner beads are actually needed for an hour? It's too expensive, isn't it?

"No wonder it's so lonely, there's no one, and this price is too expensive, right?"

She poked her head ~www.readwn.com~ and glanced at the building of Suizhi. As far as she could see, no one was there, showing how deserted the business was.

"Occasionally someone will come over." Qian Jiyun said with a smile.


An Jiuyue responded lightly.

There is an impulse in my heart, that is to turn around and leave, not to stay here.

Anyway, she has a lot of time and can be familiar with Hua Yan's extreme rules, so she doesn't necessarily have to go in and read some books, right?

"It's not open for three years, and it's been open for three years, right?" She muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Weina, do you think there is anything I need here?"

She asked Wei Na in her mind, if she didn't have what she needed, she promised to turn around and leave immediately!

"Master, there are many books on refining medicine here, you can read them, you really don't really need the others." Weina said honestly.

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