Mo Fan and the others were over, after the visit of the Devil’s Triangle

He returned to the sea again with Moriah and the others, drifted on the sea for a while, and then unknowingly passed another three days.

A lot has happened in these three days.

First of all, Moria was defeated, and Mo Fan also received a lot of rewards, and this time he was opening the attribute list to check it: ”

【Mo Fan】

【Lucky Value:1【Permanent】

【Six Styles: LV.5】(‘Shaving’ has reached the full level!) (‘Finger gun’ has reached full level!) )

[Life Return: LV.2] (‘Whip’ has reached full level!) )

【Right arm: full level】

[Armed Color Domineering: LV.5]

[See Domineering (Mutation): LV.5]

【Kendo: Full Level】

At this time, after taking a serious look at the attribute list, he felt very happy: since he got the permanent lucky value, he was really a little lucky, because this time his armed color domineering and seeing color domineering had actually increased by one level each, reaching level 5.

Although he has only risen a few levels, he knows that this level does not mean that he has not been promoted, because while reading the list, he also tested the armed color domineering and seeing the color domineering that has been promoted.

He found that the color of the armed color was deeper, and his physical strength also felt much stronger, and he was domineering, and the picture and distance he could see were also much higher.

However, while he received the reward, the news of his defeat of Moria also spread and became a hot topic in the world.

Now his ship has attracted the attention of various forces, and the media is also paying close attention to this new naval branch colonel, reporting about his deeds everywhere.

In addition, this news must have reached the ears of the Navy and the World Government.

Because the moonlight Moriah he defeated was the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty that the Navy now practices, they are now quite sensitive to Mo Fan’s repeated defeats of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas named after the Navy.


Marlene Fodo.

In the naval headquarters, in the office of the Marshal of the Warring States, several naval figures were standing here at this time.

One of them is Marshal Sengoku, while the others are the two current admirals, Akainu and Yellow Ape, and one is a naval hero, Vice Admiral Karp.

They learned that Mo Fan had defeated Moonlight Moria, and they all started a topic of whether to promote or demote Mo Fan’s naval position.

At this time, a call directly to the special telephone worm of the Warring States, and the Warring States answered the phone, their faces froze, and several general-level navies sitting on the sofa were so frightened that they held their breath.

At this time, the five old stars from the highest power representative of the world government jointly called…

“Marshal of the Warring States! Do you know that His Majesty the Seven Wuhai is the organization we use to balance the power of the Four Emperors, but your navy defeated the members of this organization, so we are very angry that your naval colonel defeated the members of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai, as we define it!

I hope you will be able to restrain the people of your navy well in the future! Stop letting him undermine our management system! Tick Tick! After a few simple words, before the Warring States could speak, he hung up the phone, and then the Warring States also put down the arc.

“Marshal of the Warring States, what happened?”

Seeing that Sengoku hung up the phone, one couldn’t help but ask.

The Warring States face was ugly livid, for a long time, a few words popped out of his mouth:

“Mo Fan was paid attention to by the five old stars!”

“What?!” Everyone was stunned.

However, the Warring States quickly calmed down, and he who has always had his own rules to do things, even if he is a five-old star, he can also be temporarily put aside.

Then, back to the discussion:

“Talk about it all! Colonel Mo Fan, do you want to give him a further promotion to the rank! Warring States looked at Lieutenant General Kapu and Yellow Ape who were eating fairy shells on the side and asked, “What do you think of Lieutenant General Karp and General Yellow Ape!” ”

“Huh! Phew! Phew! This makes the hometown not know the judgment? I remain neutral! Yellow Ape said lazily.

“Wha! Mo Fan, this kid! I think he should be promoted! Karp said simply, and then ate the senbei with his own care.

“Marshal of the Warring States, Mo Fan is too presumptuous, repeatedly challenging the face of the navy! You must cure him!

Wound Doflamingo, defeat Hawkeye Mihawk, defeat Moonlight Moria… This is a major event that shocks the world.

As a navy, he actually fought all the allies of our navy, and he simply wanted to go against our navy, so he should have removed his colonel position! ”

A black-faced admiral was indignant, and finally slammed the cigar in his mouth on the table, this person is the current admiral, Akainu.

For Mo Fan’s behavior, this was contrary to the justice in his heart, so he resolutely opposed it.

“Poofhahaha! Although Qiwuhai is a good ally, but pirates are pirates after all, they have always had some scruples about us, and Mo Fan defeated them and defeated His Majesty Qiwuhai, which greatly increased the reputation of the navy! If we don’t get promoted, our Navy may not be welcomed in the future! Karp continued to laugh.

“You…!” Akainu’s face darkened a little when he heard this, but he couldn’t find a rebuttal, so he held it there.

“Hmm! Karp has a point! Warring States thought for a long moment and nodded, “Then promote Mo Fan to major general!” Still go to the base of the 13th Branch of the Navy! I’ll call him later to inform, and then nothing will happen! You’re all dispersed! ”

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