
All the black thieves are their own heroes, they are the protagonists of this war today, and they want to declare war on the navy with the bravest posture.


A bunch of stupid pirates!

Seeing that the pirates had already launched an attack, the navy side was not inferior and directly launched the order

Get ready!

After the instruction, the gun doors installed on the headquarters of the navy, either overt or dark, were opened one by one, and it was difficult to count from a distance like a beehive.

And those swarthy holes went straight towards the body of the rushing pirates, as if they could devour all the pirates in front of them in the next moment.


The next moment, artillery fire rang out in unison, and tongues of fire several meters long erupted from these holes.

Then I saw that one after another black shadows slipped out of the mouth of the cave, and after a burst of gunsmoke, I saw that those black shadows were precisely heading towards the people of the white-bearded pirate group in the distance.

At the same time, the sailors standing in the front like a great enemy all raised their muskets very disciplinedly and shot towards the pirates in a neat row.

Bang! Bang! Boom!

The sound of artillery fire fell slightly, followed by the roar of shells breaking through the air.

The sound of bullets and gunshots is endless, and it is all harsh and uncomfortable.

The shell fell, the bullet passed through the body of one pirate after another, and then I saw that many pirates who had not taken a few steps had found that their partners around them had been bombed into minced meat and disappeared beside them.

Some of them were covered in bright red blood, lying on the ground in pain.

However, this did not make them feel afraid, because the determination and courage in their hearts were not weakened, but after seeing their companions being killed by the navy, they became even more sad and indignant.

Therefore, they are more ferocious, and their running speed has increased a lot.

Get ready!


However, the navy did not admit defeat, and again, launched the next round of artillery bombardment.

And this time, it was more ferocious than the one just now, firing several times in a row.

This time, iron balls with powerful kinetic energy filled the sky, and there was a harsh sound between the friction with the air, as if a group of ghosts were crying at night.

The dense shells were like torpedoes falling from the sky, and like dark clouds swept through, making the already cloudy sky above the pirates’ heads a little darker.

However, in the face of the “dark clouds” that overwhelmed him, Rao is a person with a strong heart, and his face will inevitably become ugly.

This is not fear, but an instinctive reaction to such power.

Even if they are afraid that they are strong people who have broken into the new world, they have experienced an unknown number of battles between life and death, but this kind of shelling is also the first time they have seen it.

If it weren’t for the fact that they were all members of the Whitebeard Pirates, they all had the courage and determination given by the strongest people on the sea behind them, and I am afraid that other pirates would have been terrified.

But at this moment, a powerful voice shouted again, and it kept echoing in their ears:

“Boys! Don’t be afraid! There’s daddy! ”

Words fall! Whitebeard punched forward with a fist, and with a buzz, a glass-like protective barrier appeared in the air, lazy down all the shells that could be smashed into their pirates.

Bang! Bang!

After the shells were “turned away”, they all fell on the glass door, and then disappeared, leaving smoke and dust.


“How is it possible!”

“Is it Whitebeard?”

“What about our thousands of shells?”


Seeing this scene, the navy were stunned for a moment, looking at which scene in the sky in disbelief.

How can such a powerful shell be said to be gone if it is not there?

Whitebeard’s ability is so strong?

Seeing such an incredible ability with his own eyes, even the navy soldier who already knew that the white-bearded man was powerful could not avoid a momentary panic.

“It’s Daddy!”

“Daddy came out and saved us!”

“Quick! Rush! ”


A group of members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, who were already stunned because they were about to be hit by a shell, all woke up at this time and continued to rush towards the sea soldiers.

And soon rushed through, the many traps set up by the navy, came to the first row in front of the sailors, and followed the sailors to hold on.

“Hmph!! Whitebeard actually made a move? ”

The general Sakaski, who was sitting on the side, saw that many navies showed timidity, and suddenly felt that he couldn’t hang up on his face when he sat again, and took a step forward with a cold snort.

“Meteor Volcano!!”

One hand lifted into the sky, and the red dog jerked downward.

The next moment, I saw a little fire flickering in the sky.

“That was… Admiral Akainu-sama’s trick!! “The navy who followed the Sakaski red dog had seen the red dog shoot, and they saw the fire in the sky and recognized at a glance that this was a sign before the red dog made a big move.

“The general is about to strike! Don’t be afraid! Keep rushing! ”

Seeing this scene, the navy soldiers on this side also seemed to have a pillar to back the mountain, and they all shook their spirits.

Come on!

One by one, the changed sailors cut when they saw the pirates, and their bravery was extraordinary.

“Is it the attack of the admiral, boys, you continue to charge me, this little devil will be handed over to me!”

The white-bearded man standing on the bow of the ship looked calm and jumped up from the deck!

Jumping into the air, he suddenly caused a violent vibration on the ground, and a construction industry in the distance immediately collapsed, and then slowly landed.

But just when he wanted to make a move, several captains of the white-bearded pirate group came next to him, and said:

“Daddy! Don’t shoot yet! We also need your command here! Let’s deal with him with this red dog! ”


Whitebeard listened to their words, nodded and answered, and then said seriously: “You all be careful, this kid is sinister and vicious!” ”

“Got it! Dad! ”

“We have long wanted to teach this navy a lesson!”

The captains of several teams also responded one after another, and they carried calm confidence, as if they did not put each other in their eyes.

But just when they wanted to make a move,

The admiral position opposite, but two figures who were sitting there suddenly disappeared from the chair…….

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