“Draco – Musgarud Saint’s carry-on jade pendant? You… How could you…. ”

Seeing this scene, Disco had nothing to say anymore, he knew what it meant for Mo Fan to hold this jade pei in his hand, which meant that he Mo Fan had been “endorsed” by the Draco behind him.

And the rights of Draco don’t need to be mentioned by others, because even if he is stupid, he is not stupid enough not to know what kind of person this is.

A naval colonel is already a symbol of power, plus there is a Draco with supreme rights as a backer, is this about to turn the sky? It’s no problem walking sideways in Chambordi.

“This is the Draco’s jade pendant?”

The subordinates next to Disco saw that this was also completely sluggish, and they often worked in the auction house and they often came into contact with Draco, so they knew what it was.

“Now, we are really finished, the boss will not offend Colonel Mo Fan!” Their hearts are completely cold, which is unacceptable!

“I’ll leave it at that, if you have any opinions, then I can only call my troops in to maintain order!” I believe that with my order, my troops in Chambord Land can capture this place in a minute! Mo Fan looked at Disco with interest.

“….! This.. This…! When Disco heard this, he was almost unconscious, this should be considered Mo Fan’s best warning, if he didn’t agree, he would have to…

“Good! Good! This auction house will be in your name from now on! In the future, Boss Mo Fan, if you have anything, please do not hesitate to order! Disco immediately couldn’t stand the suppression of Mo Fan’s aura, and directly changed his tone and shouted.

“Hmm! Very good! After that, the income here must be fully rewarded to me! ”

Mo Fan said the last sentence solemnly, and walked straight out of here.

Leave the disco crowd messy in this wind!

And in fact, except for the disco accident, somewhere in the auction house

Seeing in the auction hall, they could no longer buy the auction items today, and they all left one after another.

At this time, the auction hall, which was crowded with people just now, is now amazingly empty.

But at this moment, right above the empty and quiet auction hall, when the panicked people had already gone home to find their mothers, there was a man who was still here.

The man was a middle-aged man with gray beard, holding a wine jug in his hand and drinking wine, calmly looking at the battlefield where Mo Fan and Hawkeye had fought, as if recalling Mo Fan’s previous feats.

“I didn’t think that the world’s number one swordsman’s eagle eye also has today! Maybe this is fate! The white-haired man continued to take a sip of wine and said lightly.

Then he disappeared into this space again like a phantom, but he said one more word before leaving:

“Haha! The world may soon change! ”



Seagull sent the newly distributed newspaper to the world, and the world was shocked on this day, this is from yesterday’s live reporter description of the news headline, this headline is very large, big line: “Big event! One of the seven martial seas [Hawkeye] Mihawk defeated the hands of Captain Mo Fan, and truly told the world that the navy produced a very, very powerful sailor.

This is even more shocking than the incident in which he showed his face some time ago! This is the first naval colonel in the history of the Navy to defeat a strong man of the Seven Wuhai level in a row, and this great feat is not an exaggeration even if he becomes a naval hero.

Marin Fandor, headquarters of the Navy.

“You said… Mo Fan, that kid defeated another Qiwu Sea, and still Hawkeye? ”

On the seat of the marshal, a middle-aged man wearing a navy captain sat on the chair, and his majestic body showed extraordinary bravery!

The middle-aged man wore exaggerated round-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, a long beard, and a white goat next to him, devouring the document he had just read.

As soon as you look at this iconic dress, you can know that this person is the current marshal of the navy, —- the Warring States of Buddha!

“Yes! According to the information already published in the newspaper, there should be no fake! ”

And in front of his seat, a man in a navy jacket answered his question solemnly, and looking at the sound of panting breathing, he could see that he had run all the way.

“Got it! Get out! ”

After the Sengoku waved his hand at the navy, he picked up the newspaper, and the newspaper was proudly published with pictures of the fight!

The young man’s black hair was wearing a naval justice robe, and he looked proud, which was exactly the Mo Fan kid he was familiar with!

There were also these luxuriously decorated rooms around him that had been damaged by fighting, and there was also a more eye-catching task, that is, the Seven Martial Sea Eagle Eye Mihawk who was half-kneeling in front of Mo Fan!

“Half-kneeling? This kid really has a set….

An island in the New World

At this time, the red-haired Shanks was sitting on the splint of the Red Firth, and he had just finished a battle, and he was drinking alone to relieve his boredom.


But at this moment, a news bird shouted at him, and then flew down in front of him and happily took out a newspaper and handed it to him.

He immediately put down the wine bottle in his hand and immediately opened the newspaper.

“Big event! One of the seven martial seas of His Majesty [Hawkeye] Mihawk lost to the hands of the Captain of the Navy and officially became the world’s number one swordsman! The redhead picked up the bottle again. Taking a sip of wine, he picked up the newspaper and paid attention to the big events in the newspaper.

For the defeat of Hawkeye, an enemy who had fought him countless times, the redhead immediately showed a look of surprise, and when he saw that the person who defeated him turned out to be Mo Fan, he was even more shocked!

He couldn’t help but think back…


And in the new world, the whitebeard on the other side looked at the latest news that had just arrived in his hand, frowned and said to himself, “There is such a sailor in the navy?” Defeating Hawkeye, the swordsmanship attainment also convinced Hawkeye, interesting, interesting…”

On a certain throne, a feather guy dragged the reward slip and smiled secretly, “Mo Fan, it’s really you, I remember you, but you won’t be able to laugh anymore soon…”

In a brightly lit town somewhere on the Great Voyage, a strange guy with an iron-faced helmet took the newspaper in his hand, walked to a red-headed man, handed the newspaper in his hand, and said, “Captain Kidd, there is another capable man in the navy, it seems that we have another strong opponent…”

On an island on the Great Voyage, Luo, wearing a black spotted white hat, held this newspaper in his hand…

Every citizen of Chambord and even the people of the four seas were extremely shocked when they got this news.

But even though all parts of the sea were shaking greatly because of him, Mo Fan, the protagonist of this time, was enjoying the joy of harvesting at this time.

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