At the last graduation ceremony, a total of three of the students in this class received the rank of colonel, that is, Colonel Mo Fan and two other majors, one of whom was Ain.

At this time, after Ain left, the one who came to look for Mo Fan was another major-binz.

In fact, in the later period of Zefa’s tenure as an instructor, due to the qualifications of the students recruited, there were very few people who could be appointed to the rank of colonel upon graduation, and the previous batch of cadets did not have a colonel-level officer, and this time there were three people and the rank of colonel, a large part of the reason was the successful crusade of Weibull! ——Well, although the latter took the initiative to attack, but the Navy, as an official military organization, after all, wants to talk about face, and the other party’s active attack is naturally not as good as the Navy’s active crusade.

Because of this, it can be said that Ain and Binz were able to obtain the rank of major and were also favored by Mo Fan.

Therefore, as soon as he came to Mo Fan, Binz respectfully saluted and thanked him: “Thank you for your help, Colonel Mo Fan!” ”

“Well, it’s just a trifle.” Mo Fan waved his hand at will, very atmospheric, but to be honest, he actually didn’t know why Binz ran over to say such words of thanks, but these are not important, he really doesn’t care, those small favors he is too lazy to ask for anything in return, after all, as a socialist successor, it is to be atmospheric!

Of course, if the other party offered to provide a return, he would not refuse, so Mo Fan casually asked: “Do you have anything like the devil fruit there, I want to study it.” ”

“Devil Fruit?” Binz was so shocked that he almost forgot the purpose of his visit.

Just kidding, the cheapest Devil Fruit on the black market costs 100 million Baileys, and he may not be able to buy one from his lifetime salary as a navy.

Perhaps he was defeated by Mo Fan a few months ago and was shameful, but now Binzi’s thinking turned quickly, and when he rolled his eyes, he thought of the correct way to answer, and replied: “I haven’t got the Devil Fruit yet, but…”

Speaking of this, he paused, also slightly sorting out his thoughts and the next words.

“Originally, we, as Zefa-teacher students, had the opportunity to get a devil fruit when we graduated, and the outstanding students of the previous batches and even the three major generals were like this!”

“It’s just that since the last session, this special treatment has been cut, and now, even the top outstanding cadets must have performed an important level mission after graduation, well, it should be a mission above the A level, and then they can get the devil fruit from the Navy headquarters!”

“A-level mission? Task rating? Hearing this, Mo Fan was first a little puzzled, and then quickly relieved.

In the Hokage world, the tasks of the major ninja villages are graded, and in the One Piece world, it is a huge organization such as the navy, and the tasks of different difficulty will naturally have grading.

It’s just that Mo Fan didn’t quite understand many rules in the navy halfway.

On the other side, Binz didn’t see anything, and still said to himself: “With the difficulty of the A-level task, at least one major general is needed, and three colonels each lead the troops to complete it!” ”

When Mo Fan heard this, his heart moved, and he nodded and said, “Then the task I will be going to perform this time should not be A-level…”

This time, only one of his colonels went on the mission, which did not meet the standards of A-level missions.

“Well, the mission you’re going to go on this time… It should be S-class, or even more difficult than S-class…” said Binz with some hesitation.

“S-class? Super S-class? While hearing these words, a thought suddenly appeared in Mo Fan’s heart: I have been pitted!

“That’s right, New World! Four Emperors! The difficulty of this kind of task is not so low! ”

At this moment, Binz suddenly spoke up again: “However, when you go to the New World this time, you should not directly fight the Four Emperors, so the difficulty of the task will not be too high… Right? ”

Binz is not sure, after all, who can say exactly what is happening in the battlefield? The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and if you run into the fleet of the Four Emperors, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

Thinking of this, Binz also drummed a little in his heart: I follow him, it won’t be self-defeating, right?

“Well, no, for the sake of justice, even life can be paid!” He shook his head, shook off the distractions in his heart, and then looked at Mo Fan, and said with a solemn expression, “I heard that you are selecting subordinates, and I want to follow you!” ”

“Oh.” Mo Fan’s reaction was very flat, and he only nodded.

For him, even Ain, who has always been unsympathetic to himself, took the initiative to come and follow, so what is surprising about adding another binz?

“Well, with them, it will be easier to select soldiers and junior officers next.” Mo Fan thought secretly, and simply ordered Binzi.

After a moment, Binz left somewhat surprised.

He didn’t expect that he took the initiative to come and follow, and the other party actually reacted so flatly, and he didn’t expect that he had just taken the initiative to surrender, and the other party actually gave him such an important right to select soldiers and officers.

“This chief is indeed a real powerhouse! I didn’t look for the wrong person! Binz was a little excited.

In fact, Mo Fan was lazy, of course, he didn’t care much about these.

The law of the strong in this world, some similar to fairy fantasy and other worlds, the power of the power to itself, powerful to a certain extent can even change the world! It’s the same in this world!

Whitebeard, a strong person like Kaido, one person can build a powerful organization to compete with the world government! However, the drawbacks are also more obvious, when the leaders of these organizations die, the organizations almost fall apart.

And these have little to do with Mo Fan.

“I can also be considered to have gained a foothold in the Navy now, and then, well, it is better to find a branch base to manage and manage.” Mo Fan remembered the Colonel Mouse in the original book of “One Piece”, although the latter’s behavior was shameful, it was indeed very good to manage a branch base and be happy.

“Let’s apply after this mission!”


Three days later, Mo Fan led selected subordinates and three warships to set off from the port of the naval base in the Chambord Islands to the New World.

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