
Diamond Joz roared angrily when he saw the painful Saatchi, and then the diamonds on his body deepened again, and the armed color was catalyzed to the extreme.

“Damn Sakaski!!”

With that, the angry Joz once again rushed towards the red dog at a very fast speed.


The huge body is like a bulldozer, directly shoveling the body of the red dog.

“You think you can continue to attack me? So naïve! The red dog watched as Diamond Joz rushed over, and this time he didn’t dodge, but stood there upright.

But his right hand has already turned into lava, and above the lava, the minced meat left by Saatchi’s body burned, and the more it burned, the minced meat turned into gunsmoke, and then directly turned into ash in an instant.

At this time, it was enough to see how high the temperature of his lava was.

Undoubtedly, if anyone receives a punch, it is estimated that they will be seriously injured or killed.

“Not good!”

Joz, who rushed over, found something wrong at that moment, this is like the red dog he faced before, is there a conspiracy?


Finding something wrong, when he was still one meter away from the red dog, he jumped up directly, and then fell from a high altitude.

Such a blow will be much stronger than the straight charge just now, and at least the speed and attack power will be improved.

Coupled with his own diamond defense ability, he didn’t believe that the red dog could break his defenses and attacks again.

“Hmph! It’s just a jumping beam clown! Give me death! ”

The red dog looked at the diamond Joz that smashed at him like a boulder in mid-air, and shouted out angrily.

“Canine Red Lotus”

Then the huge fist assault technique of turning his lava-shaped arm into a canine form slammed directly into Joz’s body when he hit him hard.


The hardness of diamonds is so astonishing that this pediatric is difficult to shake even with the iron fist of a red dog.

However, the power of this punch is quite large, and the impact is also very large, which can be said to be enough to make the mountain-like diamond Joz blast out.


The huge body was weakly knocked away and rolled on the ground.

“Damn it!! You little devil, you actually hurt my son! ”

Whitebeard, who was fighting with Karp and Sengoku on the side, couldn’t help cursing when he saw his son being knocked down by the red dog one after another.

And this red dog had actually heard it, but he didn’t pay attention to it, but got Whitebeard’s attention, and he was even more happy.

The red dog also had no intention of rushing over to deal with Whitebeard, and he was easily injured by Whitebeard just now, and he already had anger in his heart.

Because he was injured by Whitebeard, the justice in his heart was questioned again, questioned because he was not strong enough, and questioned because he was injured by a pirate.

The anger in his heart has converged to an amazing point, in the blink of an eye, with him as the center, the surrounding area has all turned into magma, the volcano has begun to emerge, and the body of the red dog has been connected with the magma field below,


The volcano erupted suddenly, and a stream of hot flames burned devastatedly.


All his strength was gathered on this punch of the red dog, and he slammed towards the body of which is called absolute defense, the world’s first defense!

Go to hell!

The hand of magma is direct, striking down, devastating blow!


The heavy fist slammed into Qiao Zi’s body, and a clearly visible cracking sound sounded, and the red dog’s fist had been embedded in Qiao Zi’s body.

“Oh yes!!!”

Joz let out another scream.

“Ah! How can it be? ”

“Captain Joz he! He’s absolutely defensive! ”

“How could someone hurt him! The strength of this admiral is really terrifying! ”


Seeing that the third team was seriously injured against Captain Joz, the pirates who followed around him were all nervous when they saw it.

The absolute defense in their hearts! They had never seen Joz injured by anyone, not even once.

Because of the protection of the strongest diamond diamond in the world, ordinary weapons and ordinary abilities cannot pierce his defenses to achieve the purpose of harming him.

However, they now saw that the admiral in front of them actually penetrated his absolute defense with one blow, and then injured Joz.

This hit them too hard, they couldn’t believe it, at this time really…..

“Abominable Sakaski! I’m going to slaughter you! ”

Blenheim, another captain of the ninth team on the side, saw the red dog injuring his companion, and also hit him angrily.

“It’s up to you!” After the red dog stood up straight, he immediately punched out, and the magma fist shrouded Blenheim.


The strength of the captain of the ninth team is far from that of Joz, he is the opponent of the red dog, so he was directly blasted away by the red dog without a previous move,

“Hmph! Guys who don’t measure themselves! ”

Chi Inu snorted coldly, then raised his right hand, which had been transformed into magma, and slowly walked into the side of the captain of the ninth team: Blenheim, and then gently raised, “Give me death!” Evil pirates! ”


Seeing that this punch was about to knock down his body, the captain of the ninth team: Blenheim directly shouted out in fear.

He knew that if he didn’t shout again, it might be the last time he spoke up.

“Abominable naval imp! Hurt my son four times over and over again! Unforgivable! ”

But at this moment, the white-bearded who observed the audience in detail made a move.

After splitting Kapu and Sengoku’s attacks, he pulled out and picked up the big beak knife and delivered a fierce blow in the direction of the red dog.


A light mass suddenly appeared from the tip of the big beak knife, and at this time, Whitebeard attached the power of the shock fruit to the weapon, forming a shock light mass.

The next moment, Whitebeard suddenly raised his big beaked knife and slashed at the red dog who wanted to kill the captain of the Jiuban team in the distance on the opposite side.

The big beak knife slashed in the direction, and one after another air cracks continued to spread, causing violent shock fluctuations.

However, what is more terrifying than the power of the earthquake is the sword qi, which is hundreds of meters long and slashes vertically, as if it can cut everything open!

Akainu immediately felt a sense of oppression, a little difficult to move, and now he has no weapon in his hand and empty hands, but he is a lava fruit ability.

At the moment when the sword qi came, could he escape?

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