Raising My Children With My Personal Spatial Ability

Chapter 841: It is indeed... a meat seller

"I meant to say, the second floor of the store is open, when will you visit?"

Last time, he just wanted to tell the master about this person, but he thought that the things in the space were limited, so it was okay not to talk about it for the time being.

But recently, there have been more and more people on the second floor of their store, but they always look at the empty second floor.

Although a bad impression doesn't affect their efficiency in selling things, according to his observations these days, this store seems to still have impression points.

"The second floor is open?"

At this point, An Jiuyue couldn't help but raise her brows.

"What do you sell on the second floor? Medicine plants, or medicinal pills?"

There are a lot of Chinese medicine plants in her space. If she has medicinal herbs, she can barely refine some of them every day and sell them. High-level medicinal medicinal herbs are still very popular in Huayan, right?

Hearing his master's words, Wei Na couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

"That, master, the second floor does not sell medicinal plants and medicinal herbs."

"What's that for sale?"

An Jiuyue was puzzled. According to her understanding of the shop's rules, she was selling food, and then medicine pills. Isn't that the case?


Weina only gave one word, and her voice was a little faint.

"What did you say?"

For a while, An Jiuyue didn't hear clearly.

Is it because her ears are not good, she heard it wrong, or Wei Na said it wrong, how did she hear the word 'meat'?

"Master, you heard right, the second floor of our store is indeed... a meat seller." Weina spoke to his master again with certainty.

An Jiuyue: "!!!"

Is there anything funnier than selling meat?

"Selling meat, so I have to keep more animals in the pasture?"


Micro nodded.

That's why he didn't tell the master that the second floor was open last time.

There are not many animals in the space. If the business on the second floor is opened, I am afraid that there is not enough to sell for a few days.

Therefore, he felt that he could wait a little longer until there were more animals in the pasture, and then start the business on the second floor.

"I originally wanted to tell you about it in a few days, but recently I found out that there are customer impression points in our store. If you go to the second floor and don't buy anything, customers will have a bad impression of our store and will be deducted points. ."

No, he just hurriedly told the master about it.

An Jiuyue took a deep breath.

She knew that anyone who could earn points and inner beads would be a fool, and there was still some kind of impression point. This was another way of earning points from her, right?

"Understood, in a few days, we will be returning to Daqing Kingdom soon, and then buy more animals into the space~www.readwn.com~ said An Jiuyue.


Micro-nano responded.

"Master, that inner pearl..."

"I'll look for it."

When Neizhu was mentioned, An Jiuyue wanted to beat someone again.

One by one, they are all uncles, and they all have to be served by her. If one is unhappy, those little things that will make her bankrupt are really...

I can't afford it!

Saying that, she flashed out of the space.

Just at this time, Qian Jiyun happened to come to her tent with a plate of cakes in her hand.

"Jiuyue, are you hungry, I made a hibiscus cake, how about you help me taste it?"

Of course, Qian Jiyun himself had tasted the pastry, and the taste was okay, at least it could be eaten. He just gave Jiuyue a reason to come over to eat it.

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