"Lord Mo Fan, are you leaving so soon?"

After more than an hour of communication, Mo Fan felt that there was nothing to understand, so he proposed to Stussy to return to the Navy Headquarters.

Soon, Stussy gave Mo Fan some information and information about her industry, and in order to show his loyalty, Stussy also said that he gave him some information about Stussy himself.

It can be said that now Mo Fan has completely controlled Stussy, and if Stussy has any rebellion against him, Mo Fan will definitely not spare her.

In this way, Mo Fan absorbed Stussy's industry again, and then not only did he get financial support, but he also got an intelligence system that was one step ahead of the top of the world government.

In the end, he was also unceremoniously moved back to his ship the stele of the historical text that Stussy had returned to him, as well as the jewels that Stussy had contributed to him.

Regarding the secret things that Stussy told him about the CP organization and the high-level world government, Mo Fan was actually secretly surprised in his heart, and at the same time reminded himself to put away his contempt mentality.

For some of the unknown secrets that Stussy told him, he still has to continue to explore.

Soon, Mo Fan returned to the base of the Navy Headquarters, and then came to the commander-in-chief's office.

And the moment he returned to the office of the Navy Headquarters, he immediately heard a phone call,

"Brubru brubru!

"Hello! I'm Mo Fan. "Being able to call Mo Fan's office directly, there are only a handful of such calls.

"I'm the Five Old Stars. Commander-in-Chief Mo Fan!"

When he returned to the office of the commander-in-chief of the Navy Headquarters, the five old stars immediately called him, which really made him admire the details of the five old stars by his side.

Not only this time, the last time Mo Fan went to sea to Happy Street, the five old stars were also the first people to know, and now when he came back from Happy Street, the first call he heard was also their five old stars.....

These five old stars obviously had become distrustful of Mo Fan, but this time Mo Fan wanted to see what tricks they could use, so he said, "How many old stars are good!

"Commander-in-Chief Mo Fan, we think you should also know that we have a very careful grasp of your every move, so we don't need to be careful!"

The five old stars also knew that Mo Fan was not a stupid person, and they didn't beat around the bush, so they said, "We want you to return to us what you got." "

The tone of voice is very resolute and serious, and there is no room for opposition.

However, their tone may be useful to other naval soldiers, but this is not the case here for Mo Fan, and he Mo Fan does not think so.

Hearing the words of the five old stars, Mo Fan was actually very angry in his heart, he Mo Fan had made so many contributions to the navy, how old was he five old stars?

However, he calmed the anger in his heart and said:

"Yo, I've really been promoted, I'm Mo Fan just a low-level little person, and I'm really honored to bother all the five old stars and big people to pay attention to it personally!"

However, this was not enough for him to express his displeasure with the Five Old Stars, and then he continued: "What did the Five Old Stars lose something? Do you need my help to find it? But unfortunately our navy doesn't care about this piece!"

Between the tones, they are all words to the five old stars, and they don't take it seriously.

Of course, he wouldn't directly say that the five old stars wanted this article on history when they came to him, because this article on history was something they didn't want to mention.

So Mo Fan just wants them to take the initiative to say it, which can be regarded as a slap in their old face.

Sure enough, when several of the five old stars heard Mo Fan's answer, they immediately jumped up in a hurry, they didn't think that Mo Fan was so stupid that they didn't understand their words.

Deliberately, this Mo Fan was deliberately angry with us, they didn't care if Mo Fan was willing to admit it, and said directly: "Don't you think we don't know that you took the historical inscription, we want you to shout out now, do you know?"

They have always been in a high position, and now they are teased by Mo Fan like this, not to mention how embarrassed and depressed they are, they almost want to kill people now.

When they go back, they must beat their wives and their servants, or they will not be able to appease the sulking and anger that they are now suffering.

However, Mo Fan will not admit that he has taken anything from them, and if he has taken something, it must be his own.


I will definitely not admit it!

In Mo Fan's heart, he had already done a good job of Lai Pi's tricks.

And he doesn't just get angry, he gets angry to the end, especially these five old stars who are looking for someone to spy on him.

Mo Fan's heart moved, but his mouth was snorting, perfunctory, "I know, is there anything else, I'm okay, this marshal is very busy, don't drop one or two cats and dogs, I have to return it to you! I'm very busy!"


"Mo Fan, you bastard," the five old stars who answered the phone heard Mo Fan hang up the phone, and he was so angry that he hung up the phone, scolding in his heart.

This year's Admiral of the Navy may be the worst they have brought out, and there is really nothing that can make them worry about it for a while, and it is also disobedient to their will.

The key is not to find a reason to stop him, this is really a headache for them~

Next to him, a black suit, with white curly hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face.

Hearing that his old buddy hung up the phone, he immediately secretly pricked up his ears, and heard that the other five old stars didn't say anything, so he also sighed.

At the beginning, this Mo Fan was also pulled up by them, and not strangling him in the cradle in time could be regarded as a wrong decision on their part.

However, it is useless for them to know that they are wrong, after all, some people who have been pulled by them to a certain high position, it will be difficult for them to shake it anymore.

Mo Fan is exactly like this, as the commander-in-chief of the navy, if they go to kill him for no reason like this, it will definitely cause a lot of big moves.

But now, it is difficult for them to make decisions for a while, and they are also miserable!

They planted a big tree that surrounded the water, and now even if they want to cut it down, the big tree will not agree, and it will give them a good look.

After a while, they will trip them to the ground.


They must be miserable!

What about this? The five old stars, who were stunned for a while, finally couldn't help but speak:

"Let's go and ask Lord Imu!"

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