"I'm going to... I'm going to take my sons back!"


As the words fell, Whitebeard once again raised his knife and killed himself in the middle of the square, and with the effect of the earthquake fruit, every time he swung his knife, a large ditch would crack in the surrounding places.


Countless holes have appeared in the ground, and there are not many of them erected at this time.

The whole of Marinfando was directly turned into ruins!


Shock! Shock!

Smash them all for me!

Whitebeard, who reached the middle lane, was like he had gone crazy, constantly attacking, and kept swinging all kinds of shocking fruit moves.


In the end, even the defensive wall surrounding their ships had been shattered by direct shock, revealing a large gap.

Is he already crazy this time?

Sengoku and Karp's faces were solemn, and they were already suspicious in their hearts when they watched Whitebeard's actions, "Oh no! Whitebeard wants to open a way for the Whitebeard Pirates to escape!"

The Warring States saw that the defensive wall had lost its effect, and that wall had been opened by Whitebeard, and a big gap had been opened, and now they were no longer catching turtles in the urn.

Because of this situation, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates could escape from the gap in that wall at any time, so seeing this situation, he immediately took measures: "All the sailors, give me a strong counterattack, I can't let one of them escape!"


When the navy heard the voice of the Warring States, they all began to fight back, and their momentum immediately rose.

The courage also increased, and they all wanted to encircle and suppress Whitebeard, who had been seriously injured.

"Whitebeard will be captured! you and your pirates won't be able to escape today!" a naval colonel led a group of men around Whitebeard's tentatively.

"Goo-la-la-la! Grab me! Who are you and I Whitebeard, I'm going to see who of you navy can stop me today!"

When the words fell, Whitebeard's powerful arm grabbed a navy casually, and held it directly in the air, and the power of the shock fruit was inspired again


The navy that was captured was directly shattered to the end, and then more than that.... Even the navy who wanted to encircle him was shocked to a few hundred meters away, and then fell to the ground and vomited blood to death.


"Whitebeard is crazy?"

"I want to resist after being so badly injured!"

"No! We can't leave him like this! If we continue like this, we will die with them!"


The admirals present were all frightened when they saw Whitebeard running wildly.

All of them were thinking, getting closer to Whitebeard again, giving him another blow, and quelling the battle.

"Whitebeard! Your time of death has come!"

The first to act was Akainu, who rushed towards Whitebeard, his right fist had turned into a magma fist, and the scorching magma was enough to burn everything.

"Goo-la-la-la, Akainu imp, you want to come and compare with me, you must be overestimating yourself!" Whitebeard knew that although he was seriously injured, it was not a fatal injury, and not everyone could bully.

Looking at Akainu, the Admiral's combat strength rushed over, and his face was already fearless.

At this time, he was vicious, and he stood in place waiting for the Akainu to come over.

"Your time!!!! is over"

Akainu roared, and his right fist, which was ready to strike, was about to explode again.


Whitebeard yelled, trying to motivate himself, stimulate his potential, and let himself forget about the pain in his body for a while.

Then standing in place, the white halo on the flesh and blood blurred right fist had already shattered the surrounding space in an instant before he could punch, and it continued to spread into the distance.


The magma fist that directly greeted the red dog, not afraid of the heat or the burn, grabbed it fiercely.

Then, no need to hesitate, no need to scruples, just use his huge fist and punch at him hard!!!

The red dog who rushed over was caught by Whitebeard, and he stood in place like a stake, and the person who practiced the stake was the strongest man in the world---- Whitebeard!


Whitebeard's heavy fist, without leaving any spare strength, slammed into Akainu's head.

This man's body was constantly deformed by Whitebeard's punches, and the ground around him shattered even more, directly beating the surroundings like a crater, with large and small cracks highlighted.

Everything around was shattered by such power!!

Akainu let out a cry of great pain, and then,

"Poof!" Akainu spat out a mouthful of blood.


"He.... Defeated again by Whitebeard?"

"Isn't this Whitebeard already badly injured?


The sailors, who thought again and again that Whitebeard had been severely injured and had little ability, were once again frightened and retreated.

"Marco, Daddy is here!"

Whitebeard continued to shout at Marco on the execution table, and then bombarded Xingtai again.


Looking at the seriously injured Whitebeard, Marco could no longer hold back the tears that were about to flow out, and cried directly.

His heart was broken and tormented, so he cried so heartbreakingly.


Under a bombardment, cracks appeared in the execution table again, and the captains of the other teams also took the opportunity to rush forward.

After a fight, he finally walked to Marko's position and rescued the latter.

This kind of behavior immediately caused a carnival of the surrounding pirates, but before they could revel, the whitebeard, who had been gritting his teeth, was already vomiting blood.

With the big knife in his hand, he held on to it.

And at this time, the red dog who was seriously injured by Whitebeard in the back was not a dead dog, but a natural Devil Fruit ability, so when he discovered the crisis, he was already planning to escape.


With a soft sound, Akainu turned directly into a piece of magma when Whitebeard didn't pay attention!


The ground sank suddenly, and in front of Whitebeard was the dividing line, and a bottomless chasm had spread out in Marinfando, directly dividing the island in half, and the red dog had disappeared.

"Haha! Akainu, Akainu! You are really asking for trouble! This is really stealing chickens and rice!" Mo Fan on the side saw that Akainu looked embarrassed, and also said that the other party deserved it, and secretly laughed.

But his smile didn't last long, because the battle wasn't over, and Whitebeard's peak just now was at most to save his dear son.

If he had chased after him just now and continued to fight him, according to Whitebeard's ability, even if he was seriously injured by him, in the case of a hard encounter, Whitebeard might have the possibility of destroying everything here.

After some fighting, he knew that Whitebeard's Shock Fruit was not so weak, but very strong, and once he used all his strength, not only Marin Fando might be destroyed, but even the Chambord Islands and Fish-Man Island might be affected.

Mo Fan looked at Whitebeard as if he had exhausted his strength, and then his figure flashed, and he muttered as he moved:

"Looks like it's time to finish!"

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