“Let’s be honest! Where is Moonshine Moriah?

The powerful momentum that Mo Fan exuded at this time was like an abyss purgatory, treacherous and boundless.

The last line of defense in Hogurk’s heart could no longer withstand resistance, and he instantly lost the power to resist him.

Then obediently began to answer Mo Fan’s question, and Perona next to her was also very cooperative, after all, she was also afraid of Mo Fan, a navy that could even kill a ghost without a disembodiment.

Listening to their speech, Mo Fan thought carefully in his heart, although the three weirdos they caught were all Moria’s henchmen, but looking at the functions of these two people can be seen.

Among them, Abu Salom, who was captured by him earlier, is a transparent fruit ability, whose ability is to make himself or the objects he touches transparent, and his special hobby is actually stealing Kui women, not doing his job, and being despised.

And his transparent ability, as long as he locks it with a domineering look, then it is simply equivalent to an abolished skill, and Perona is good at using ghosts to scare people, such an ability is also relatively chicken, difficult to become a big tool, and can not enter Mo Fan’s eyes.

Among the three, the most functional is even this “genius” surgeon Hoguguc, who excavates corpses from cemeteries around the world, and then uses the shadow taken by Moonlight Moria to make a bunch of zombies out, helping Moonlight Moria create a zombie army, which can be described as a contribution.

Although Hogurk’s own strength is not very good in addition to transforming and creating zombies, his transformation ability is very strong, and among Moria’s legions, the credit is also the largest among the three weirdos

Therefore, Mo Fan did not plan to kill them now, and when the time came, he would use some means to coerce, and he thought that he might be able to use them in the future.

“Hmm! Got it! ”

After listening, a flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Mo Fan’s eyes, and then he narrowed his eyes and said sharply: “Go, take us into that castle.” ”

Saying that, Mo Fan pulled Hogubak up with a rope, and then threw him to the front and then switched positions back and forth, which was also a way for their troops to “favor” prisoners.

And the latter was so “treated” that his psychology and physiology were probably so painful that tears came out, and he just wanted to raise his voice and curse, but when he caught a glimpse of Mo Fan’s cold eyes, he had to swallow the words back into his stomach.

He knew that he could not offend this man at the moment, and now that he was captured, he had to be aggrieved and lead the way, but he scolded Mo Fan a hundred and eighty times in his heart.

And Perona is not good, although she is a woman, but Mo Fan also asked his sailors to tie her up tightly like a hydrogen balloon, and let her fly in mid-air and pull her away.


Mo Fan and the others took Hoguguac and Perona and had already come to the foot of the castle and entered a garden,

After entering the garden, they came to a small courtyard full of flowers and plants and a few shrubs, and the flowers they saw were extremely bright, beautiful and shiny.

But it is also strange to say, it seems that in order to lure outsiders who are disoriented in the Devil’s Triangle to automatically enter the trap, Mo Fan got off the boat and landed on the island, and saw that the surrounding environment was very blurry.

But at the foot of this castle, they saw that the surrounding fog suddenly dispersed, and the scene in front of them became clear in an instant.

Although there was still a little lingering fog, it was obviously much better than the foggy situation before.

When the fog cleared, the bright and beautiful flowers they saw were revealed.

But when this beautiful scene in front of them appeared, they seemed to see an even more shocking scene in front of them.


Everyone was stunned, stopped their steps with a look of surprise, and looked at the scene in front of them in a daze.

“Have you all failed? This was somewhat unexpected. ”

At this moment, a slightly sharp voice sounded, and I saw that under the cluster of pitch-black “bats”, a strange man roughly estimated to be about six or seven meters tall was slowly walking out and came to the side where Mo Fan and the others and Perona were standing.

With a hairstyle like a fire, the whole person looks like a strange large doll at first glance.

The shape of the body with a wide upper tip and a wide bottom, almost non-existent legs and feet standing in a figure of eight make up a person, but his identity is enough to make ordinary pirates daunted.

He is one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, the Shadow Fruit Ability, Moonlight Moria.

“Navy Mo Fan, although I know that it is not easy to deal with you, after all, you have defeated many strong people in the New World and Chambord Land!

But what I didn’t expect was that it was still unbelievable that you could kill my zombie legion and the disembodied negative ghost released by Perona. Grinning at Mo Fan, he said evilly.

Moonlight Moriah then spoke, “But this time you’re not so lucky!” Because I’ll cut your shadow off and make a great zombie! ”

“Oh, you’re just going to end up like them.” Mo Fan, on the other hand, just smiled indifferently and said, “Or it can be said that you are just a little bit higher than them. ”

“Hehee, is it possible to say such words, Mo Fan, you really are not an ordinary navy.” Mo Fan’s words made Moonlight Moria first stunned, and then after screaming strangely twice, he raised his ten-fingered sharp hands,

“But that’s what makes me want your shadow even more.”

“To get my shadow, it depends on whether you have this ability.” Raising his hand indifferently, Mo Fan then said in a flat tone, “If you have the ability, you can try it.” ”

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