The war has already begun!

Not long after the Whitebeard Pirates left the New World Territory, the navy that had long been prepared around the New World launched an attack on the targeted Pirate Group under the Whitebeard Grand Fleet.

In just one night, several pirate ships under Whitebeard had completely lost contact.

But it did not stop them, and the pace of progress continued to run towards the naval headquarters as loudly.

In the new world left, Whitebeard’s original territory fell into no defensive field.

The departure of Whitebeard has lost the original balance, and the new world has begun to become chaotic.

But the other part of the New World is surprisingly calm.

Inside the sea in front of a ruined place that has just experienced battle.

The world’s second swordsman ‘Hawkeye’ Mihawk, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty who had recently been defeated, was sitting on a broken wall and drinking the spirit in his glass in one gulp

“Have you heard about that?” After drinking, he suddenly asked the man on the side who was also drinking.

“Hmm! This matter is so sensational, there is nothing in this sea that no one does not know. Opposite Hawkeye Mihawk, a red-haired, one-armed man also held a glass of wine and drank it down,

“In the face of such an obvious straight hook fishing trap, this old man with Whitebeard still has no choice, he wants to go ah…”

“New World, you and those two shouldn’t interfere in this matter, right?” Hawkeye Mihawk asked.

“It’s unlikely that you will interfere too much, if the whole old man of Whitebeard really can’t come back, for the remaining people in the New World, this means that there is more territory to divide, so why bother to fight with the Navy and the World Government for a whitebeard?” The red-haired one-armed man shook his head and sighed.

“It’s not like you say it, you’ve changed a lot.” Hawkeye Mihawk said with a glimmer of light.

“People change, times are different, and blood alone cannot stand in this sea and the new world.” The red-haired, one-armed man sighed, “It’s you, it seems that it has never changed.” ”

Hawkeye shook his head, “I’m getting worse too!” My swordsmanship is actually in the eyes of a swordsman, and it is not worth mentioning! ”

“Haha! You mean that navy named Mo Fan! The red-haired one-armed man laughed and looked at Hawkeye, who was a little lost, and continued to comfort: “Don’t worry!” With your strength, sooner or later you will be able to bring back the glory that belongs to you! ”

As for him asking how he knew, because this incident was also quite sensational!

Hawkeye looked at the ruins in front of him and was silent.

“By the way, as Your Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, the World Government should also go to you, right? I don’t think they will give up a combat power that you have so good as this! The red-haired, one-armed man asked suddenly.

“Hmm! The World Government has given a notice to forcibly recruit all members of His Majesty’s Seven Warriors to Marin Fandor to help the Navy deal with the upcoming Whitebeard Pirates. Hawkeye Mihawk said.

“Is it actually putting on such a big battle, is this really planning to completely annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates’ ah…” The red-haired one-armed man was slightly startled.

“The three major generals plus Marshal Warring States, as well as the naval hero Karp, plus the ‘Seven Wuhai of His Majesty’, this time the Whitebeard Pirates are only afraid that it will be difficult to escape.” ‘Hawkeye’ objectively analyzed.

“Hard to say! The old man with the white beard, but the strongest man in the world, he is not as weak as you seem. The red-haired one-armed man thought for a moment and shook his head.

“Anything is possible, but then we know!” Hawkeye Mihawk took another sip of wine and walked away.

Leaving the red-haired one-armed man, he sighed alone: “It seems that I am going to do something too!” ”


In the Marin Fando base of the naval headquarters, Vice Admiral Karp, Marshal of the Warring States and Vice Admiral Tsuru were studying a chessboard in front of them.

Unlike chess, which most people like, in front of them is a pie-shaped chess piece that only has the difference between black and white, and has the exact same shape – Go!

“The red dog and the young child are really amazing, and they secretly cleaned up the pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirate Group in a blink of an eye, and prepared for the morale of the big war, which can be regarded as a reminder to Whitebeard.”

Sengoku took a white chess piece and put it directly into the chessboard, on which he simulated the situation between the white-bearded pirate group and them.

When he put down the white chess pieces, dozens of black pieces were surrounded by white chess pieces, and then eliminated.

“Hmm! These two generals are also thinking about their future, and I hope they can play a role in this battle! Lieutenant General Tsuru also followed.

“Poofhahaha! But I’m still optimistic about Qingzhi, I appreciate his style of doing things, he has captured the pirates back! Karp took a bite of senbei and laughed.

Qingzhi is his former subordinate, and he is also a general, and he also appreciates Qingzhi’s style, so if he wants to recommend it, Qingzhi is the candidate he recommends.

In the entire office, except for Lieutenant General Tsuru, who knew what Warring States was arguing, no one could understand what Warring States was fiddling with.

If the Navy goes all out to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, then the Navy has no chance of winning, so they have to be opportunistic.

Just like the situation on Go, you must first make a game in advance, and then when the time comes, you will make the last stable pawn and remove all the black chess trapped in the white chess pieces.

This is called “catching turtles in the urn, sitting back and enjoying their success”… Lieutenant General Tsuru, what do you think? ”

“Not proper! This step, obviously, can not get a lot of benefits, but will follow the loss of more troops! Since this is our territory, it has been advantageous according to our terrain for so long.

Therefore, you should take this step first, and then give the other party a lure, thinking that when you are defenseless in this place, you will come to another victory chase! ”


Lieutenant General Tsuru excitedly put down a white chess piece, and then saw that the black chess piece had completely lost its ability to move and directly became a dead chess.

“Good chess! Sure enough, it’s a wise general! Karp praised Lieutenant General Tsuru.


Vice Admiral Tsuru nodded gently, did not say much, and then looked at the place outside the naval headquarters where many ships had faintly arrived.

So he said: “It seems that the incumbent members of His Majesty Qiwu Hai have almost arrived!” ”

“Hmm! Let’s go and show him how to deploy! Sengoku let out a low voice and walked out of the office directly.

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