Hunting the sea king category is the last item of the month-end assessment, which can also be said to be a reserved program, because this assessment item does not have to pass.

Just as a miscellaneous soldier can choose whether to challenge the cadet or not, the cadet can freely choose whether to hunt the sea king.

Generally speaking, only the top ranked excellent students will try to hunt the sea king class, those students with average strength, it is just to see a lively, these people are very self-aware, know that their participation in the assessment is not hunting the sea king class at all, it is completely to fill the stomach of the sea king class!

In fact, even the top few students with the best results are not absolutely sure that they will be able to successfully hunt the sea kings, let alone hunt alone, and they must cooperate together to succeed.

The purpose of this assessment program is to allow students to build trusting friendships and improve their teamwork skills.

Zefa believes that if the trainees can cooperate to kill a sea king, then they are not far from graduation – but more than ten years ago, Zefa’s graduation standard was not like this, at that time, the standard was at least to hunt a sea king alone! It’s just that with the passage of time, the ability of his trainees has decreased little by little, and it can be said that one session is not as good as one.

Why this happened, Zefa himself actually knew very well: “In the same era, the excellent geniuses within the navy were limited, and if the reserve forces could not be recruited on a large scale around the world, the ability of new cadets would only become worse and worse in the future.” ”

“In the future, it will not be easy to recruit ‘monster’ trainees like the Red Dog, the Yellow Ape, and the Green Pheasant… Well, but this time I accidentally gained a talent, if I can successfully graduate, this little devil may be able to grow into a strong person like the red dog them! ”

Thinking of this, Zefa couldn’t help but subconsciously look at Mo Fan, who was walking to the side of the boat not far away, looking towards the windless sea.

At this time, Mo Fan was standing alone, looking a little lonely, and the other trainees seemed unwilling to contact him, and occasionally looked at him with some hostility.

After all, for these students, compared to Bingzi, who has studied together for a long time, Mo Fan is just a stranger and will not accept it so easily.

I can’t integrate into the collective for a while, this is nothing, cultivating this kind of thing, more on your own.

However, in the end, this assessment project of hunting sea kings must be teamwork.

Now, those cadet groups were unwilling to accept Mo Fan, which meant that Mo Fan could only give up this assessment, or he had to hunt the sea king class alone!

Although hunting sea kings is not a required assessment item, it is also related to the assessment of assessment results, just like some additional questions in the subject exam of the Huaxia Kingdom on Earth, additional questions do not have to be completed, but those who can correctly answer additional questions will get extra points.

The evaluation criteria for outstanding students on the actual ship are derived from the last hunting sea king category.

And the gap between excellent students and ordinary students is most obvious after graduation – in previous years, the best three students have already become generals! But more rank-and-file cadets are still struggling in school-level positions.

“Excellent cadets will even directly serve as captains in the navy after graduation, and this time I will try hunting sea kings.” Mo Fan’s right hand clenched slightly, and he also had some expectations in his heart, wanting to see where the limit of his ‘full-level right arm’ was.

“According to the system, the ability of this ‘full-level right arm’ is to reach the full level of the current world plane… I don’t know which is higher or lower than the ‘Iron Fist’ Karp of the ‘Naval Hero’…”

Thinking like this in his heart, Mo Fan got up and walked towards the team of outstanding trainees not far away.

Participating in the last sea king hunting assessment is voluntary, after all, those students with average strength do not want to plug their teeth between the sea king class and become the latter’s appetizer snack.

“With your strength, you are not yet qualified to join our hunting team.” Just after registering Mo Fan’s name, Ain said indifferently, “You are ready to hunt the sea king alone!” ”

When Mo Fan heard this, his eyebrows were slightly raised, but he didn’t respond to anything, in fact, he didn’t say anything at all, and he was ‘rejected’ by the other party in advance.

On the other side, Zefa noticed the situation on this side and shook his head slightly: “Ain, this little ghost… Forget it, Mo Fan has just become an official trainee, and he really needs some training. ”

After thinking about this, he raised his hand and waved: “The assessment begins!” Set sail! ”


The sea surface was broken by warships, and the practice ship quickly approached the windless sea.

It didn’t take long for the warship to enter the windless zone, but only anchored in the marginal area and did not go further.

“No wind belt, the nest of the sea king…” On the ship, miscellaneous soldiers and cadets of average strength are already looking for shelter, and based on past experience, the next battle will be very dynamic.

“Ready!” Beside the boat, the hunting party, led by Ain, assembled and ready to go.

Mo Fan put his left hand on the ship’s side fence, and his eyes scanned the nearby sea.

No sea breeze, no waves, not even birds can be seen, calm to the point of eeriness!

“Here it comes! Be careful!! ”

Suddenly, Ain reminded loudly, and at the same time got up and rushed towards a sea outside the ship, and the other hunting trainees nearby also followed.

At this time, none of these trainees had ever consumed the Devil Fruit – the actual Devil Fruit was also very precious to the World Government, and if the trainees could not prove their strength and value, how could they easily obtain the Devil Fruit.

Also because they did not eat the Devil Fruit, the trainees, including Ain, were able to freely enter and exit the seawater.


The next moment, a large splash suddenly broke out on the calm sea, a huge manatee-shaped giant beast rushed out, the blood basin opened wide, and one tooth was the size of a practice boat.

Seeing this huge sea king, Mo Fan didn’t want to understand a little: with their size, for these sea kings, they should just be mosquitoes, why would they attract the attack of sea kings? Is it for the saying that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat?

When he was wondering in his heart, in the distance, the trainees who attacked had already rushed to the sea king class.



For a time, these excellent trainees either slashed with a sword or directly bombarded with their fists, and the attack methods were different.

Their attacks did pay off, too.


I saw that the manatee-shaped sea king class was besieged by the trainees and screamed strangely, its body twisted, and its huge tail swept towards the group of trainees.

“Retreat!” Ain commanded loudly, advancing and retreating.


However, they still retreated a little late, and although the giant tail of the sea king did not sweep them, the huge wave brought by the tail slammed everyone away, and one by one, kites that looked like broken lines fell straight into the sea.

The mad manatee behemoth immediately aimed at the practice boat, its tail swung, and its huge body rushed like a cannonball.

“Hurry back to the cabin!” Zefa gave the order urgently, and at the same time got up to prepare to meet the attack.

At this time, the manatee giant beast had already rushed to the front, and the blood basin swallowed towards the practice boat.

Seeing this, Mo Fan, who was standing by the side of the boat, subconsciously jumped up.

In the days since he got on the ship, under hard cultivation, although he has not yet mastered the six-style physical technique, his physical abilities in all aspects are much more flexible than those athletes with the best results in his previous life.

At this time, Mo Fan directly jumped more than ten meters high, and then raised his hand and hit the manatee behemoth’s front teeth with a punch.

Hum Long~!!!

A shock wave suddenly appeared in the air and spread.

The huge body of the manatee giant beast shook suddenly, and then the light in the big eyes quickly dimmed, and the body fell straight to the surface of the sea, setting off a huge wave hundreds of meters high, and then there was no movement.

Soon, the huge body of the manatee behemoth surfaced and was already a corpse.

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