Rakugo in Another World
Master Klane's thrill Operation Labrab [Uncle Yan Yang] ⑤
"Er, this man, Mr. Beetle's wife is coming, so it seems like an absolute joy.The excitement won't cool off when Jin-san returns alone. "
At last, Oira has a wife too.I've never felt like a woman before. I wonder if just having a woman at home is completely different.However, considering you have to be careful, it's troublesome.Ah, it's really troublesome. It's annoying..... "
Lock lay on the bed while saying it was a hassle with such a troublesome look.
It's troublesome...What, what?What's this chest tremor you've never tasted before?!How exciting?! Ahhhhhh. "
A lock that buries your face in a bed and feels overwhelmed with exhilaration.
Watching the situation, the men in the tavern nodded with a really warm smile.
A man can understand how Rock feels.
No, I mean it!If we lived together, that elf's wife.You don't change clothes, do you?
Rather than telling anyone, Rock talks about the obvious.
Then Oira lives as usual.I knew it would take time to get used to it.Look, I've never lived with anyone before.So, what's the matter with Oila? What's the matter with her?I thought I'd get some sweets from the next room as usual...I don't think my wife is in it.It's not good again... but I've changed my clothes at a bad time... "
So the lock basically grabs the door knob and pretends to open the door.
When Oira opens the door like this, she says, "Kah, lewd!!"I don't know what to say."
Rock plays a woman cleverly with a loud voice.
In that case, Oira will say... "Mufu ♪"
Rock nodded satisfied with his own play for a while, but leaned his neck.
"..." Mufu "?Oila "Mufu"?I don't think "mufu" is very good in the current situation...But that was a really casual word.It was "Mufu" without decoration. "
A lock that seems not to fall into your heart.
Hmm, let's check the atmosphere again.
That's what I said. I fixed the partition.
When Oira slammed open the door, there was a wife in change."Kah, lewd!!"Come on, what do I say there?
Rock relies only naturally on the emotions that spring out of him, and he utters the following words.
"Mufu ♪"
Then the muff appeared again.Rock smiles bitterly as he scratches his head.
Ah, after all, it's "mufu ♪".No, no matter how many times you think about it, it's only "mufu".Even if you turn around a hundred times and start your life again, Oira is confident that she will say "Mufu" here.This is for sure. "
But then Rock thought about it.
After all, "Mufu" is not feeling well.Even if it's the only thing that comes to mind, if my wife hates me, I don't have an ex-child.... okay, let's think about it for a second. "
Declare this and try again in the same situation.
When Oira slammed open the door, the wife in change."Kah, lewd!!"" Oh, oh, thank you so much for this, and it's been an eye treat... "Yeah, this looks like erotic!This is it! Yeah, I don't!
Then I shake my neck and start over again, laughing joyfully.
Loose the door "Kah, lewd!!"Oh, were you getting dressed?No, I didn't dream I was getting dressed...In the first place, I've been used to living alone for years, and there's someone else I haven't tried.It still takes time to get accustomed to this joint life, so it is not surprising at all that the door is opened without confirming the habit of living alone. It is never intentional and I can only say that it is undeniable that such things happen frequently. It is not intentional, but there will be no way that such failures will continue for some time to come.I never wanted to peek.Yeah, I can't help it.I can't help it because I didn't do it on purpose "... it seems like he's making some kind of desperate excuse.I mean, he's definitely peeking. "
Rock puts his arms together and thinks desperately.
You can't have an excuse.I think it would be better to be manly and short.... "No, I'm sorry..."Just one word "No, I'm sorry..."Yeah, you look manly, don't you?
Rock, who felt so good, decided to give it a try.
Door gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" No, I'm sorry... "
After practice, the lock makes your face shine.
This might be good.You look good, man.All right, that's it!I'll try a few more times to get used to my body. "
That said, Rock began to practice happily.
Door gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" No, I'm sorry... "
Door gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" No, I'm sorry... "
Door gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" No, I'm sorry... "
Door gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" No, I'm sorry... "
Door gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" No, I'm sorry... "
Yeah, it feels good.Now you can have your wife whenever she comes!
"As I said at the beginning, this man lives in a longhouse.It's just a thin wall separating the neighbor's house, so the voice is a leak.In addition, there was a small hole in the wall that made it possible to peek.I heard a tall voice from the neighbor's house, so I was suspicious of a man named Say-Hatch from the neighbor's house.I'm worried and peeking. "
"Hey, you...."
Say-Hatch peeks into the hole and calls out to his wife who is cooking in the kitchen.
What is it?
No, I'm Roku-san next door, but it looks like he's finally gone crazy.I was just saying "gacha, caechic" by myself, and I was making a disgusting noise. "
"... why is that?What's wrong with your neighbor, Mr. Lok, isn't it just the beginning?Leave me alone.
Ah, hey
"My wife starts her chores just saying that, but Say-Hatch can't beat curiosity, so she gets spooky and calls out to Rock."
Hey, Mr. Lock.
Ah, Seiyan
Rock spoke from the wall next door, shouting joyfully.
"... I'm sorry, but I let you look at it on your own... what are you doing now?
Hmm? I was practicing.
Rock answers lightly as usual.But naturally, Say-Hatch doesn't know what that means.
"What's practice?
That's what Rock answered even more clearly.
It's settled. It's practice when I accidentally peek at my clothes. "
What are you practicing?!Do you have any practice like that?You don't want to peek from the beginning!
Unexpectedly, Say-Hatch shouted at Rock's strange reply.
Rock waves and explains with a giggle.
"No, no, that's not it.What if it happens by chance?Because it doesn't move even if it does.This is an exercise to show a man's intentions for the moment that he should come, how masculine he can say "No, I'm sorry" by holding down "Mufu".You know what, Sei-yan?
"... oh, I see.You're a pervert... "
The tavern was a vortex of great laughter.
It's just funny. Rock's cheerfulness, purity, and way of thinking.The balance between reality as if it really existed and the contradiction "No, there can't be such an idiot."They match perfectly, inviting people to laugh.Laughter is accelerated by the fun of each statement and story + the love for the person.
Both Kang 'e, Chouka and Migichika laughed naturally without worrying about their identity.
Zinda-Spring, such as Princess Subliminal, was banging her shoulders and laughing as she cried.
Well, I don't know, but if you practice.But please don't let the gendarmerie catch you. "
That said, Say-Hatch left the scene from the peephole.
"Ah, hey Sei-yan!Wait, this is a misunderstanding!... ahh, he's gone.Hmm, I thought you'd understand.
For a moment, I thought it would be okay to put my arms together and worry about it, and now Rock assumes another situation.
I wonder what happens next.Speaking of shared living, it's not just changing clothes.And then... yes.There's a bath too.
That said, Rock lifted the edge of his mouth and smiled.
I'm just, just!!If you're just not used to your wife's life and you want to take a bath as usual!I can't believe someone's in there!Don't even dream about it!Because I'm not used to it!That's what happens at the beginning of life together!
While excusing someone loudly, Rock starts a gesture that opens the door of the bath the same way he did earlier.
When Oira slams open the door of the bath, there's my wife... Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
On that very natural first simulation, Rock leans his neck again.
Hmm, now it's "Muhyos!!"...This is an honest word that fell from the soul of Oira, but it's not good after all."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."?"No, I didn't know someone was in there..."?
Rock thought of a good dialogue for a while, but noticed that something was fundamentally wrong.
Oira kind of apologized just now.I had an excuse, and I'm not masculine at all.I mean, I'm a couple, so I'll change my clothes, I'll take a bath, but what's the problem? "
When I thought of it, I raised my face and raised my chest dignified.
That's right! It's crazy to think about this!Let's be masculine. It's good to have words that are not decorative!Yes... the answer was decided from the beginning!"Muhyos!!" And now!
And it started. Man Rock's "What to do when I peek into my wife's bath."
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Bath gacha "Kah, lewd!!"" Muhyos!!
Practicing over and over again, Rock is sweaty.However, the light of the soul that dwells in those eyes will never go away, and it is burning brightly.
Everything is for the moment when "I accidentally peek into my wife's bath."
"Alright, I think we're close to catching something... I'll give you 20 more sets"
Rock murmured as he wiped his forehead sweat.
"When I started doing something funny again, I watched Say-Hatch next door again.I'll talk to your wife. "
"Hey, Roku-san next door, I knew you were crazy.I was peeking at my clothes earlier, but next time I'm peeking at the bath. "
No way. Whose are you peeking at?Mr. Lok is not alone. "
"No, that's true... Hmm, I don't know how to explain it."
While saying so, Say-Hatch's wife went somewhere.
No, hey! It's true, take a look.
Hearing that voice, Rock noticed that Say-Hatch was here again.Call out to the wall with joy.
Seiyan. You're back.
No, because you're too noisy.
Say-Hatch says so with an excuse. Rock invites with a smile.
Seiyan. Don't just peek from there. Come to me.It's not good to peek.
"Dialogue I don't want to be told by you alone."
And Say-Hatch was forced to go to Rock's house.
Oh, good.After all, I have to ask my wife's wife. "
Say-Hatch asks the rock with a reassuring expression without obtaining guidelines.
"No, what are you talking about?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
"What are you doing?
I see. I learned a lot about changing clothes and taking a bath by myself.Next... toilet?What do you do when you go to the bathroom?
"What do you mean when you're in the bathroom?
When Say-Hatch asked in suspicion, Rock answered plainly.
It's settled. It's time to peek in the bathroom.
What are you talking about!?Are you peeking in the bathroom!?You're a pervert!?
Rock laughs somehow when Say-Hatch says so with contempt in his eyes.
What are you talking about?I don't like it. That's what I've been saying.Practice. "
That's why I'm practicing!!
Sai-Hach finally shouted and penetrated.
The tavern is wrapped in laughter.
The wizard is holding his stomach and having difficulty breathing.
Mijabi has never seen them laugh in such a solemn atmosphere.
--Wow.... Interesting.
Miyabi herself was honestly touched.
It is a profession that attracts and fascinates people only by talking.
This is Lacgo.
"Well, when Rock managed to explain the situation, he turned to suspicion, and Say-Hatch finally understood."
I see, that's why.No, this is great!You finally have one!
Say-Hatch says to Rock with real pleasure.
"Thank you, Sei-yan. That's why I want to practice.I've never lived with anyone before.And then all of a sudden, I don't know what to do if a beautiful woman comes. "
Hmm, that's right.Okay! Then I'll be glad to help!
"Thank you, Sei-yan!
They shook hands of friendship with each other.
But that "peeking practice" is not good, Mr. Lok.It is fundamentally wrong.I'd like to practice a more masculine situation. "
Huh. A more masculine situation?
Rock is intrigued by Sey-Hatch's opinion.
Zubari I'll get rid of you because of the bugs. Look, if the rib chicken comes out.Women really hate rib chicks. "
I see! Sometimes that happens.Then Oira has to protect him. "
Say-Hatch nods forcefully.
Oh, that's right.My wife used to be cute because of the noise when she saw the rib chicken.Now I'm crushing my feet and laughing.If you go that far, you're not a woman anymore.It's a monster.
"Hey, Sei-yan, if you say that, your wife will hear you."
I don't care if I heard you!I'll call you Gatsun!
Say-Hatch answered generously, and Rock remembered the best of his ability.
Mr. Lok. You used the magic of Ribbon Kigoi Whip, didn't you?
Ah, the one I learned in the correspondence course."Now you too, the legendary wizard."
In this case, the wizard and all the pubs laughed as if they had been played.
This is a complete current affairs story."Libkigoi Wheel" is a communication magic course that is popular in cytopia now.In terms of magic rank, the magic is equivalent to Humbaba. If you can use the enclosed special wand to sing it without being a wizard, it will become popular with word of mouth.
"Well, there was definitely a special wand in there... oh, there was one.All right, let's practice.Sei-yan, do it, my wife.
Copy that.
As he nodded, Say-Hatch immediately rounded his shoulders to form a shina and raised his tall voice with a norinori.
Calm down, Ribbed Chicken!Help me! "
Rock holds his wand and starts chanting.
"" Dear people from darkness... vanish with the light that illuminates the world.Light Attribute Magic Ribbon Kigoi Whip!
When I put my wand up, the little light flashed and immediately disappeared.There is no target rib chicken, so nothing happens to the effect itself.In fact, it is magic that the rib chicken is sucked into the light and disappears.
How was it?
Say-Hatch nods to Rock asking about the results.
Yeah, it's not bad.It's pretty good for the first time.Maybe I'll have more personality in the future. "
"Personality... okay, I'll try it.Sei-yan, please. "
Understood, Say-Hatch once again rounded his shoulders to make a shingle and raised his high voice.
Calm down, Ribbed Chicken!Help me! "
Then Rock stood up with his hands wide open in front of Say-Hatch.
Watch out! Leave this to Oira!"Out of darkness, alien people... vanish with the light that illuminates the world.Light Attribute Magic Ribbon Kigoi Whip!
When the little light shined again, it immediately disappeared.
Say-Hatch also applauded the rock's response.
You look good!"Watch out! Downstairs!It tastes good.It's chaotic and dressy. "
"Oh, really?
Ah, honestly, I'm in the middle of something now.
Oh, I see!!I did it!
They share joy with a smile.
Well, let me ask you something.You know, that was good, right?Seiyan's wife. "
That's what Rock said when he talked to the wall of the house.
Yeah, I see.It wasn't so bad.
Without putting in my hair, I get a reply from the wall.
You can see one eye peeking through the hole in the wall.
The look on Say-Hatch's face freezes.
"Er... how long have you been watching?
Rock answers the question of Sai-Hatch openly.
"Huh? Sei-yan, didn't you notice?Just now. "My wife used to be so noisy and cute when she saw a rib kick.Now I'm crushing my feet and laughing.If you go that far, you're not a woman anymore.It's a monster. "
No, say it! Tell me!
Say-Hatch blames Rock with an incredible sword screen.
"Eh? I told you."Hey, Sei-yan, if you say that, your wife will hear you."
"No... tell me you're here!
Oh, I see.Ahahah, I'm sorry. "
Sorry, sorry... you.It's so light. What the hell do you think a couple's life is...? "
Say-Hatch murmuring with a fading voice.Words of further pursuit are thrown from the wall.
After that, "Do you mind if I hear you?!I'll call you Gatsun!I was listening carefully.I'm looking forward to it, how can you call me gatsu?... I'll talk to you later when you get back. "
...... yes
The tension of Say-Hatch fell to hell in an instant.
Seiyan. The couple's life is "garlic" and "delicious."Gamba "
It was Say-Hatch, who didn't have the nerve to say anything back to Rock.
"Well, I'm doing stupid things, it's always a lively longhouse.And a few days later, the wife of the elf finally comes to this stupid man's house. "
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