The next day

It's early in the morning!

The dawn that had just been born trembled like a tender red baby, in this thick splash.

The rising sun rose with the smell of strong wine, spreading an infinite intoxication towards the vast sky of the empty island.

At this time, looking at the sun that was so close to them, Mo Fan and the others had a smile on their faces.

It's a nice feeling to see the dawn on an empty island infinitely close to the sky, and if you put it in modern times, you should only have this feeling on an airplane!

However, they did not continue to revel in this beautiful scenery, but under the leadership of Mo Fan, they continued to move forward to find that person.

"Boss, what kind of person is that person you are talking about, why did you come here to find him?" Nicole Robin suddenly asked Mo Fan at this time.

"The god of this empty island!" Mo Fan said expectantly, "a god who fills the house with coffee tables..."

"God?" said Nicole Robin, her eyes a little wider.

Obviously, the word god has what a fascinating title, and the god Mo Fan said still exists in this place like being in the sky.

That would make her feel that this god really still has an existence worth looking for, "But such a person who can become a god should not be very low in combat effectiveness, right?"

Nicole Robin asked again, she had read about this god in books, but she hadn't really seen it.

"Yes, he has the fighting power I want!"

After reading the original book, Mo Fan was deeply impressed by Anilu's strength, because he ate the strongest devil fruit in the natural system - the Thunder Fruit!

Even in the boundless nature, thunder is the most terrifying existence.

Mythologically speaking, thunder is a heavenly punishment, an inviolable divine power for any human being or god-king

From a modern scientific point of view, electricity is a powerful natural force in this cosmic world, so strong that there are no friends or relatives.

Because his unique power is immeasurable, there is no such thing as a relative.

Anilu, the ability to eat the Thunder Fruit, kills everything in seconds with a wave of his hand, and can move at the speed of light like the Yellow Ape General who eats the Shining Fruit.

and his knowledge and color heart network, which is also powerful to the limitless, and it is indeed difficult to accept being defeated by Luffy who has just gone to sea in the original book.

Because of his sight and hearing color heart net, combined with the fruit ability, he can cover an island.

No matter how you look at it, it is also a hegemon-level existence, but it was defeated because the protagonist Luffy's rubber does not conduct electricity, which is really a bit of a failure.

However, it is difficult to prevent him from becoming the god who is comparable to a bug among all people.

"Boss, is the god you are talking about, do you mean the ruler of this empty island?" Looking at Mo Fan's solemn expression, Robin, who was silent for a while, suddenly asked again.

Mo Fan glanced at Nico Robin in surprise, worthy of a thoughtful woman who keenly captured the key point.

"That's right, the current ruler of Sky Island - Anilu "Thor"!"

Mo Fan straightened his thoughts and said, "I forgot to tell you that the empty island is a kingdom of divine supremacy, and the gods are the rulers of this country, and this empty island has always existed as a god that they recognized.

And the original god, Anilu who suddenly appeared later, expelled him, suppressed all voices against him with his power, and became the new god here. "

"He's very capable?"

Nicole Robin seemed to be aware that every time Mo Fan mentioned Sky Island, he was a little impatient.

With Robin's understanding of Mo Fan, what she is looking forward to is definitely not historical texts, treasures, or beautiful scenery, so the answer is self-evident.

The main purpose of Mo Fan's trip is the god of the empty island!

I want to take the god of this empty island as a subordinate and become my own combat force, but there are other possibilities.

"Anilu, the god of thunder, is naturally a thunder fruit ability, proficient in seeing and hearing domineering! In the Great Voyage or even the New World, at least a sea thief with a bounty of more than 500 million, he is in the list of what I want to collect as his combat power. "

"Thunder Fruit!! Robin exclaimed, gasping.

Natural, Superhuman, Animal! Known, Unknown! Of all the Devil Fruits, the Natural Fruit is temporarily recognized as the strongest of the three fruits.

So if there is a difference in the size of the natural Devil Fruit, and this natural Thunder Fruit that belongs to the sky will definitely be ranked in the highest position.

It is one of the invincible abilities that can be called the speed and strength of the Sparkling Fruit.

The power of thunder and lightning, which can only be flashed in the sky, has been revered by humans since ancient times and is the most untouchable taboo in nature.

Nicole Robin really couldn't imagine that a person with such an ability was already an invincible existence, how could he still be his Mo Fan's subordinate?

"The real Sky Island has arrived!"

Robin heard Mo Fan calling them, then came back to her senses and looked at the word sign that appeared in front of her sight at the end of the clouds, and she subconsciously read aloud:

"God's Land!"

At this time, they found that they had been sailing on the cloud orbit for a long time on the Star Sea.

The group of them finally found that they had begun to approach the Divine Palace.

After getting closer, they could see a huge pea-like vine in front of them, and Mo Fan and the others were once again in shock.

"It's such a tall vine, there's no end in sight here. "

Nicole Robin exclaimed.

In front of their eyes, the green vines swirled and staggered towards the sky, straight into the sea of clouds, and there was no edge in sight.

"The shrine was built on top of that. "

With a smile, Mo Fan pointed to a white cloud land on the edge of the vines, where golden buildings could be faintly seen.

"What a magical world! There really is a sky outside the sky!"

Moonlight Moria exclaimed.

He had been in the Great Passage for a long time, but he could not have imagined that there would be such a magical place in this world.

"The Golden Bell may be there!" Mo Fan pointed to a huge dark green tree hidden in the clouds in the distance, and counted to Nico Robin:

"And there may be a historical text on the top of that huge vine!"

The historical text is what Nirobin cares about the most, so Mo Fan did not say his purpose, but the historical article.

It was not the first time that Robin had heard Mo Fan's mysterious information, and he was Xi to it, but when he thought of the thunder fruit, he couldn't help but worry:

"Boss, do you really want to capture the god of this empty island? This is a powerful natural fruit ability!"

"Haha! I don't know if he's a god or a ghost, but since he's here, naturally I'm going to meet him for a while!" Mo Fan laughed.

"In that case, the boss should be careful! after all, he shouldn't be too weak. "Those with natural fruit ability will not be very weak if they are placed there, so he still asked Mo Fan to pay attention.

"Well, I just want to test his strength," Mo Fan nodded lightly.

Mo Fan didn't want to overthrow Anilu's brutal rule, he just happened to pass by the Navy Headquarters.

As he passed by, he thought of Anilu, a powerful man, and his arrogant and perverse personality, who seemed to be one of the strangest villains in the pirate world.

The reason why this god exists here is because he wants to reach the moon...

Coming here, Mo Fan already had a feeling of impatience, and he was not in the mood to appreciate any customs.

Closing his eyes at the giant vines, he saw and heard that he had explored a path, and his stomach jumped into the air: "You must be mentally prepared to follow me behind." "

Mo Fan stepped on the moon step, his body was like a big bird, gliding quickly in the air, and then commanded the people behind.

And under the leadership of Mo Fan, the others rode a tool called Mighty Beast and followed Mo Fan towards the Divine Palace along the vines.

About half an hour, they came to the white cloud land where the shrine was located, and the first time they came to the shrine, they were amazed again,

"Wow, what a magnificent palace!"

Everyone was stunned, as if they were attracted to it and sighed.

In the place they saw, the golden palace hidden in the white clouds appeared and disappeared from time to time, undulating with the white clouds, making people feel very mysterious and magnificent.

Everything here makes people feel that this is the real heavenly palace, and it is majestic but warm.

Mo Fan's face was also admired from time to time, and there was no description of the Divine Palace and even many details in the original book, just waved it casually. And when he is truly immersed, this sense of reality is constantly hitting his heart.

The scenes here reminded him of the heavenly court in Journey to the West in his previous life.

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