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At this time, Bai Xing also walked up to the bow of the boat, looked at the blurry mist in the distance, covered his face, and slowly revealed a scared face.

The unusual behavior of these people caused some sailors on the deck to also come over, and also raised their heads to look in the direction where they did not know that something existed, and for a moment everyone’s hearts were full of curiosity.

I saw that in the depths of the dense fog in the distance, a point of light could be faintly seen, just when the sailors were thinking about whether it was an illusion caused by eating fish for a long time, blurred vision and looking directly at the dense fog.

The point of light in front of him became a little bigger, and then the ship suddenly moved faster and moved in the direction of that point of light.

Just when everyone was holding their breath and watching the approach of that point of light, wanting to get closer and see it clearly, Mo Fan, who was calm and natural, already felt that this would be another adventure in the sea area of the Devil’s Triangle.

It stands to reason that the average person should immediately show a mixture of fear and anticipation about this unknown thing, but he is like a nobody, because he finds that his own heart has nothing but anticipation and excitement.

It was just a moment’s effort, the dot seemed to appear out of thin air, and the black dot had become perverted large, so large that everyone could recognize what kind of ship it was, and they found that what they were in front of them was no longer like a ship, but more imagining an island, or it could be said that it was an island ship.

The island ship finally cut through the thick fog and sailed in front of the Star Sea.

A heavy smell of decay came to the face, and the thick fog that had been thick and made it impossible to see tens of meters ahead was as if it had been cut by a ship, making everyone clearly see this strange large ship that appeared in this sea.

The entire hull seemed to be surrounded by a faint black fog, and even if they did not lean closely, they could still feel the deep chill coming from the strange ship.

From the outside, the ship is a very traditional three-masted sailing ship, made of wood from the hull to the cabin, and nailed with iron nails.

One of the main masts and two secondary masts on the ship have decayed and blackened, and large and small moss has grown, and the hull of the ship is even more dilapidated, and everywhere you can see some planks and holes that seem to have been destroyed by a fight.

And seeing these broken wooden boards, they can judge that this has some history, and it is a long history, and everyone listened carefully and even faintly listened to the wooden boards blown by the wind.

Click…. of eerie sounds.

And the reason why it is strange is that there is no wind, but this large yellowed sail full of holes still makes a sound of “hula hula hula …” windy blowing, which is really enough to send chills down their spine.

“Oops! Mother…… Mom! Binz on the ship was the first to turn on the voice, trembling all over, and even his voice could tremble an octave when he spoke, “This… This is…. Quiet…… Ghost Ship!! ”

There is no doubt that this huge ship floating silently on the sea, from the outside, is a ghost ship that is unpopular, silent in addition to silence, and exists only in the legend of seafarers.

However, not only did Binz react like this, but even the other sailors were stunned, directly hiding in the corner of the ship.

Bai Xing was even more afraid to hide behind Mo Fan, leaning his fingers on Mo Fan’s back, as if he wanted to win a trace of warmth and security from him and relieve his chill.

Next to him, Mo Fan put a weapon away in his hand expressionlessly, and slowly walked to the splint at the bow of the ship.

There was no reason or a sense of crisis, but he felt he had to go to the ship.

He had a faint feeling that the ship was calling him, and he felt that he had to go up and take a walk.

“I’m going up.” Mo Fan looked directly at the ship, and his cold tone did not fluctuate, making people deeply feel that he loved to state an irrefutable decision.

And this decision, no one else is allowed to refute it!

Feeling this breath is particularly sharp, but still chilling and murderous, Ain seemed to understand his meaning at this time, so he also plucked up enough courage to step forward: “Just now, I am also very curious about this ship, then I will go up with you.” ”

Bai Xing was also afraid that Mo Fan would not come back immediately, so he shouted again and again: “I want to go up too, I also want to go up!” ”

“Bai Xing, you are too timid! You better stay here first!! Your body size is too big for us to follow. And Ain and Binz also stayed on this ship to guard, and I took the other brothers up to search it! Mo Fan looked at the white star on the side, and also ordered Ain and Binz to stay guard.

“Yes!” Ain and Binz are also the main focus.

“Ah! Well! Bai Xing also understood the matter, and when she heard Mo Fan say this, she felt that it was also right, so she lowered her head and nodded, and said with a warm smile: “Brother Mo Fan!” You have to be careful! I’ll wait here for you to come back! ”

“Uh-huh!” Mo Fan nodded at Bai Xing, then turned around and ordered the sailors to drop anchor, and prepared to go ashore and set off. _

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