Oh my God! This is.... Hell Battlefield Now!

It's horrible!

We've all been out of the 10 nautical miles now, and now we really don't know if it will affect here again?

I'd better stay away, it's too powerful!


The navy that saw this scene retreated to more than a dozen nautical miles away in fear one by one, and then felt a little relieved and continued to wait and see.

In fact, in addition to these sailors and admirals, there were also a few more strong people here.

For example, in the south by the sea, the general Yellow Ape also came to the scene, looked at this side, and said in a slow tone: "Oh! Sakasky and Qingzhi seem to have been driven to a dead end?

In the forests of other islands, strange eyes also poked out, although they couldn't see the appearance, but they were spying on everything here

There was a mysterious man on one of the islands, who looked at him and couldn't help but murmur to himself: This level of high heat, even if I am in it, may not be able to be unscathed. Mo Fan's bastard little ghost, how did he do it?

Hack Sust.

Under the scorching heat, Mo Fan was indifferent, and the blood knife in his hand kept dancing:

"Thorn, stab, stab!"

A magnificent afterimage sword qi swept out suddenly, and in order to extinguish the fire for the red dog, it slashed towards him mercilessly.

At the same time, he also shredded the ice wall wrapped around him, and kicked it to the place where the red dog turned into magma.

However, before the ice cubes could be kicked in front of the Akainu magma, they all made a "snort!" sound of charcoal entering the water.

Then, in an instant, the ice cubes turned into large white vapors, and some of them were directly evaporated and volatilized, and not a drop of water fell on Akainu's body at all.

Seeing this, Mo Fan couldn't help frowning.

Obviously, in this situation, Akainu is in a state where he can't attack him with some broken ice or water, so he can only attack in other ways.

The awakening of the natural Devil Fruit is really powerful!

It would not be too much to say that now the strength of Akainu and Qingzhi after awakening their abilities is equivalent to the level of marshal or that they have come to the Four Emperors of the New World...

And the fight between the three of them may really be like a hell coming to the world.

Anyone who is there at this moment will feel that everything that is happening here is like watching the end of the world!"

Seeing Mo Fan use the sword qi of the blood knife and Yue to cut through the red dog's magma fire pillar that could reach the sky and the earth, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Akainu's moves are already terrifying, but there are even more terrifying ones?

"Keep breaking!"

And when Mo Fan's Blood Knife Moon swung out, the magma pillar of the Red Inu turned into tiny magma, as if it had never appeared.

In this situation, Mo Fan once again performed the Navy Six Styles:


Full level shaving!

The speed was like wind and lightning, and he appeared in front of Akainu in a flash, and then raised his left arm, wrapped around the armed color domineering.

Just like that, moving and preparing, Mo Fan's right hand "buzzed":

"Full level armed color domineering .entangle!!"

"Full level boxing!"

Mo Fan gathered a large amount of power on his left hand, and a violent aura suddenly poured out, and his fist was like a raging sledgehammer, directly hitting Chiinu's waist.


After being punched by a fist of a full-level boxing technique, the gigantic magma man Akainu, Akainu's face immediately distorted, and a strange face was revealed.

In an instant, this punch cut the huge Red Inu Fist into two pieces and separated.

Is it finally solved?

It's a pity that it's a little early to rejoice.

I saw that the originally severed waist of the red dog gradually healed, and a large amount of magma dripped to the ground.

"This armed erotic speaker doesn't even have much effect on him?" Mo Fan thought secretly, and as soon as his mind moved, his right hand, which had been violent, was lowered again.

It seems that they are going to get serious, and both of them have improved...

As soon as Mo Fan thought about this, the giantized red dog spread out his palms, and the scorching magma on the ground surged up again:

"Magma, Great Grey Dog!!"

The mastery attack that quickly erupted with the lava hand was more than ten times more powerful after it became huge, and after this move, the magma on the ground spewed out several times like a fountain, and surrounded Mo Fan at an extremely fast speed.


Full level shaving!

Mo Fan avoided it with an ultra-high-speed Navy Six full-level shave, and then:


Suppress people with momentum, defeat yourself without a fight!

Tell Mo Fan, who moved, that under the armed words of his whole body, the huge energy gathered in the acupoints in his hand unleashed several powerful sword qi towards the sudden magma sea bombardment.


Unlike before, after the magma was still knocked away and shattered, a sword pressure was directly generated, pressing all the magma on the ground, and it was difficult for Akainu to control it anymore.

"Damn! You difficult little ghost, give Lao Tzu to die!

Seeing that Mo Fan couldn't be defeated, Chi Inu was very angry in his heart, and he was already in a state of madness, and he writhed his huge body violently.

He once again used the magma fruit's ability, and the temperature of the ground rose again, and then he roared loudly, using the magma fruit's strongest ultimate move:

"Magma Demon!"

The heat of the battle circle of the giant red dog covered a radius of more than ten nautical miles, and as soon as this move was made, a wave of heat was felt for more than ten nautical miles around the entire Hacksuster Island.

"Oh my God!, what the hell is this..."

"How did they cultivate to this level?"

"And the ability of the pheasant general....."

"I'm afraid the abilities of these people are the Four Emperors who have surpassed the New World, right?"

"Even if the world's strongest whitebeard is here, he may not be able to get out of it, right?"

"Red Inu, and Mo Fan..." even the yellow ape felt the scorching heat, and looked at it in a daze.

"Mo Fan, I really don't know if you can withstand this level..."The mysterious man in the forest avoided other places and set his eyes here.

Some of the people were talking, some were thoughtful, and they all focused their eyes on this place, but they fled farther away for fear of danger.

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