Rakugo in Another World
Heel cutting [Tengu cutting] ⑧
After drying all the laundry, she went from the edge to the living room.I look at the clock, but it's still early for dinner.
Master, Miss Koharu.
I can hear you.
After all, it's not Haru's fault.I do hear voices.
As evidence, Nanafuku began to look around.
This voice is nice.Temee, where the hell did you do that? "
"Ichi-san! Where the hell are you?
Nanafuku shouted in anger, and Xiaochun shook in a crying voice.
"Looks like you're worried.I'm really sorry. "
I still hear voices. Apparently, they can answer.
Haru looks around and asks.
"You can only hear voices?Mr. Ichi, what are you talking about?
Something obviously strange is happening.But more than that, Xiaochun learned the joy of the possibility that ICHIBUKU was alive.
"First of all, when I answer the teacher's question about where and what to do, I have played rakugo in other worlds."
Seven blessings are stunned by his words.
"Ha? What are you talking about all of a sudden?Are you all right? I wouldn't want you to be in the afterlife and play "Hell Yatsuki"!!Who would believe that? "
Seven blessings distorted his face and complained.However, ICHIBUKU continued to explain.
"I know it's unbelievable.But I think the answer to Miss Koharu's question will remain the evidence. "
"What do you mean? Hey, Ichi, where are you?I can only hear voices. "
"Yes, so where am I now...."
"Okay. You might say that you're talking magically from another world, or that you're floating with transparency."
Seven blessings once again enter the chaos.
"No, it's not.It's not from another world, it's not transparent.I'm on my master's heel now. "
With his father opening his mouth in a stupid manner, Haru immediately turned around and looked at the heel of Seven Blessings sitting on his knees.
There was, as I said, a blessing.
The easiest explanation would be to say that a small blessed face is growing from the heel of Seven Blessings.It was by no means a pleasant view, but it was definitely a blessing.
"Hee, 'facial acne'!You're kidding. Why aren't you on your knees? "
"It's really nice.Father, it may not be a lie to say that the world is different.I don't know why it's a heel. "
"Oh, I have no idea what that is.Really, why the heel? "
ICHIBUKU explains seriously to parents and children who lean their heads frequently.
"Because it is temporarily summoned here with heel attribute magic.Briefly, there are five magical attributes in the other world.Wind, water, fire, earth, heel.Now, at the pleasure of the Spirit of the Heel, you will be showing your face in this world. "
"Heel Attribute Magic!?Spirit on the heel!?What the hell is that? It's not what I think it is!
The more Ippuku explains, the more confusion Xiaochun feels.It was also an impossible story.
But that is the work of old age.Seven blessings of his father were quickly cut off from explanations of heels, etc., for which he could not understand, and he rejoiced in the safety of only one blessing.
"Well, I don't know what the other world is, but if it's alive, it's better.Yeah, yeah. "
In a short time, Nanafuku accepted everything.
"Whether you're on your heels or in other worlds, I hope you're okay."
"... yeah, I'm worried about you."
The words contained everything as a parent.
"So, what do you think?Swords and magic, huh?In general, when I summoned you to another world, you said, "Oh, you are the hero of legends", and you will be very active with special power, right?
Ichifuku was impressed that the elderly were familiar with it, but Nanafuku, speaking of which, was quite a gamer, remembered that he was keen to hold the controller while sewing between classes.
"No, I'm not a sword or magician at all.As I said earlier, I am still performing rakugo. "
And Nanafuku was blown out of it.
"You! You're going to another world and you're raving?Are you a verbal person?
"Yes, strangely, the words are Japanese.It's just that culture is different, so I'm arranging it in a different way. "
"Hmm. It sounds like an English rakugo.If the culture is different, I don't know what it means to act as it is. "
"Yes, but I tried to play the little one as it is."
"Hey, how'd it go?"
Of course, I did.
Seven blessed voices were envious to one blessed person who answered confidently.
I see. I played in elementary school the other day, but I didn't take it at all because of the kids running around!Then I'll do it myself. "
I smiled lightly at Master Yifuku.
"I'm glad you're doing well.I also understand the situation. Enough is enough.I'm really... glad.I don't think the guy who's been biting my leg is doing a fine slang on his heel now.It's a big deal. I said, "The birth of a tibial jitter heel."No, I won't tell you.I'm going to say it the most from today.I don't think anyone would believe it.So, when can you come back from another world?
"That's it....."
Ichifuku explained the situation of the terminal to Nanafuku and Koharu.
You'll need a dedicated summoning ring to come back, and it'll take 10 years for the ring to accumulate magic.
Nanafuku was also surprised.
"What, so you can come back in 10 years?"
"Yes, it is."
Ten years is a long time.
"That's right. I'm sure Master is not alive."
When Ippuku said so lightly, Nanafuku blew out the tea he had been drinking.
"Don't be ridiculous.I'm not that old yet. "
"No, Dad, it's a good year. Ten years later, I'm not 65 anymore.Normally, it's not that age, but I don't know because I usually live an infertile life.But, yeah. I'll be waiting.Ichi-san, 10 or 20 years..... "
"Thank you, young lady.But, um, excuse me, Miss Haru.... how did you get married?
Ichifuku has always wondered that Koharu is in this house.
If this was the same time flow as the terminal, I would have married the other house long ago.
"Oh, I said no to that story."
Because Xiaochun answered lightly, Ichifuku was surprised.
"Huh? Did you say no?
"Oh, and the pressure on the industry's Easy Pavilion Gate is incredible.No, he turned me into an enemy. "
That said, Nanafuku did not have any trouble at all, but laughed joyfully.
"Oh, no, why not again.No way, huh?
For some reason, each blessed person is in a state of trauma.Koharu gives a plain reason.
"It's settled, right?My family has disappeared.We're not getting married.Besides, I wasn't actually riding around.That's why I said no.After that, your father was right.The gate of Easy Pavilion is dry.Nobody will ever take a daughter who's muddy on the face of a major industry producer.It's all because of Mr. Ichi. "
"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry"
It's all my fault.Ichifuku felt sorry for himself and lowered his head in the spring (he actually lowered his heel).
Xiaochun replied with a tight chest against it, and then said:
"Yes, I'll be waiting.Please save your world and come back.Then please take responsibility and make me your wife. "
"... what?
Suddenly he said such a thing and Ichifuku opened his mouth.
"I noticed you were gone.After all, I like Mr. Ichi.It has to be Mr. Ichi. "
Even though he was scared, Ichifuku reflexively disagreed with Koharu's words.
"No, miss. What are you talking about?I told you before.I can't marry my brothers and sisters.... "
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
"I can."
"I can't."
--That's right, the kind of interaction I've seen somewhere...
After pondering the gap, Ichifuku was slapped in the face by Xiaochun.At the same time, Nanafuku raised his voice.
"Aaah! Hey, Haru.It's my heel, too!
Ignoring his father's accusations, Xiaochun swollen her cheeks and stared at the blessing.
"I don't know anymore! Brothers and sisters aren't connected, and they're not adopted by your father!That's how you always run!Run away from my feelings and run away to another world at the end of your sentence!
"No, I was just summoned on my own....."
I don't want to hear any excuses, but Haru keeps talking.
"I also gave up once.I just thought it would be nice to see you in good health.But now that I've seen your face, I've changed my mind.There are things in the world that you'll never see again... so now that you know, you can't give up, I'm sure.Otherwise... I'll regret it for the rest of my life "
In those eyes, the same grief as that day was no longer present.
That's all there is - determination to look ahead.
The luxurious, small, and fragile body makes you feel blessed.
It was just a faint... strength.
"So at least let me know how you feel.Do you like me? You like it, don't you?It's okay, Mr. Ichi.You don't have to.You can say you like me. "
"Um... Miss Haru.My face is close. "
ICHIBUKU just said that, he remained silent for a while, but finally started talking as if he had decided.
"... no, I was surprised.I was thinking the same thing.When I did the rakugo over there, I felt regret like a wave.At that time, I should have realized that I hated it...I was about to sin again.Now I don't have the face to see Master Krane. "
"Huh? Clan...?
No, I'm talking about this.
Ikfuku immediately raised his face and said looking at Xiaochun.
"I've always admired your daughter.Even now, of course. And it will continue to be..... "
"I'm sorry I said something terrible before.Lower your head. I don't think you can forgive me..... "
"Doesn't matter.In that case, please be my wife.Don't worry about the world.There are no more worldly objects to decorate in the Gate of Easy Pavilions.Because it's been dry for a long time.So it's okay. "
"Miss Haru...."
So they stared at each other hot.
Looking at each other as if there were only two people in the world.
It's just... staring at each other.
"... you two.Would you please not be so excited in front of your parents' heels?
Then Nanafuku coughed and said,
"Ah, Master, were you there?
"Ah, Dad, were you there?
"There it is!!I'll tell you what, I was closest!
When Nanafuku breaks in at the best time, he immediately laughs.
"Hahaha! That's all I have to think about.He's like a dead mother, and he's so stubborn. "
"... I know.Yeah, I know it. "
Normally it's a relaxed personality, but Haru will never give it up when it's time.
When Ichifuku didn't ask for a hamburger in the restaurant when he was a child.
When I didn't hide the prints from the class tour.
When I was told to work without going to high school.
Koharu looked straight at ICHIBUKU's eyes like she is now and inquired.
Yes - it was all when ICHIBUKU falsified the truth.
From that time onwards, Ichifuku was no match for Koharu.
I couldn't possibly hide my feelings right now.
"You'll make a good couple.I promise. "
Seven blessings seem happy, and one blessing says with a mysterious face.
"Master, don't worry.After Master is gone, Miss Haru will make me happy. "
"Ten years from now, I'm dead!How much do you want me to die for? "
Nanafuku complained and said nothing but revenge.
"Ah! It's about time!Seven blessings!
"Yes? Are you sure?
Oh, Nanafuku nods big.And even more astonishing.
"And if I'm not dead... no, it's either way.You, come back here...I'll do my best here. "
Ichifuku couldn't understand what Nanafuku said.
"So take Haru there."
Koharu raised her hand to react immediately to the words.
"Ah! I want to go!!I want to see the other world!Become a Bride of the World!
"No, even if I told you so much about marrying Kyushu from Kansai...."
"Go! I made up my mind!
Koharu's eyes had the same hard determination as before.
"Master... do something extra..."
I know it cannot be stopped when this happens.One blessed said grudgingly to Nanafuku.
But where does he blow the wind?I laughed at the blessing in a cool way.
"Look, it's good.It is neither an accident nor a coincidence that you went to your world.They called me.To the gossip god.Tell him that rakugo is the most pleasant and interesting thing in your world.I don't think I'd be so happy as a samurai.And then, if the name Seven Fortunes stays in the other world, hee, hee, it's the best. "
"As soon as I get back to the other world, I'll take my apprentice."
"Disciple...?It's still 100 years early for me. "
"Say something like that, damn it, I have a voice in mind."
Nanafuku laughed as if he had seen everything with only the sound of his voice, without seeing the expression of his disciples.
"Now, there's nothing to miss.Don't worry, I'll be in a hurry tomorrow.Me and you are breaking up forever.So... do it right... you stupid son "
In the words of this lifetime farewell, a dripping air flows between the two of you in a boulder.
"Temee, don't get your heels wet just because you're lonely."
"Yeah, I'm fine.I'm not crying at all.Master, I've been having trouble with waterfall-like water flowing from above my head. "
"Stupid bastard. How can you cry like that and your heels get wet!
Hearing that, ICHIBUKU's expression turned pale.
"Eh... well then, let's take this water...Master, you've come up with an incredible harassment. "
"I didn't leak it!
"No, Master is out of year this year.Must have leaked it. "
"Don't say things you don't understand!What are you talking about, Mordochi? "
Master and apprentice.
Parents and children.
Instead of looking at each other, they just wept and clapped each other's hate speech for a while.
Ichifuku-sama! It's about time.
"Ah, it looks like it's about time...."
I see. Then be a master. "
"Yes... Master, please be careful that you drink too much alcohol."
"... ahh"
Nanafuku didn't say that he didn't drink anymore.
"Ah, miss. I forgot.If you want to come to other worlds, please do something to make it appear regularly in N0K by then. "
"Huh? What's that?Miss Ichi, I've said quite a lot of things right now.
Even though Koharu panicked again, one blessing asked another.
"Ah, speaking of which, Master.Wasn't there a great man with the name "Nobu" in relation to his heel?
Seven blessings answered the question immediately.
"Isn't it 'the sorcerer of the heel, Takao'?You were a legendary fighter before the war.Of course I've never worshipped with my own eyes.I remember hearing that when I was a kid, it was reported that the National Treasure Hive was missing.I like to laugh a lot and I only remember it because I heard that I used to come to the seats of my ancestors and ancestors.What's wrong with that?
"... no, nothing.Thank you very much. "
All that said, one blessing vanished from the heel of seven blessings.
"Hey... hey... he's gone?"
Nanafuku murmured in amazement.
"Oh my God, that guy.I ended up talking about my heels.There's no mood or anything. "
That's what Xiaochun said, laughing with a little weeping.
"Dear...... Ichifuku-sama.If you sleep there, you'll catch a cold. "
"... eh?
When I opened my eyes, it was a great tavern.
The owner's good-looking face peeked a little worried.
Wake up slowly.
One blessing lay in the middle of the high throne.
Apparently he fell asleep at some point.
I found it and the store owner woke me up.
Looking around, the customers are stupid and the rackers are gone.
The night was completely late outside the window, and the moon was rising.
"Looks like you've fallen asleep..."
"Dear Ichifuku, Were you dreaming?She was laughing so much fun. "
When the owner asked, Ichifuku looked at the moon floating in the sky for a while and said with a gentle smile.
"Yeah... I was watching.A very happy dream. "
--I said I was going to another world, but ten years later, I'm 35.Is there any way to get there early?
- So, what did N○K say?
Announcers or……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
All are high hurdles.
Besides, the Gate of Easy Pavilion is completely dry.
I feel like I can't think of anything.
Then, look for something extra or a show that shows passers-by and go to the recording location.
Perhaps that is the most realistic.
--You can see it with weird eyes, I'm sure... hmm.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
When I opened the cupboard without any concern, I noticed a jar of sake.
Koharu calls out to Nanafuku.
"Ah, Dad, how's it going?To celebrate Ichi-san's safe. Have you had a drink in a while?
In contrast, Nanafuku shook his neck sideways, and did not just say that he wanted to say it, but said the dialogue with the best Doya face.
"No, let's not drink.... you can't dream. "
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