The sword qi is like a rainbow!

Such a powerful attack was actually nothing in the battlefield in front of him, and it was not as fierce and shocking as the battle between the general-level powerhouse and the two Four Emperors.

However, it still shocked the navy and pirates in the nearby area, because the sword qi that cut off the pirate ship made them feel desperate.

And Mo Fan, who was the party involved, was the focus of everyone’s shock, and after cutting off the pirate ship with a sword, he casually threw away the long sword in his hand.

“It’s a little tired.” He exhaled, the sword just now consumed a lot of mental and physical strength, and at this time he looked up at the distant sea, his brows gradually wrinkled.

I saw that in the distant battlefield, one after another pirate warships are sailing rapidly, just now Mo Fan’s sword power did deter many pirates, but there are still thieves who are not afraid of death, are powerful guys, if you identify their wanted orders, you can know that the basic bounty is over 100 million, and the leading pirate bounty is at least 500 million!

There are even top cadres! That is, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the strong people of the same level, the strongest of these people is already equivalent to the level of a general!

However, they were basically intercepted by the Navy’s high-end combat power, and almost all of the Navy’s strong people above the commodore level were involved.

The leader of the navy, Akainu, is at war with Marko and others at this moment, and the sea area in the battlefield is completely boiling, water vapor is steaming in the flames, and the mist is overwhelmed.

The bottomless sea, greeted by the great battle, actually created a flame island, and one after another figures fought fiercely in the flames.

“There are still many pirates!” Mo Fan watched around, all the many warships of the navy were surrounded, and a warship had to face at least five pirate warships of the same size.

If it weren’t for the irreconcilable contradictions between the two major and four emperor forces, who were fighting each other at the same time during the siege, the navy would have been wiped out long ago.

After all, this sea domain name is: New World! It is a sea area that belongs to the Four Emperors!

“Even if all three major generals come, it is impossible to kill all the pirates here, this mission… Not just A-grade at all! ”

Originally, before leaving, Ain and the others still felt that the A-level assessment of this mission was higher than the actual difficulty, but now it seems that even if it is rated as S-class, there is no problem – of course, the naval headquarters never thought that Mo Fan would be bold enough to take the initiative to provoke the four emperors.

“In fact, even if we don’t take the initiative to start a war, as long as we stay in this battlefield, those pirates will definitely not let us go.”

Ordinary pirates will not take the initiative to attack the navy, but the forces of the four emperors are different.

The Four Emperors may not care about the Navy’s spectatory, but their subordinates will definitely clear the scene in the end, and will not give others the opportunity to sneak attack.

“If nothing else, this war, the naval forces will lose more than half.” Thinking of this, Mo Fan was also a little anxious, no matter what, he is now in the navy, and it is estimated that he will not change his identity in the future, naturally he still has to consider for the navy.

So, he pondered carefully, thinking about how to crack the situation in front of him.

“Speaking of which, it seems that the target of those pirates is me?” Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his heart, and he clapped his palms, “In that case, then as long as I leave here, won’t the crisis in the navy be automatically lifted?” ”

Mo Fan felt that he was really a genius.

He then relayed the order, reversed course, and prepared to leave the battlefield.

“What? Are we going to escape? Running away? Ain received the order, and was the first to object, very emotional, “Do you know what kind of consequences you will cause by doing this?!” ”

“Hehe, can it be that with me, the navy can wipe out the two major and four emperor forces?” Mo Fan asked rhetorically.

“Annihilate the Four Emperors? What annihilated the Four Emperors? Ain was a little puzzled, but quickly came back to his senses and continued, “Escaping is a very serious crime, and we will be tried by the navy headquarters afterwards, and we may even be locked up in the underwater prison-Advance City!” ”

“It turns out that what you care about is this…” Mo Fan was a little speechless, but after thinking about it, he also nodded, “That’s right, it’s really not good to leave directly like this, then… Let’s chase the pirates away! ”

Mo Fan thought of a good idea again.

“Why are you just thinking about how to leave?” Ain was almost broken.

However, at this time, Mo Fan had already reached out and took out a phone worm.

This phone bug is specially made to make fixed-point contact, and the person he wants to contact at this time is in this battlefield.

“Tichy? Where are you? Hurry up! By the way, find a larger pirate ship, preferably the size of a large naval warship! ”

“… Don’t ask so much, hurry up and get ready for the pirate ship to drive over, this matter is very important! ”

After quickly explaining, Mo Fan hung up the phone, turned to Ain and said: “The pirate candidate is already available, you and Bingz go to prepare, and when Tichy’s pirate ship comes, we will go!” ”

On the other side, Tiqi suddenly showed a thick panic in his eyes after the call was interrupted.

“Let me defect now? Isn’t this going to find death?! ”

“But that guy has left evidence in his hands… Damn it! ”

Not long after, Tiqi took over the command of a certain pirate ship, according to him, he wanted to take the wounded into battle and seek revenge on Mo Fan!

Since the navy’s team was surrounded by groups, Tiqi and Mo Fan talked to each other and quickly found each other.

“Here he is.” Mo Fan saw a certain large sea ship appear in the distance, and his face smiled brightly, “Pass the order down, we are ready to go!” ”

“Target: Tichy’s pirate ship… Forget it, Ain, you go and personally steer the course. ”

“… Be. ”

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