Character experience card, this is the unexpected reward that Mo Fan received after defeating Doflamingo before.

As the name suggests, it is to be able to use the character ability on the experience card, and this one in Mo Fan’s hand is a full-level character experience card! Well, it sounds like a hanging, but it is actually the peak strength of the characters on the experience card, and the so-called ‘full level’ means this.

If you can use the power beyond the peak of the experience card character, it seems a little too much, after all, even the character in the experience card himself does not know that he can be so hanging, it is really unimaginable.

And at this time, the full-level experience card taken out by Mo Fan, in which the character is: Uchiha Itachi!

“The full-level Uchiha Itachi Experience Card can use the power of Uchiha Itachi at its peak, and you can experience it three times in total, and the effect duration of each time is three days!” The explanation about this experience card appeared in Mo Fan’s mind, it was the explanation made by the system, and there was originally an explanation about the identity and ability of Yu Zhibo, but Mo Fan could be said to know more about the latter, and naturally did not need additional explanations.

“After each use, the effect lasts for three days, which is enough!”

Mo Fan held the experience card and started ‘getting on the bus’! ——This is related to the principle of the role of the character experience card, Mo Fan and the experience card are very similar to the relationship between the driver and the vehicle, Mo Fan feels that he should be regarded as an old driver.

Since he is an old driver, he can quickly grasp the ability of the characters in the experience card, and this is not a problem for Mo Fan.


The experience card shines brightly, and even if Mo Fan holds it tightly, he can’t stop the radiance of light.

And as the light burst out, the figure of Uchiha Weasel depicted on the experience card seemed to come to life and was walking out of the card step by step, and at the same time, Mo Fan also felt that a new strange power gradually appeared in his body.

“The power of Uchiha Itachi…” He closed his eyes and sensed it for three seconds, and when he opened his eyes again, it was already Uchiha Itachi’s kaleidoscope chakra eyes!

His right hand moved, and a huge burly God of War suddenly appeared above his head.


With Mo Fan’s next move, the burly God of War pulled out his long sword again, it was the Ten Fist Sword! A ten-fist sword capable of sealing souls!

And the burly God of War is holding a large shield in his left hand, which is an artifact – the Eight Mirror! Represents absolute defense!

The light of the experience card burst finally stopped, and Mo Fan also gained the power of the peak Uchiha Weasel.

He raised his head, scanned the kaleidoscope of chakra eyes, and then got up and rushed towards the location of the red dog in the distance.

“Huh? Lord Mo Fan wants to swim over? Seeing this, Binz quickly shouted for a reminder.

Ain next to him frowned slightly, and there was a hint of doubt on his delicate face: she knew that Mo Fan would not do things that he was not sure of, and he didn’t look like someone who liked to fight while swimming.

Then the scene that appeared in front of her confirmed the guess in her heart, but it shocked her even more.

In fact, not only her, but also people who noticed this area within the battlefield were shocked by this scene.

I saw that Mo Fan was speeding on the sea!

“What kind of Devil Fruit ability is this?!” The self-proclaimed knowledgeable pirates were about to stand out at this moment.

In this world, even a three-year-old child knows that ordinary people can’t walk on the sea at all, and maybe some special devil fruit abilities can walk on the sea, but it is impossible to run directly on the sea with his body like Mo Fan.

If it weren’t for the Devil Fruit ability, it would be impossible to do it with only physical strength, and a strong person like Rayleigh could only swim in the sea and advance.

The scene of Mo Fan running on the sea was indeed shocking… But that’s it.

After everyone experienced the initial surprise, they all had to do something.

Although the scene in front of him was incredible, Mo Fan’s lowly identity could not attract the attention of those pirate powerhouses.

A naval colonel, in the waters outside the great shipping route, may be quite good, and even be able to sit in a branch base, but in the eyes of the pirate powerhouses who have a bounty of hundreds of millions at every turn, the captain of the navy is not much different from the miscellaneous fish, even if there is a naval colonel who rebels and wants to join their ‘four emperors’ forces, they are not willing to accept it.

What’s more, the goal of the naval colonel in the distance was the red dog, which had nothing to do with them, and it was still important to fight in front of them.

In the extreme distance, Chi Inu stood at the bow of the warship, and had already noticed Mo Fan’s movement, but the focus of his eyes was still on the center of the battlefield, the two ‘Four Emperors’ forces that were fighting fiercely.

This time, he led the naval force to come, not only to mediate the conflict between the ‘Four Emperors’, that kind of saying is for the masses who do not know the truth, the old routine, the real purpose is to wait for the opportunity to weaken the power of the ‘Four Emperors’! To put it bluntly, it is to take advantage of the fire and robbery and do the plan for the profit of the fisherman!

Therefore, Akainu has never really intervened in the battle between the two ‘Four Emperors’, the purpose is to make the other party weaken each other’s strength, and then wait for the opportunity to attack and kill – this plan seems to be very beautiful, but it also has flaws: the impact of war will become more and more, so a large number of innocent people will be killed and injured, but in Akainu’s view, for the future world peace, these sacrifices are necessary.

“The war will not end in a short time.” The red dog looked at the center of the battlefield in the distance and quickly made a judgment.

At this time, a hurricane suddenly blew in the direction of his side, which made him frown, turned his head to look, and found that Mo Fan had rushed hundreds of meters away.

“Ignoring my urgent order, you actually dare to attack me?!” The anger in Chiinu’s heart was difficult to contain, and he angrily gave an order, “Delay the time of the battle, this is a crime to be executed!” No need to wait for punishment afterwards, Dauberman! Arrest him and imprison him! ”


Daoberman Huoran, who was full of scars, turned around, drew his sword and rushed towards Mo Fan, who was directly attacking, murderous.

And the red dog on the bow of the warship no longer looked at the center of the battlefield in the distance, turned his head, and looked at Mo Fan who was not far away with murderous intent.

“No one has ever dared to disobey my orders!”

“Stop the team without permission to rest and ignore the order! It is necessary to give enough warning to other soldier officers with his blood! ”

The reason why Mo Fan stayed in the army to rest, Chi Dog knew, but he was still determined to punish the former!

In his opinion, this matter has nothing to do with right or wrong, but it is necessary to establish authority, otherwise it is difficult to manage and restrain other naval forces.

After all, a soldier is duty-based to obey orders and is not allowed to have his own thoughts!

At the moment when the eyes of everyone in the navy converged, not far away, Daobman’s sword qi had already cut off Mo Fan’s head.

Mo Fan moved his right hand.

Phew! Click!!

The sound of the sword breaking sounded, and Vice Admiral Daubman’s figure was also shot away from a distance, fell into the sea, and there was no more sound.

In place, Mo Fan had stopped, faced the red dog on the bow, and slowly raised his right hand.

PS: Well, the editor’s notice is on the shelves on Sunday, but the tragedy is that I did not save the manuscript, I will try to write some manuscripts in the evening, and then publish them regularly until midnight… There will be a testimonial later, if you are interested, you can take a look.

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