The current naval headquarters is dilapidated, and even corpses lie at everyone's feet, and blood has infected the land.

However, for Mo Fan, the two wars before and after achieved a comprehensive victory.

Not only did they put down the Big Mom and Kaido among the Four Emperors of the New World at the lowest cost, but they also shattered their intentions by destroying the CP organization, thus hitting the world government.

And also took advantage of this opportunity to announce to the world that the Navy and the Seven Martial Seas were out of the jurisdiction of the World Government.

It's just that at this time, Hawkeye Mihawk was confused, and immediately fell on Mo Fan's body, and said with a serious expression: "Marshal Mo Fan, now that the Navy and the Seven Martial Seas have been freed from the jurisdiction of the World Government, and those Tianlong people and CP organizations have been wiped out, whether it is public or private, the World Government will sanction us!"

Mihawk's words directly woke up the people who were intoxicated with victory, and they immediately showed expressions similar to Mihawk's.

In fact, they also understand that the world government will not stop there, and will definitely formulate sanctions against the Navy and the Seven Martial Seas in the fastest time.

After hearing this, Mo Fan did not have any waves on his face, but said extremely leisurely: "All the people clean up the battlefield, and the leaders above the rank of rear admiral and the Seven Martial Seas stay!"

In an instant, thousands of navies got busy after hearing Mo Fan's order.

Dispose of the dead bodies of navy and pirates, and reforge the Navy headquarters.

As for those above the rank of major general, they stayed by Mo Fan's side, and everyone had a trace of doubt in their eyes, wondering what Mo Fan was going to do next.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Mo Fan's words sounded again, and his tone was extremely flat: "You are all the mainstays of the navy, what should the world government and the five old stars do, I'm afraid everyone also knows it, so what should we do?"

Mo Fan asked everyone present, and then looked at everyone quietly, as if waiting for their response.

It's just that now they also have a lot of feelings, and in the face of such a powerful existence as the world government, it does contain great dangers.

They didn't have the slightest way to deal with it, so they could only set their eyes on Mo Fan's body, wanting to find a solution in him.

After a while, Mo Fan laughed heartily for a while, and then slowly spoke: "The purpose of me leaving you behind is to hold an impromptu meeting, mainly for the next revenge of the world government!"

"Maybe you are very confused now, the Navy and the Seven Martial Seas are separated from the world government, and they will inevitably start a war with the Five Old Stars!"

"But after this war, the navy and the Seven Martial Seas no longer have the capital to compete with the world government, but in my opinion, this is actually a good opportunity, and they can be caught off guard!"

"The five old stars would never have thought that we would dare to make a move against the world government after fighting with Big Mom and Kaido, and if we attacked in advance, we would have the first opportunity, what do you think?"

Mo Fan seriously analyzed the current situation with the world government to everyone present, hoping to get everyone's support.

Although Mo Fan is the commander-in-chief of the navy and can make the final decision, Mo Fan knows very well that he is in the same boat as everyone, and whoever wants to deviate will have unimaginable consequences.

After hearing Mo Fan's words, everyone present fell into deep contemplation.

Mo Fan's approach is undoubtedly to push the navy and the Seven Martial Seas to the precipice, and if he is not careful, he will be suppressed by the world government.

But there are also people who agree with Mo Fan's approach, after all, as Mo Fan said, it is to deal a heavy blow to him without the other party knowing, so as to take the lead.

In an instant, everyone present was divided into two camps, for or not.

At this moment, the pheasant's brows furrowed slightly, he always felt that Mo Fan's approach was too risky, and it was likely to cause unavoidable losses.

"Commander-in-Chief Mo Fan, I hope you can think about it clearly, this is the key to the life and death of the Navy and the Seven Martial Seas!" said the pheasant with a serious expression.

Mo Fan didn't say a word about this, but stared at the people present with a leisurely face.

At this moment, Hawkeye Mihawk hurriedly retorted as soon as the pheasant's voice fell: "I agree with Commander-in-Chief Mo Fan's opinion, now that he has broken away from the world government, then war with the world government is inevitable, it's only a matter of time!"

"Now the navy and the Seven Martial Seas are indeed in a loss, and after recuperation, the world government will take the lead, then we will be in a very passive state!"

Mihawk's words fully showed his agreement with Mo Fan's opinion, which also made Mo Fan have a bad opinion of Mihawk.

You must know that when he used the Conscription Order before, Hawkeye Mihawk was reluctant to assist the Navy, but since the war with the Big Mom of the Four Emperors of the New World and Kaido, he has changed drastically.

Like Mo Fan's thoughts, Mihawk is now convinced of Mo Fan, and he firmly believes in one belief in his heart, that is, following Mo Fan will never end up miserable.

Relying on the execution table, Moria tried to improve his aura, and then said solemnly: "I agree with Commander-in-Chief Mo Fan's opinion, only by taking the lead can we have a chance to defeat, Pheasant, think about it carefully, will the world government give us a chance to breathe? Not at all, so we must not leave them any chance!"

The successive remarks of Moria and Mihawk deeply touched the hearts of everyone present, and after weighing the pros and cons, they gradually agreed with Mo Fan's opinion.

Even the pheasant, who was strongly opposed at first, was silent, and now he didn't know whether Mo Fan's approach was right or wrong, but the only thing he could be sure of was that Mo Fan would never joke about the existence of the navy.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly quieted down, and the corners of Mo Fan's mouth showed a chuckle, and then he said flatly: "Seeing that everyone's expressions agree with my point of view, then this temporary meeting is over, and in the name of the commander-in-chief of the navy, I order all the navy to set off towards the world government!"

In an instant, many navies who were busy cleaning up the battlefield put down their work and gathered urgently.

Every navy learned of Mo Fan's thoughts, but no one showed a look of fear, but was extremely excited.

Perhaps for them, the world government is their biggest challenge, and at the same time, it also stimulates the blood in their hearts, and makes that blood burn.

Defeat the World Government and the Navy will become the strongest force in the world!

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