Mo Fan felt a little wrong, because from his understanding of Whitebeard: that is, the whitebeard in the original book he had seen in his previous life, it seems that he is not this kind of personality – fancy a young junior and force him to join a criminal gang? This kind of thing doesn’t look like an old man with the world’s strongest name can do it, but more like a hairy guy with little social experience.

The old man talks about juvenile madness! At this time, Whitebeard bombarded with both fists and shot out in laughter, not seeing the slightest bit of the twilight breath that an old man should have, but was full of vigor.


With a bombardment of both fists, the power of the shock fruit was released, and two spiderweb-like cracks suddenly appeared in the air.

Air Shock!!

The violent shock fluctuations squeezed the air to form an air pressure cover, but it was not shrouded towards Mo Fan from above, this air pressure shroud under the ingenious control of the white beard, actually appeared behind Mo Fan, a reverse push, the operation technique was extremely skillful.

The power of the air pressure cover was very strong, and Mo Fan was involuntarily pushed into the air and flew towards the opposite Moby Dick like a cannonball.


Mo Fan wanted to perform a full-level ‘shaving’, but he couldn’t borrow power in mid-air, and he could only step on it continuously to try his best to change his flight trajectory, but the air pressure shield formed by the whitebeard air shock was too powerful, and Mo Fan could not change the general trend – he tossed this time, but flew faster.

“Maybe you can use that ability…” Mo Fan flew in mid-air, seeing that the Moby Dick was already under him, but a flash of light suddenly flashed in his heart, and he thought of a way to borrow power.

Then, he took out the big whip, threw it directly at the deck of the warship below, and then jumped with the force.

The full-level human whip is not only able to be large, small, long or short, but also the top of the top in all other aspects, after all, the full level! At this time, the effect caused by Mo Fan’s use of the deck power was far more than pole jumping! And Mo Fan took advantage of the thrust of the air pressure shield, and then used the full-level human whip to change the direction of his body flight with the help of the warship, and rushed to the sea area where the distant naval forces were located at a faster speed.

“The real weapon of this little devil is actually a long whip?!” In the center of the battlefield, Whitebeard was very surprised, originally he saw that Mo Fan’s sword skills were very strong, and thought that the latter was a sword master, “Using the long whip with the help of foreign objects, using it so skillfully, it must have regular training!” ”

And just when Whitebeard was surprised, Kaido on the same battleship suddenly got up, and his feet suddenly stepped on the deck, this force completely destroyed the already badly damaged warship, the hull cracks spread, and quickly began to disintegrate, with the help of a huge rebound force, Kaido chased Mo Fan in the distance extremely quickly.

“Goo la!! Want to escape in front of Lao Tzu? Whitebeard burst out laughing as his right fist slammed into Kaido.

Air Shock!!


One after another cracks spread rapidly in the air, and the last came first, catching up with Kaido in mid-air, and directly blasted the latter down.

“You dare to stop me? Whitebeard!! Kaido roared angrily and turned around and rushed onto the ship that was about to fall apart.

Whitebeard did not respond loudly, only raised his hand and clenched his fist, and blasted out one shock wave after another.

The same four emperors, all out of his hand, Kaido can only stay in the battle, full attention, dare not have the slightest distraction, after all, standing in front of him is a man with the strongest name in the world!

However, he himself could not hunt down and kill Mo Fan, but he could order his subordinates to go.

When fighting with Whitebeard, Kaido took the time to convey the order and let the subordinates who stayed on the periphery of the battlefield go to surround Mo Fan.

Whitebeard also gave the order, but one did not care whether he lived or died, and the other only wanted to be captured alive.

“Phew, it’s really the most comfortable to stay on your own boat.” At this time, Mo Fan had returned to his warship, of course, his warship had also sailed to the sea area where the navy was located, which could be regarded as a return.

“That bastard who didn’t listen to the command actually dared to come back?!” Chi Dog has always been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, and he knows everything about Mo Fan’s return naturally.

It’s just that he didn’t have time to teach Mo Fan anything more, and he had to deal with the immediate crisis first—Whitebeard and Kaido’s subordinates were swarming.

“Huh? Why is that little ghost suddenly unable to see people? ”

“I see it! That kid escaped into the navy! ”

“Navy? Exactly, grab them all and look for them slowly! ”

“Listen to the navy opposite, you guys are already surrounded, hurry up and get that kid… What’s that kid’s name? ”

Pirates flocked to the naval fleet of warships.

I have to say that although this gang of people is not as disciplined as the navy, they can’t hold up many people! At this time, a large group of warships rushed over, and actually surrounded the naval team, of which the Whitebeard force and the Kaido force accounted for half each, and the left and the right surrounded the naval fleet tightly.

“! Dare to challenge the Navy! A bunch of stupid stuff! The red dog was furious to the extreme.

Generally speaking, pirates will not take the initiative to attack the navy, only to flee from the wind, but the forces of the four emperors are different, and people don’t care about you at all.

“Haha! Red dog, obviously it was your navy who did it first! Whitebeard’s side led by Team Ichiban captain Marko, who said with a big laugh.

“That bastard boy ran away, we have no choice, we can only come to you for someone!”

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