“Who is it?”

Hancock snorted coldly at a place that was still steaming.

At the moment when the ship shook violently, he found an incomparably powerful aura emanating from the sea in front of him, and the person who emanated from this force must be a strong person.

Because she not only realized that this breath, but also while speaking, found that it was their ship that was motionless, it was actually layers of ice that was cold and cold.

And this ice, not only froze their sea, even a dozen nautical miles were tightly covered by his ice, on the ice, they also saw some large and small sea kings were frozen.

What kind of person would this strong person be if he could achieve this level?

However, although they could not see the mysterious person completely, they realized that the person who loomed was a person who could control the ice.

“Huh! It’s really going to take the right time to appear! At this time, Mo Fan looked at the scene in front of him, not too surprised, but a rare smile on his face.

He… Already know who is coming!

“Sister, Salome’s appearance is a little strange.” Next to the woman, another woman whispered.

The Salomey she was talking about was a large python with pink spots, which did not have the ferocity of a python at all, but looked like a pet.

And hearing this, the woman known as Hancock also frowned slightly and glanced at her pet suspiciously.


Just then, a third ship suddenly appeared on the sea.

Looking, this ship was not an ironclad ship, and it was not at all like the wind sailing ship they knew, but on the deck of the ship, there were many cannons, obviously some kind of warship.

However, whose warship this is, they do not know.

But Han Cook was closest to the ship, and he saw the deck of the ship that suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, her face changed slightly, and her sharp gaze suddenly swept to the surface of a sea.

“Navy? What kind of person are you, you actually sneakily shot at a concubine! ”

Hearing this, a man wearing a military uniform and a cloak of justice spoke in a deep voice, “Boya Hancock, since you accept the title of Qiwuhai, then you must be pragmatic and stop doing anything to attack the navy, once you attack the navy, it is equivalent to giving up the title of Qiwuhai, and our navy will sink you here!” ”

“Navy?” Hearing what the other party said, Hancock and Mo Fan simultaneously locked their eyes on the person who had started before, and Mo Fan immediately felt familiar.

With wavy curly hair, a justice cloak over his shoulders, a grim look, and a slender and strong figure.


Mo Fan’s voice was low, this person in front of him, he was the most familiar, after saying that, he swept towards another ship without paying more attention, and the woman at the head of the deck was as beautiful as a fairy in a painting, and this woman was one of the few people with a calm face like him.

“Is it the admiral who is naïve?! Is it really him? ”

“What to do? We can’t shoot at the admiral! Lord Hancock? ”

Suddenly, countless lines of sight looked at the female emperor in unison, and they even, if they made a move against the admiral-level navy, their country name might be destroyed.

What kind of character is the Admiral? That is one of the three main forces of the Navy, and one person can destroy the terrorist existence of a country.

Moreover, the reason why the female emperor of their family agreed to be His Majesty the Seven Wuhai was to protect Amazon Lily from invasion, and Boya Hancock accepted the invitation of the World Government to join the “Seven Seas of His Majesty”.

Seeing this, Boya Hancock breathed hesitantly, and after a long silence.

Then took a deep breath, Boya Hancock’s face turned cold, and a pair of delicate beautiful eyes suddenly swept towards Qingzhi, and spoke coldly:

“Navy, the concubine will let you go today, but don’t give me another sight of you in our domain!” Otherwise, I call you a navy or a pirate! After that, Boyahan Cook walked back to the cabin seat with a proud look and quietly left.

Watching the boya Han Cook and the others leave, the young and indifferent face eased up a little, and immediately stepped on the sea, towards the diameter of where Mo Fan was.

“Young General! How can you be nosy when you are so free! After Mo Fan saw Qingzhi’s first words, he turned and left

He knew that this uninvited guest naturally had nothing good to say.

“Major General Mo Fan! I’m not here to be nosy! I’m here to congratulate you” Noticing that Mo Fan got up and was ready to ignore him, the green pheasant quickly explained: “We haven’t seen each other for so long, naturally we brought some good things to see you!” ”

“So good? But no thanks! I still have something to do now, you can have a cup of tea on my boat and leave!” Mo Fan was not too polite and beckoned.

“Don’t go yet, I said at that time that I wouldn’t let you suffer, so I brought something you should like…” said the green pheasant quickly.

As he spoke, the green pheasant returned to his steady appearance, and a strange light appeared in his eyes.

Then he lifted up the thing in his hand, “I brought a good thing to exchange with you, the golden phone worm stored in your place!” ”

“Oh! What a good thing! Mo Fanrao turned around and asked with interest.

“Look! That’s a good knife! As Qing Zhi spoke, he slowly opened the scabbard, and a blood-red sword was revealed.

“This is…” Mo Fan looked at the blood-red sword in the green pheasant’s hand, and his heart moved, “Could this be one of the twelve skills of the legendary Eagle Eye’s supreme fast knife…….

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