Rakugo in Another World

Dragon [Sparrow] ②

I mean, Migichika. What are you doing here when your father, King Dwarf, is missing? "

Migichika suddenly turned to the face of the words and saw the face of the brave Lucca.

"What, my father?That's the first time I've heard that.

Oh, I see.Speaking of which, are you being taken care of?

Oh, that's right.Two years ago, my father took care of me. "

Migichika nods heavily.

Soon afterwards, I heard that the Dwarf kingdom was attacked and destroyed.When I rushed to the castle, Dwarf Castle already fell into the hands of the demons, and my father and friends were scattered.I've never cursed my helplessness like that.... "


Brave Lucca tries to cheer up her friends and makes a bright voice.

Oh no, but we're about to have a recapture operation!Rest assured! That's right, the disappearance of King Dwarf, isn't it?I thought we were looking for you.

That's not going to happen!It was me who couldn't get into a national crisis.The Dwarf kingdom doesn't need a prince who doesn't have the power to control himself. "

"Hmm... no, I don't know what's going on there."

The brave racker properly hammered and drank the liquor.

At that time the owner came into the room with a new bottle of wine.

It's a refill. I'll leave it here.

Ah, thank you.Ah! Yes. Wait a minute, shopkeeper. "

Beware of the two and stop the shopkeeper from leaving immediately, the brave Lucca says to Migitica.

Migichika, pay your bill for today.The owner is in trouble. "

Migichika opened her mouth to the words, but touched her beard with a slightly nasty expression.

Gold. No, I don't want to pay for it... "

What? You don't think that's gonna happen?

That's not true... no way.

Unexpectedly, the brave racker stares at his friend's face.

"Huh? But you're the prince of the Dwarf kingdom, right?

Hey, Luca. What are you talking about? "

Migitica replies with a stupid face.

I told you.My father has taken care of me.Of course I don't have any money with me, and if I had money in the first place, I wouldn't have worn such worn out clothes.If you think about it... "

"No... why should I let you dawdle me in this situation?"

The brave Lucca replied with a stupid face.

What? So you've been thinking about eating and drinking even though you don't have any money from the beginning?You were going to trample him?In terms of that, I'm a little impressed by how many people you are. "

Giroli and the brave Lucca stare at him, but Migichika starts explaining without haste.

Hey, I thought it was my fault to the store owner.The roadblocks are already running out.I'd like to pay as much as I have. "

Of course it is!Damn it... what the hell!You're kidding me! I was hoping you'd pay for my ass!

Again, Migichika gave back her dazed face to the brave Racca, who shouted with regret.

My lord, that must have been the aim from the beginning.Don't say anything stupid about it...I remember what my father used to say."All right, Migichika. Take care of Hyena, who flocks to the position of prince"..... "

Migichika bursts into the guest seat and laughs.It is the taste of the brave raccoon that fluctuates according to the situation.

So the brave Lucca remembered something.

Ah, yes.You, the Dwarf royal bloodline, will have it.He called it a gift.

Oh, that one.

Brave Lucca explains to the shopkeeper.

"Shop owner, Dwarves are as clever a race as you know.They're all good at sculpture, craftsmanship, painting. "

Yes, I know.

The owner nods with a smile.

And the royal family has even more power.Well, to tell you the truth, you're a master.So let me draw a picture somewhere in this shop.If that happens, there will be a lot of foil.If you sell it, you can exchange it for money.Hey, don't do that.

Well, even if I was here, I wouldn't be able to get something I didn't have from someone who didn't have the money.I don't mind that suggestion.

Even the grievance shards did not light up on the face, and the store owner replied twice.

Owner, I'm sorry.Actually, that's what I was going to do... "

The brave Lucca didn't miss the words.

What the hell! Because you don't have any money, you have a way of doing it.Yeah, that's what dwarfs are for sure.Originally, it was a country where money and barter were made up of half a share.I see, that's what I mean.I'm convinced. "

A brave racker nods with satisfaction knowing that his friend wasn't a thug.

Migitica quickly began to roll her arms and was motivated.

Now, what did I draw...

Isn't it nice to have something in this room because it's a corner?Ah, how about these two-sided mirrors?

Stand in front of a two-sided mirror in the corner of a room.In the mirror, two brave rackers cut their poses.

Lucca...If you draw a picture in the mirror, it will cause trouble to the store.Have you ever seen a picture in a mirror?

No. I don't think so.No, but look at this. These binoculars are quite a replacement. "

Because it's quite a substitute, I'm telling you.There will be many other things you can draw. "

Er, that's good.Anyway, try drawing it on this two-sided mirror.Okay, okay?Store owner "

The owner smiles and accepts the courageous Lucca's request.

Yeah, I don't mind.

Whatever I say, the shopkeeper is too nice!No, I don't know if I'm good enough to say yes to anything anymore!They think you're just a runaway person!

At last, Migitica preached to the shopkeeper.

Migitica went around looking for a room for a while.And he said he noticed an impulse in the corner.

So, let's draw it on this impulse.Store owner, is that okay?

Yes, please.

Do you have a brush?

Yes, it's in my room.

"I'm sorry, bring it to me.Ink, too.


Immediately, the owner prepares the said tools and arranges them in front of Migichika.


Migitica sits in the center of the room and quietly meditates her eyes.

How long has it been?

After a while, I thought that I had opened my eyes coolly, and took a brush and painted it in conflict with a flowing brush.

There you go.

Dozens of seconds later, the painting was completed.

Regardless, the brave Lucca and the owner peek into the conflict.

The owner kept an eye on him.

Ah, this is... a powerful dragon.

What was depicted there was an integral dragon.

It's certainly a big deal.The boulder is a dwarf. But it's just a dragon, right?Is that worth it?What's wrong? What's wrong with you? "

Ignoring Racca, a brave man who makes a mess in an instant, Migichika begins to give precautions to the shopkeeper.

All right, store owner. If you sell out this painting, you will be able to cover the cost of accommodation, food and beverages, and everything.Take it. But there's only one thing we need to be careful about how we store it.I will take care of it, but I definitely want you to protect it.Look, no moon light should shine on the dragon in this impulse.Okay, absolutely.I would like the wording to be attached as a proviso when selling elsewhere.I see.

...... yes

The owner looked up at Migichika with a serious expression and nodded mysteriously.

Next to it is the brave Lucca laughing.

"Ah? What are you talking about, Migichika?Can't you shine the moon light?I don't know what you're talking about.Ha?

Luca, I can't do anything bad.You have to understand. "

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, noWell, can I do it?Let's give it a try.

Migichika stares at the brave man's face with an incredible expression.

Luca, you don't know anything while you're telling yourself it's a gift?

"What? A gift, right?"Does that mean you're a good tea painter?I'm just saying it in a way that Dwarfs are good at.See, dwarfs hurt like that.Try saying "lover", "Princess of Beauty who lives in my heart" or "memory", "deep sleep in the abyss and inheritance."Heh heh heh heh.What are you talking about?

"What are you talking about... Lucky, don't get drunk."

Huh? That's right.We were drinking together ~

Even a brave racker who is never weak in alcohol is no match for a dwarf.As I said, I was drunk in a good mood.

As the brave Lucca stood up, KeraKera smiled and danced in the collision of the dragon.

Hehehe ♪ Dragon and waltz

I don't know!

Migichika tries to stop, but the hero sneaks down, moves near the window, and takes steps lightly.

And he raised an impulse to the place where the moon's light was shining.

Come on, dragon!Let the moon shine!

Wow! What are you doing?!

"Now, that night was convenient, no, it was bad, there were no clouds in the sky, it was clear.The moon is showing its face and illuminating the night sky.It's a collision, so naturally, it hits the light.Then something terrible will happen..... "

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