Is this guy really invincible?

This weird and powerful ability couldn't help but make everyone present gasp...

Of course, the reason for this is only known to Mo Fan himself.

And Akainu didn't seem to think about it so much, out of the control of imitation, his left and right arms continued to stretch and grow, and the magma dripped onto the ground, burning small holes in the ground: "Lava-rock dragon!"

At this time, his awakened ability is also the latest move.

His left arm quickly turned into a red, hot and scorching magma fire dragon, heading straight for Mo Fan's life.

"Ice Tiger!"

And on the top of Qingzhi's right arm, a large amount of ice cubes were also released, turning into a huge ice tiger, attacking towards Mo Fan's other side.

However, they did not give up the attack because of this, but continued to attack Mo Fan, directly blocking Mo Fan's way in all directions...

Seeing this, Mo Fan quickly released his voice, and a sword light sword aura that was almost full of red burst out:

"Break it for me!"

After speaking, a huge sword qi scraped out traces appeared on the ground, and after a roar like thunder, the sword qi divided into two huge slashes, heading straight for Akainu and Qingzhi.

In this way, the Magma Dragon of the Red Inu and Mo Fan's blood-colored sword qi collided with each other, and while the rock dragon was completely destroyed, the momentum of the blood-colored sword qi impacting away also weakened a lot.

And Qing Zhi obviously hadn't entered the state yet, and the moves he used were obviously weaker than Akainu's, and when his Ice Tiger hadn't arrived, it had already been dispersed by Mo Fan's sword qi, and then turned into snow water.

After striking a blow, they did not resist and block Mo Fan's sword qi attack, so they also dodged one after another, and at this time they had already tested part of Mo Fan's strength.

Mo Fan took advantage of the gap where they were dodging, and his mind suddenly moved, and another Navy Type 6 full-level shaving instantly moved out of everyone's sight.

When Mo Fan reappeared, he had already reached the back of Akainu, and the armed colored black hand instantly smashed towards Akainu's flank.

The red dog seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned around, but it was already night, and with a miserable scream, he was hit on the side by Mo Fan, and he was beaten back seven or eight steps.

"Stinky boy, you actually attacked me, I don't think you know whether you are alive or dead. "

The red dog who received Mo Fan's blow had already turned a little pale, and he looked at the little ghost in front of him who was almost pressing them down, and his body gradually grew larger and became red.

Gradually, he turned into a crimson monster covered in high temperatures, and although he was a little far away, he could still feel the scorching aura he emanated.


The figure of the red dog gradually grew larger, turning into a slurry seven or eight meters high, and everyone looked like a fire demon king who had just come out of hell.

The big transformation of the red dog gushed out a large amount of air, and the temperature rose sharply, and even the childish frozen state was a little unbearable.

With a dodge, he left the Red Inu, quickly left, and then raised two fists, winding a mountain-like ice cube around Mo Fan, absorbing the surrounding heat, and attacking Mo Fan with a special squeeze.

The admirals and soldiers who watched within a radius of a few nautical miles, all of them who could escape used the moon steps in the six naval styles or shaved to escape, and the bodies that could not escape burned directly!

With the red dog as the center, the radius is about five nautical miles, and it is red, as if the sun is shining directly above.

The temperature in this small area of the island of Haxast has reached at least 400 degrees Celsius!

I haven't seen this red dog for half a year, what kind of cultivation has it experienced, and its awakening level is so high?

How can a Devil Fruit ability reach this level?

At this time, there were only two people left in this area.

Akainu and Mo Fan!

Mo Fan's entire body was covered with a thick layer of armed color domineering, but the temperature around him was so high that even Mo Fan's outer layer was covered with armed color domineering, and he felt a slow blazing heat.

Although he was not worried about being burned by these blazing heats, the secretory glands on his body couldn't help but sweat.

It's not that Mo Fan can't escape, but in terms of momentum, he doesn't want to lose to Akainu, and this is not good for him, so it can be said that it is not enough to worry about.

"I will repay the humiliation and ridicule I have received with your blood today!

The monstrous mouth of the Red Inu opened and closed, and the bits of magma on the mouth dripped to the ground, turning the sea and the ground that had turned the innocence into ice cubes into dense steam.

Immediately, the red dog waved the monster's giant arm and slapped at Mo Fan, Mo Fan disappeared in an instant, although the red dog's magma giant arm pounced.

However, Akainu's attack did not stop, and directly melted the ground that engulfed the thick ice into a deep pit in the shape of a large hand, and then a stream of magma filled it inside.

How powerful and warm is this?!

After awakening the fruit ability, the childishness, the ice ability, the ice cube is several times harder than ordinary steel, but it is melted by the palm of the monster of the red inu, which is terrifying.

The young man who was fighting with Mo Fan and the admiral who was observing from afar, when they saw this scene, they were all amazed by the current strength of the red dog.

Because they found that the Akainu was terrifying now, and they couldn't get close to the area where the Akainu was located, and as soon as they got close, they felt extremely hot carbon.

It's so hot and hot!

"Lava-Big Rock Dragon!"

When everyone was watching the battle from afar, Akainu let out a loud shout, and his left arm turned into a magma dragon, spurting towards Mo Fan with an extremely blazing heat...

Faced with this scene, Mo Fan frowned, picked up the knife in his hand, and raised it high, and a red energy light cluster had already gathered on the sword:

"Break, break, break!!"

When the sword qi suddenly came out, the color of the heavens and the earth changed, and an attack with a storm made the originally blue sky a little darker.

And the light on the sword qi is red and fiery, and it also has a different sense of heat, this is a powerful sword qi.


The sword qi came out violently, sweeping everything, and the frozen ice cubes and the stones below were all raised several stories high, pressing down on the surrounding atmosphere, and at this time, the icy storm made the surroundings cooler.

In the next moment, this powerful sword qi collided with the magma fire dragon, scattering the fire dragon in all directions, and some of the magma flew into the distance and sputtered onto the fragments of some ships, and then was directly burned to ashes.

"Oh my God, what level of battle is this..."_

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