Rakugo in Another World
Sword calculation [pot calculation] ⑧
The next moment, Kuraku turned into someone else (...).
Toksan, Toksan
"Oh, what is it, Rock?What's the matter with you?
No, I just want you to go shopping with me.
"Shopping? What's going on?"
With his head swinging from side to side, he alternates between a young man who has been missing for a while and his trusted brother.
The customer couldn't understand what had happened to Kouraku.
No, it's about time the copper sword got rusty, so I thought I'd replace it with a steel sword.
Oh, a steel sword.Isn't that a good thing?You've raised your level. "
Tock nods honestly, but then Rock says with a bitter look.
However, my wife said, "You should not go shopping alone because the owner of the weapon store can see you at your feet right away."
Ahahah, that's true.She knows you very well. "
"Don't you think? So, she said," Mr. Tock is good at shopping because his sexual roots are dirty.Say what you're good at and use it to buy your sword cheaply. "
Tock's expression solidifies in that word.
Oh......? What did I just say? "
Huh? Listen to people carefully.
Rock explains again with his lips pointed.
"Mr. Tock is good at shopping because his sexual roots are dirty.I said, "Use it to buy a cheap sword!"
"... I see. Didn't she mention any precautions for me at that time?
Hearing that, Rock nodded happily with a slap on his hand.
You know very well! It's a boulder."Listen. Don't tell me what's going on in front of Mr. Tock."
I guess. I guess so.
Tock nodded well.
However, my wife said the same thing."That's all I know about life when my roots are dirty.Because you can certainly respect him as a person, Mr. Tock can be relied upon in that sense.Mr. Tock is the best negotiator.The Negotiator. "
Tock shook his head and laughed as if he had given up.
The boulder is your bitch.You finally lifted it up after you knew you were going to hit me all over.Which one is the best negotiator.... "
Tock slapped his chest with his right hand.
Well, if you've set it up so far, it wouldn't be prudent to refuse.Very well. I'll spare you a fine lady.Should I buy him a cheap sword?You want a bronze sword?
No, it's a steel sword.What did I just say? Please don't make any mistakes.
Ah, it was a steel sword.All right, all right. Yeah, and while I'm negotiating with the weapon dealer, you shut up.Don't say anything.Do you understand me?
"Hey, what the hell is going on here?Suddenly someone else started talking. "
"What? It's a bump.Maybe it's Sherman.I'm summoning other souls one after the other to play. "
"Hah, why would I do such a troublesome thing again?Have you consumed enough magic?
"What?I'm worried about that traveler. "
The villagers gathered in the tavern were taken away by a strange trick that had suddenly begun and never seen before.
Only the owner of the pub was looking at the art of Kuraku from a perspective different from that of the villagers.
--This is what the person said, but it's a solo play.I play another personality one after the other.No, I'm surprised.Wow, an incredible entertainer has come to this village.
The shopkeeper was impressed from the bottom of his heart and quickly went over.
Kuraku carefully observes the overall state of the performance while playing it by himself.
The surprise response is conveyed, but there is not much laughter.But naturally, it's not boring.
Of course Kuraku knew that laughing is not everything, there are various rales in the world, and there is a way to show them.
Still, I want it. Just one more breath.
Should we have made it easy to understand stories like "Kurono Chinchirone" and "Kurono Zulzulina"?
No, that's not the problem.
There is a solution...Yes, I do.
― ― Bottom story......
Kuraku felt his mood depressed at once.You can't do this.
I feel and think about the surrounding situation on my skin, and in a way, I do rakugo while wandering around.That was Kuraku's best style, but it was often swallowed by that style.That's exactly what it is now.
"Now, the two men visit the weapon shop.Mr. Tock speaks to the owner confidently from the entrance. "
"Oh, a weapon dealer.Let me see it.
Raise one hand to the cheerful weapon dealer and Tock looks for the item.
Oh, this is quite a business.
That said, when Tock takes the heavy black sword, the shopkeeper calls out happily.
Oh, is that a pioneer sword?No, no, it's very eye-catching.That's our recommendation.
Of course, Kuraku doesn't have a sword.I'm just looking at the fan.
At that time, however, it was clear to the tavern guests that the heavy and delicious sword was being held in the hands of Kuraku.
Then I rubbed my eyes and finally found out that it was an illusion and twisted my neck.
"So, the store owner. How much is this pioneer sword?
Yeah, it's half a million Mad Capia Hips.
Tock doesn't look surprised when he tells me the price.
Ah, it's cheap.
"... do you want to buy?
No, because I'm a Ranger, I can't equip such a heavy sword.Oh, how about this?
Throwing a pioneer sword like he lost interest, Tock takes a golden sword decorated on the wall.
Ah, your eyes are high.It's a Southern Sword.
As before, the guests saw the glittering decorative sword being held in the hands of Kuraku.
At first, I thought it was magic when I saw Kuraku's "fake" in rakuraku, but I knew clearly that it wasn't.
Behave as if you have the real thing, and make the most of it.
This is a form of pure effort.
I learned that a drop of water in a cave is a pile of skill and practice that changes the shape of rocks over the years.Believing in the word that everyday exercises don't lie, Kuraku has been studying hard.
"So, how much is this Southern Sword?
Yes, it's a million Madcapia hips.
It also raised its eyebrows with a stream of stone.
Ah, that's expensive.
Ah, I knew it.This is a legendary substitute that the brave men of the past have acquired. "
If only Madcapia hips were 50 more cheap......
The shopkeeper rounds his eyes as he murmurs.
"Fifty mudkapia hips? Not half a million mudkapia hips?Is that all you need?
"Ah, 999,500 Mad Capia Hips is totally fine... not a million... I can't help it."
Having heard that, the owner hastily offered to cut the price to Tok.
No, oh, I can do that. It's like 50 Mad Capia Hips at all!
Yeah, I don't have two words for merchants.
A shopkeeper who makes his eyes shine when he says he shouldn't miss a customer.
That's not all.Plus 50 Madcapia Hips!
"Oh, will you give me a bonus as well as a bonus?"Marquee" is bad luck, but I'm happy for you.So, what's 50 Madcapia hips? "
It's a stick.
The store owner who answered immediately frowned openly.
Huh? Do you have a stick?
Huh? Don't you want a stick?I'll wear a special stick from this shop.
The shopkeeper still enthusiastically recommends sticks.
You. Even though I was equipped with a Southern Sword in my right hand, if I had a stick in my left hand, the monster would also pull out.I will turn my attention to the difference between the right and left attack power. "
Oops! There are ways to confuse enemies with that kind of use.
Tok is more confused to the owner of the store who doesn't do anything at all.
Don't bully me for a long time.I don't care if you say so.... "
But after talking that far, Tock looks up, remembering something important.
"Oh, no, it wasn't my shopping today.Smansman, this time.I'll buy you a stick then.I promise. "
Lower your head and apologize, looking back at the lock.
I just came to see this man's sword today.Rock, I'm sorry.Leave me alone. Oh, isn't this bronze sword nice?Hey, shopkeeper, give me this.
Immediately after seeing the stock of holding the bronze sword, Rock shouted in a hurry.
No, Mr. Tock, I told you.The oil is not copper, but a steel sword.... "
Holding Rock by his hand, Tock keeps talking to the store owner.
"So, this copper sword, 150 mudkapiah hips?
Yes, the price of the bronze sword is set at 150 mudkapiah hips anywhere.
Well then, can you give it to 100 Madcapia hips?
It shows that the owner is difficult to colour.
No, customer.That's a bit difficult to talk about.
What was that, like 50 mudkapia hips?
The shopkeeper said with a bitter smile.
No, customer. And that's a different story. It's going to mean something different when you break a million to 50 Madcapia hips and 150 to 50 Madcapia hips. "
Whatever, they're all the same 50 mudkapia hips.I can't see where I'm going at all. "
What are you talking about?
He pointed his finger in front of the store owner and said.
Do you know these words?"Get it at a loss."I'm not asking you to give me 50 mudkapia hips in return for nothing.If you'll forgive me, I'll take care of this store from now on.If I could get rid of a dragon with a sword I bought at this store, would that mean, "Oh, then I'll buy a sword at that store, too?"We're gonna thrive. If you're a businessman, think about the future.Become a future person. "
I'll tell you something you don't understand.What is the future person... and is he that skillful?
Tock nodded confidently to the owner who looked at the lock surprisingly.
Ah, the best swordsman rock is this guy.
It doesn't look that way... well, 100 Madcapia hips would be fine.Please don't say too much about the incident outside.But don't be a jerk. "
Yes, thank you very much.
And Tock handed over 100 Madcapia hips and instead took the bronze sword and left the store.
Immediately Rock came after me in a hurry.
Mr. Tock! What are you doing?Buy me a bronze sword!It's not a bronze sword.I told you!?Oila wants a steel sword.... "
A tock holding his hand against the mouth of a rolling lock.The expression is full of room.
I know. Well, wait a minute.From now on, this bronze sword will turn into a steel sword. "
"Yeah? Is that what this is all about?
Oh, well, look at that.
That said, Tock turned around and went back to the weapon shop that had just arrived.When I entered the store, the owner looked strange.
What, the customer?What's the matter?Forgotten something?
"Oh, did you remember your face?I'm so happy.
No, just now.I remember that.
There's still no laughter in the tavern.But everyone has a fun look on their faces.There's no such thing as rejection, but we still need a trigger.
Yes - the trigger.
No, I'm sorry, but I bought the wrong sword.It's not a bronze sword.It was a steel sword.
Keep your head down and point at the lock.
He's not a copper balls.Two bronze swords are worth it, yes, a steel sword is a balls. "
- All right!!! Now!!!Let's go!!
With two copper balls, this is the real balls!!!!!
Whole Body Spirit!! Kyura abandoned all shame, did not hesitate to momentum, and said the gag with a full smile!
But soon, regret and shame approached like rage.In the first place, the story itself is just momentum, and it is too impossible.Say it yourself, "two copper balls" doesn't make any sense at all.
I thought Kuraku was finished inside.
But the gag took the demon.
The loud cheers echo as if the tavern had exploded.
"Hahaha! Did you hear that?
"Ah, 'two copper balls.'"
"Hahaha!!This is so funny!
"Ta, my balls... dabe"
"Fuhahaha!It's the best. Hahahahahaha!!
The villagers were overwhelmed, clapping their hands, knocking on the table, knocking on the wall, and laughing.
A tavern with the best excitement.In the meantime, only Nanase stared at Kuraku with white eyes.
Instead of getting a laugh, I felt that Kyura had lost something important.
The owner of the weapon shop stared at the lock with a suspicious expression when asked to replace it with a steel sword.
"Steel balls"?Is that better? Mm-hmm.It feels like a stick.
Don't recommend this stick for a long time.Are there any relatives of the club craftsmen?
The owner nodded embarrassed at the words.
No, my daughter-in-law's father is a stick maker and always cares about selling.
Oh, that's really true!I'm sure. On the contrary, I was finally convinced to hear it.I'm glad.
The customer laughs again at the words of Tock.
Once the weir was cut, the villagers responded to the raving without hesitation.Jiura's abandoned gag did the trick.A tremendous burst of laughter swallows Kuraku.
In order not to drown in this pleasure, Kuraku continues to act with tightness.
Well, as I said before, I'll buy you a stick next time.It's a steel sword today.Well, the price of a steel sword is two times the price of a copper sword... this store's copper sword is 100 mudkapiahips, right?In two minutes... 200 mudkapia hips will do. "
When Tock said that with his hand on his chin, the shopkeeper closed his eyes silently.
"... the customer has cut the price."
Ah? What's going on?
"White. You were going to buy a steel sword from the beginning.So, you pretended to buy a copper sword, and you sold 150 mudkapiah hips for 100, and then you exchanged it for steel, and you said, "Two copper swords, 200 mudkapiah hips."Originally, the price for a steel sword is 300 Mad Capia Hips.You must have tried to pay 100 Madcapia hips. "
Ahahah. I've read too much.No, I didn't mean to.It's just a coincidence, you can take a minute and give me 250, or if you complain so much, I'll give you 300 ears. "
Looking at Tock's eyes, which smiled for a while, the shopkeeper exhaled and shook his shoulders.
I lost to the customer, 200 Madcapia Hips is fine.No, you're good at shopping.
Thank you. So, 200 mudkapiah hips for the steel sword, right?
The store owner nodded firmly when Tock pressed his precautions.
Yeah, that's right.Businessmen don't have two words, 200 is fine. "
Tock smiles at the words.
Ok, ok!That's the guts I looked up at.I'll be damned!Now, with the 100 Madcapia hips I just gave you and this 100 Madcapia hips copper sword that I have, don't ever turn into 200 Madcapia hips. "
When Tock holds a bronze sword in front of him and says so, the owner waves his neck vertically without any doubt.
Yeah, that's right.
Well then, I'll give you this bronze sword so you can trade it for a steel sword.
Yes, yes.
The owner then received the bronze sword and handed the steel sword to Tock.
Okay, this is no problem.I'll see you later.
That's how Tock and Rock try to leave the store.
Hmm?...... a little.... please wait. "
But that's where the shopkeeper stopped me.
Tock looks back and asks the weapon dealer.
What's wrong?Anything wrong?
No, is it a defect?Is it uncomfortable?It's kind of... strange, isn't it?
A token that looks at the owner with a stunned face.
Ah? What's wrong with you?You know, I'm gonna say it again.I paid you 100 Madcapia Hips first.Is this for sure?
The owner nods forcefully.
Yeah, that's right.That's absolute.I will definitely receive it, yes. "
And then I gave you a 100 Madcapia Hip copper sword, so it would be 200 for 100 + 100, which would be the same as a 200 Madcapia Hip steel sword?It's about adding up.
"... yeah, that's right. 100 + 100, plus 200 Madcapia hips."
That's what it is.I mean, I paid you 200 mudkapiah hips.There's nothing wrong with it.Then I'll take this steel sword home. "
Yes, thank you!... no, no, wait a minute. "
The owner once lowered his head deeply, but he immediately twisted his neck and stopped talking.
So why?
A tock that wrinkles between your eyebrows like you're getting angry.
"... I guess not.Something happened. Something's wrong.
So what happened?
The villagers laughing at the confused store owner's reaction.
At this point, Nanase noticed Kuraku's operation.
The way the accounts are deceived in this raven is exactly the same as the way the lord did at the weapon store yesterday.
The 100 Madcapia hips I paid and the copper sword I got for it made me feel like something else and deceived the owner.
Kuraku must be trying to expose the lord's evil by calling the villagers a trick.This is painful.
The evidence shows the lord's impatient expression.But Nanase remembered a certain discomfort.
Why are the villagers laughing?Why are they laughing when they see the way they are deceived?
Nanase couldn't bear the wonder.
What's wrong?Look, I paid you a hundred mudkapia hips first, right?Then I gave him a bronze sword worth 100 mudkapiah hips.... "
No, I know that.I was also convinced.But hey. "
What is it?
"No, I knew it... it was weird."
That's how the owner drops his eyes on the books.
No, it doesn't fit the bill, does it?It's just 100 mudkapia hips short. "
Hey, you. What are you holding in the opposite hand of the books?
Huh? This is a bronze sword.
"Don't you think? What happens when you add it to your books?
The shopkeeper looks up at the words.
Sure!! Yeah, I see.This bronze sword buries the missing 100 Madcapia Hips.Ah, this was a blind spot.
"Don't you think? That's good.
Yeah, I was just looking at the money.There is indeed a 100 Mad Capia Hip bronze sword here.It will add up to 200 mudkapia hips.
The owner, who was completely in the mouth, lowered his head and the two jumped out of the store.
Rock laughs as he walks outside.
Ahahaha, that shopkeeper didn't notice.
"Oh, my God, Rock, do you understand?
"Eh? Oira?I don't know the details, but I know that Mr. Tock is using hallucinogenic magic to trick the store owner!
"Hey, I can't use magic."
I stumbled into a rock I didn't know anything about, with a stupid face.
Hey customer! I knew it!
So the owner comes after me again.I get rounded up well every time, but when I turn my head around, I realize something is wrong.
What are you?I went out of my way to chase him. "
I still think it's strange.
Open your mouth as you get fed up with the tock.
I would have given you 100 Madcapia Hips!And a copper sword worth 100 MadCapia Hips!If you add that, 200... "
"Oh, please don't curl up so quickly.That's why I don't understand the extra translation!
The shopkeeper blames Tok as he almost cries.
The appearance of the pub guests is a big boost of laughter.
Okay. You didn't pay the price, did you!?Isn't that what you write on your books for, like, a normal deal?
No, I also put that in.I put it in, but it's weird.
And he looks at his sword and says,
No, this "copper sword equivalent to 100 mudkapiah hips" is caught.This looks like it's packed with all the mysteries... "
What are you talking about?Well, I didn't tell you this because the store owner is pathetic, but let me tell you.I just said it was worth it.Look, how much do you usually sell this bronze sword?
"Um, that's... 150 mudkapia hips... ah!
The store owner covered his mouth with his hands, but it was too late.
Tock smiles like he got the orc's neck.
"Ahh, I thought I'd shut up and make a loss...That's what it is. I mean, I gave you 100 Madcapia hips in cash and a bronze sword.This bronze sword is actually 150 mudkapiah hips, right?Well, if you add that, how much is it?
"Don't you think? I was gonna give you 200 mudkapia hips, and then I was gonna shut up and give you 250 mudkapia hips for 50 mudkapia hips.What are you talking about?I kept it so many times that I didn't know it would hurt me.What do you think people are good for? "
No, I didn't do this.I just doubted it, and I can't believe you were actually making a profit... "
The shopkeeper leaned in disgrace.
Regardless of this story, such as the price before the discount, what Tock is saying is completely strange, but the store owner was misled by the scattered Tock's words and did not realize the reason.
I'll stick to it even more.
No, it's fine.But if you find out you got 50 extra Madcapia hips, you can't just take them as a professional merchant.That said, receiving cash... doesn't taste good either.All right! Let's take 50 Madcapia hips instead. "
When Tock said so, the owner smiled refreshed and gave it back like this.
Ah, in that case, please take our prized stick.
That said, when Kuraku lowered his head, there was a clap from all over the pub.
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