Rakugo in Another World
Master Klane's excitement Operation Labrab [Uncle Yan Yang] ⑦
"Ichifuku-sama, this way.If you turn this alley and proceed for a while, it will be the clothing store of interest.Well, it's a garment shop, but it's also a grocery store that handles weapons and armor. "
"Oh, I see.Thank you very much, Miyabi-sama.I'm embarrassed. I'm not used to the castle town of Sitopia yet.You'll get lost soon. "
Miyabi nods as he sees a blissful smile as he scratches his head.
"It's not impossible.The roads around here are complicated. "
"Last time, the weather was nice, so I thought I'd go for a walk to the castle moat, but I got lost and didn't get to my destination at all.So, after 30 minutes, I finally left the alley and went back to the perfect tavern at the start point. "
When ICHIBUKU sighed deliberately, Mijabi laughed as if he had been played.
"Ahahah, when I was a kid, I used to get lost when I came to visit the castle town."
The castle town of Cytopia is built like a maze for defensive reasons when attacked by enemies.
Travelers, unfamiliar elves, and dwarfs often go astray, and the gendarmerie has just recently been enlarged to do so.
"What were you doing when you got lost?
"That's when Brother Krah always searched for me."
"Ah, Master Krane... it's a boulder.Looks like I've been counting on you for a long time. "
Miyabi nodded happily.
Klane immediately looked for Mijabi as he lost his way and cried, and appeared in front of him.
I wondered why I was able to find it so quickly, but I was so happy and sometimes I deliberately got lost.
Now Mijabi was walking with one blessing and two people in a city full of such memories.
--How did this happen?
I can't believe I'm alone with you today.
Of course, Mijabi didn't expect it.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
"Hey, Miyabi, how'd it go?
Immediately after the rakugo was finished, Rakka came to Mijabi's seats.
"It was amazing. It was interesting.It's like a sherman. "
When Miyabi expresses his excited and honest feelings, Racca faints happily.
"Ahahah, I guess so.My husband is amazing. "
It was a proud expression as if I had been praised.
Klane next to Mijabi also heard it and nodded enthusiastically.
"No, that's exactly what Lucca said.Miyabi, how are you? Ichifuku-sama!Wonderful! No, you're a really good man.Knowledgeable, gentle, inclusive and extremely interesting!You're the best man I've ever seen!Don't you think?Huh? Huh? What do you mean?
"Ah, yeah... I see."
It's not that lucky.I praised Mijabi for his blessings and asked him for his consent.
Miyabi was a little suspicious, but Klein also felt somewhat favorable that the minister might be overappealing to Miyabi because he was worried about the status quo where he hated rakugo forever.
Thank you, Master Crane.
Then came Ichifuku, who had finished the stage, to greet him.
"Congratulations, Ichifuku.Um, this is with me.... "
Oh, thank you.
Klane introduces Miyabi immediately.
When Mijabi stepped forward, he introduced himself with a good look at his blessed eyes.
"Nice to meet you, Ichifuku.My name is Miyabi-Bruce.It's a pleasure to meet you. "
"I've heard a lot about this from Mr. Racchar and Mr. Klein Yee.Sincerely, "
That's how Ichifuku and Mijabi shook hands.
Mijabi already had a favorite feeling towards the person in front of him, Kazufuku Kotatsu.
A craftsman's personality can be understood by touching the work.
There is no reason that someone who has completed such a wonderful job is not polishing himself.
Regardless of "savior," he said that his reputation as a person was already the highest.
"Mr. Ichifuku, actually, there are things I have to apologize for...."
All of a sudden, Kluane talks to ICHIBUKU as if she were sorry.
"After today, I made a promise to go to the city and pick out the clothes of Ichifuku together, but I got into a sudden job earlier, and I couldn't."
"Yeah! Really?
What surprised me there was Mijabi.
I didn't hear that at all.Perhaps the idea of urgency came into Klange while watching the rakugo.
"Oh, that's right...Yes, I'm sorry, Miyabi.Could you show Ichifuku-sama to the city clothing store on my behalf and pick the clothes that suit him? "
Crane asks Mijabi to shine her face, even though she doesn't say it's a good idea.
"I don't mind that...."
"That's good.Then, Ichifuku-sama, I'm sorry, but is that okay?
"Yes, I understand.Good luck with your work. "
Crane ran away from the tavern.
If it had been a regular Miyabi, you would have noticed at that time.
I wonder why Krane had made another promise with her while planning for herself.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
That's why Mijabi and Ichifuku were walking in the castle town together.
There are shops lined up around.It is a cytopia shopping district.
"I've been wearing kimonos since I was summoned.I was afraid I would have to procure these clothes.Until now, I've managed to get the customer's magician to do the cleaning magic at a cheap price, but I still can't afford to be generous forever. "
Cleaning magic is a special magic used by doctors to clean rooms and affected areas during emergencies.There are times when the wealthy man cleans the Mansion, but since it is a rare magic with extremely limited use, if it was played at a magician's shop, even if it was discounted, it would not have dropped 5000 hips.
"That's why I asked Master Kraner to take me to the clothes store."
I see, is that so?
After hammering, Mijabi asks questions.
"Ichifuku-sama, is that thing still a legendary piece of equipment from other worlds?
I have never seen clothes made of a single piece of cloth from top to bottom in the terminal.How is it equipped?There is no doubt that the thick cloth wrapped around the waist part has become the determining factor.Miyabi thought that in other worlds, only Hanashika could be equipped with clothes.
But Ichifuku laughed and waved his hand, and lightly denied Mijabi's opinion.
"Ahahah, there is no disillusionment with legends.You can get it anywhere.But I'm sure normal people don't wear it that way. "
Really?But the status is amazing, isn't it?
"No, Mr. Oklahoma Tampeed looked at it, but it was minus 10 for Defense 3.
Does this look easy to move?
Mijabi answered honestly, holding the sleeve of the kimono and showing it in a wider way.
"Am I right? It's harder to move than the wizard's robe because my feet are cramped."
Ahahah, is that so?
--Still, it may have an added effect such as Magic Plus.
Miyabi laughed while still staring at the kimono and analyzing it.
It was Miyabi who was looking forward to dating Klein, but I couldn't help it.
Take advantage of this opportunity to discover the mystery of Hanashika.
Is he really the Messiah?Or is it still Damaya's mistake?
Listen to me and find out.
Mijabi was so determined.
"Hello, Mr. Ipk. Are you going out?I'm going to take another seat. "
"This is Elf's hideout.I look forward to it.Also, please teach me cytopia chess while drinking tea with me again. "
"Oh, I'll take care of it."
"Ah, Master Ipk.There was a word that I didn't understand the meaning of the words I did the other day..... "
"Ah, you're a magic school student.What is it?... "General"?Oh, you certainly didn't explain.Well, to put it simply, building a house or building a building, that means building a building.Anything else?"Carry-on money"?It's about the money my wife brings with her, but I don't know if it's the same custom in cytopia all the time.Ah, do you have "silver with you"?Oh, speaking of which, the terminal was worth more silver than gold.No, no, you're going to study.Please tell me more. "
"Yes! I will continue to support you!
"Ipk's husband. This time, please do Lakgo anyway."
"Ahahah, the owner of the Hell Cafeteria.I'd be happy to do that if I had the chance. "
"No, actually, I've already talked to the owner of the Ultra Raku Tavern.You see, my husband was originally there.I said I'd pay the rent, but I can't take it, just a little. "
"Ahahah, that sounds like a good person.Then please play my gala for the time being. "
"Hahaha! You took one of these!
― ― The mystery of Hannasika approaches.
It was Miyabi who was so pleased, but I couldn't talk to Ikkoku at all from earlier.
Because one person after the other calls out to one blessing after another.
Even if you don't remember the road, you seem to be completely familiar with the terminal.
"It's amazing, Ichifuku-sama.You're a very popular person. "
"No, I'm a newcomer from a different world, so I'm just worried about you.Thank you very much. "
The culture of modesty is not very rooted in the terminal.However, Mijabi did not reflect on the praise, but looked at a blessing that took him one step lower and spoke humbly, and Mijabi felt clear.
"But the rakugo was amazing.It was really like someone else. "
"Ahahah, thank you."
"Is rakugo popular in the world of Ichifuku-sama?
Blessed is he who shakes his head greatly to deny the word.
"No, that's embarrassing, that's not so much.After all, times are comic books and variety shows, and television is more mainstream than seating cabins. "
Oh, really?
Mijabi did not understand the meaning of the words, but somehow answered with an unexpected face.
"Everywhere in the world, when something new is born, it is something to be held back at first.Even in this world, it's new and you're delighted, but if you take a seat in that position, you won't be able to deal with them right away.As an entertainer, you have to polish your arms all the time. "
I see.
That was something that could be said for craftsmen in general.Whether it's a weapon or a piece of armor, if it's fashionable, it's obsolete.
The term "chronic mind destroys itself" seems to be the same in other worlds.
"What is rakugo in the first place?
Mijabi asked frankly what was of the greatest concern to him.
"Was it a talent you were born and raised with?"
The reply came right back.Ichifuku refers only to rakugo as a trick.It's not technology, it's not magic, it's not weapons, it's not martial law.Miyabi was wondering there.
"But you often come up with a story so quickly.I'm impressed. "
And in the word of Mijabi, which he let loose without any concern, a blessing was blown out.
"What? Did I say something funny?
Ikkoku shook his head at Mijabi who was in a hurry.
"No, I'm fine.I'm sorry I laughed.But I didn't think it was improvisation.Fufufu, this isn't an improvisation.I can't think of anything like that.However, there are also "three titles", so it can be said that they are not mistaken. "
"Oh, is that so?I thought I was being slapped while thinking on that spot. "
"No, I'm sorry, it's not.To put it further, the story itself is not what I think.No, I'm naturally letting you arrange a different world.Most of them have been around for a long time.It is the profession of the samurai that inherits it from mouth to mouth.Maybe it's the same as magic. "
"Then you're inheriting the story made by the old people.It's really magical. How many years have you been communicating?
Having heard that, Ichifuku nodded happily and talked.
"It is said that it originated about 300 years ago.In the first place, the source of the funny story is a book called "Waking Up and Laughing," which contains the story of Takane Anrakuan, who is said to be the "ancestor of rakugo."Then, the "ancestor of the family" said, Kyoto was accompanied almost simultaneously by Goro Beihei of dew, Hikohachi Yonezawa in Osaka and Takezaemon Kano in Edo, performing rakugo and bustling the world.The upper part was on the street, Edo was sitting on the floor, and the place to talk was roughly different, but I wonder if the upper part was focused on "laughter" and Edo was focused on "excellence".But in the first place, as a region, is it special about laughter, or as a country, does it tend to greedily emphasize laughter over home and work, or is it treated as a status.Perhaps there is a difference in calories for such fundamental laughter, which is often derived from upward rallying.I don't think that Edo is lagging behind, but that Edo has a culture among Edo, each of which has grown and been inherited in view of its region.Now, rakugo in the form of a hybrid between the upper part and the good part of Edo still remains, and that was a good opportunity to demonstrate the fluidity and flexibility of rakugo that people wanted..... "
ICHIBUKU finally realized that Miyabi in front of him had a poke-like expression.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Miyabi-sama.I'm just talking.And full of words I don't understand.I left it completely behind. "
Miyabi laughed and shook his head to Ichifuku, who apologized for his bad expression.
"No, I don't mind.Very interested.Ikfuku-sama really likes rakugo. "
"Yeah, that's all I've got."
That said, the smiling expression of Ichifuku was shining.
Miyabi continues to ask questions.
"What do you do when you remember?
"This is just repetitive practice anymore.Some scripts, others not.I am a type of story that opens my memory in my head and remembers my master's rakugo.Ah, I would say, "I'm going to tell you a story."
"Technology is amazing, right? Was it a "swing" smoking?I thought I was really smoking. "
"Yeah, fans can be a lot of things.This is how you hold your sword with your straight eye.Hold the spear diagonally.Chopsticks and brushes. Open the letter..... "
While talking, Ichifuku switches fans with a flowing hand and looks at various things one after the other.
Every moment Mijabi remembered the illusion that a sword or spear had really appeared in front of him.
"I also think of hand-painted clothes as wallets and ropes, and I can use a lot of them, but if I tell you everything here, I won't have the pleasure of coming to my seat next time.Please leave me alone. "
Mijabi laughed at the pleasure of laughing.
While looking at Mijabi sideways, Ichifuku said.
"Miyabi-sama seems to be quite interested in rakugo.No, not to say "slander"... but "savior"?
Mijabi took an unexpected breath.
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