
"Trust" is actually a word that is often mentioned in the original One Piece book.

It is also arguably one of Klockdal's iconic words.

The word trust is different from ideals, freedom, dreams, and when Crocodall first appeared, he said that "trust is the most useless thing in the world." "

In the original book, Klockdahl fights Luffy for the first time, and learns that Luffy is "bored to the core, which is the best proof that he is hopelessly stupid!"

And he never fights for anyone, no matter what Mo Fan says, he will not give up his dream of becoming the king of the pirates, because he has long abandoned his trust.

From now on, he fought for himself alone.

When he knows people, he is willing to die for others, this kind of fool, he has seen a lot..."

When Mo Fan told Klockdahl to "trust" him, Klockdahl was extremely disgusted.

However, to a certain extent, it can also be said that Klockdahl's attitude towards trust is extremely disdainful, and to some extent, it is possible that Klockdahl may have been hurt in some way...

And who did this betrayal come from?

This has not been introduced in the original book, and the betrayal has a relatively large range to find out.

But Mo Fan thinks that there is one candidate who can be ruled out, and that is Whitebeard, who was defeated by him.

When the original book was on the top of the war, he also expressed and ridiculed Whitebeard, there are good four emperors who don't do it, but they want to save someone else's son and come here to die.

"What a shame!!Whitebeard!!I don't want to defeat you coward!"

In the original book, Whitebeard, who was at the time of the war, was stabbed by his own son and fell into the statement of "betraying the alliance fleet to protect Ace and the main team".

Klockdahl believed this at the time, believing that Whitebeard had betrayed his companions, and was furious about it, which was a rare gaffe for him.

But from this, we can also see that Whitebeard must be a pirate who is upright and values his companions in his heart, and at the same time, we can also see the great resistance and disgust in his heart for the act of turning his back on his companions.

Because of this, he expressed great anger at the claim that Whitebeard had betrayed his companions to save people.

Since Whitebeard's image in Klockdahl's mind has nothing to do with betrayal, the culprit who caused the trust and extreme suspicion among his people in the first place must not be Whitebeard, so it was ruled out.

Klockdahl is also a heroic young man, and he was invited to join the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty at the age of 20, which means that when he was about 20 years old or even earlier, he was already a pirate with a bounty of 88 million.

And such a high bounty was really obtained by him alone?

It's obviously a bit of moisture!

And Klockdahl's dream has always been to be the One Piece, that is, how can he be the One Piece alone?

Then he must have had a pirate group and should have his own partners.

Even if they joined the Seven Martial Seas, there was no need for the Pirates to disband, but it was clear that all the members of the Baroque Workshop were recruited later.

So, why did the Klockdal Pirates disappear or disband like this?

There are two possibilities, one is that it was not disbanded, but after Klockdahl became the Seven Martial Seas, the whole group failed to challenge Whitebeard, and the group was wiped out, leaving only Klockdahl alone. Or there was no regiment destroyed, but disbanded.

The second possibility is that Klockdahl was betrayed by his companions.

From all this, Mo Fan knew that Klockdahl was not a person without trust, but he may have given up trusting others because he was betrayed or something.

If Klockdahl had always been like this, then it would be difficult for Mo Fan to recruit him, because for a person who has no trust, how could he need such a subordinate?

But in fact, when Klockdahl was young, he was like Luffy and them, and he made a name for himself in the early twenties, but he failed miserably after challenging Whitebeard.

Then he became a lot more honest for a while, but in fact, he shifted his ambitions to the kingdom of Alabastan.

That shows that when he established his own utopia, that is, before the establishment of the power of the Kingdom of Alabastan, Klokdal's ideal was to be the king of the pirates.

But when he failed as the new One Piece Whitebeard after the challenge, which was already recognized as One Piece Roger, he changed his ideals, so how could he be the One Piece without a trusted partner.

That's when he realized how important strength was in this ocean.

also had the sentence that he later said to Luffy, "When you know the horror of this sea, you won't have that kind of dream." "

If it is true that Klockdahl changed his influence because of the battle with Whitebeard, then it seems that his obsession with Whitebeard in the War on Top can also be explained.

Then his battle with Whitebeard must have been very bad, and it is likely that the scar on Klockdahl's face and the missing left hand came from this.

At this moment, Mo Fan had also realized that the sand crocodile Klockdal was hopeless, so he had no choice but to turn to find Anilu, who had just been captured.

For Anilu, Mo Fan still has other ideas.....

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