"Alas, this time it's been a wasted effort, and there's no benefit,

Mary Joya had long since been empty. "A couple of soldiers were there complaining.

Mo Fan looked at this gorgeous palace with an expressionless face, occupying this place, and it was not too late to develop slowly in the future.

Although there was no expression on the pheasant's face, he looked at it as if he was thinking about something, and sure enough, he was silent for a while and finally said: "Actually, I think it is already difficult for the Tianlong people to leave by themselves, so many good things, it is impossible to take them all." "

"What do you mean?" Mo Fan looked up in confusion.

"I know that Mary Joya has a secret treasure trove, and the best things are in it, and this treasure trove is known only to people at the level of a general. "

Hearing the word treasure trove, the naval soldiers were excited, of course they didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

The pheasant walked in the front, Mo Fan walked in the middle, followed by Mihawk and the others, and they were walking towards a secret place, which was an underground palace or something.

There is no dampness as imagined underneath, but it is very dark, there is no light at all, if it is not for the pheasant in front of the block, the people behind will not understand.

I don't know how far I walked, but I felt the cold wind around me, and the visibility was even lower, so I couldn't see anything, and the air here was very thin, and I couldn't light a torch at all.

"I've been here, I haven't been to the inner places, if it's Steelbone, he should know a lot more than I do. There was a slight curiosity on the pheasant's face, but it seemed to be this terrifying aura, and it was dangerous at first sight.

"Go in and have a look?"

"Hmm. "

A few people took a few steps forward again and felt very stressed, because the more they went inside, the greater the pressure between the inexplicable invisibility, which made people inexplicably frightened from the inside out.

The increasingly dark place made several people a little panicked, but Mo Fan was still very calm, since he came, he had to be ready, sure enough, there was no road ahead, it was a dilapidated iron door, with cobwebs next to it, and it was all dust, and it looked as if no one had been here for a long time.

Several people looked at each other, but Mo Fan was the first to push open the door.

"Crunch-" The door was pushed open, and the piercing sound of the dilapidated door made people's hearts clench.

I saw that behind the iron gate, it was completely different from the scenery just now, and when a few people just came in, the fires around it burned, different from the ordinary red fire, it was a green fire, which looked very weird.

All they saw was a huge pool, and on the opposite side of the pool were countless gold and silver jewels, and those golden things were dazzling at the sight.

How many people salivate things are here, it's just heartbreaking, and there are some delicate little boxes inside, which should be some kind of valuable items.

However, although this place is hidden, if it is easily found, then how can these treasures still be placed here intact, the five old stars did not take these things with them when they left, and all kinds of strange things prove it.

The pool of water in front of him is not simple, it is unusually empty here, it covers a very large area, and when the flame burns, it casts a shadow, and no one takes the first step, just when Mo Fan wants to move forward, he is stopped by the pheasant.

"Why don't you let me do it. The pheasant said with a solemn face, the front will definitely not be so calm, since the five old stars dare to put these things here, it must be reasonable, then there is only one reason, that is, the things in this pool of water are very terrifying.

He took a few steps forward, and the otherwise calm water seemed to churn, and bubbles began to bubble from it, as if the water had been boiled.

The pheasant didn't dare to take a step forward anymore, he understood that the routine of the world government would definitely not be so simple, there were no measures from here to the other side, so it seemed that there should be some mechanism.

He was fumbling around, he looked very carefully at the walls around him, and it was getting wet, but he didn't find anything after a long time.

"Nothing was found. When the pheasant's voice just fell, Mo Fan was also groping around, because he had already pressed a mechanism around it, and he had already opened the mechanism on this pool.

I saw a flat bridge appear, several people looked at each other, and then the pheasant took the lead, and they carefully paid attention to the boiling water below, for fear that something was wrong.

Sure enough, an inexplicable object suddenly rushed out of the boiling water, no, it should be said that a lot of objects rushed out, it turned out to be a piranha, it seemed to be a mutated piranha.

They had very sharp fangs on their mouths, and they bit the pheasant's leg at once, and the pheasant reacted first and then pinched the piranha, and all of a sudden the piranha turned into the shape of powder, but he had already bitten out a very large wound on his leg.

The wound on his leg had already begun to bruise, and the surrounding piranhas were still here, Mo Fan took out a blood knife and slashed it to the side, forming a cross-shaped slashing wave around it.

The piranhas were knocked out in an instant, only to see a school of piranhas crashing into the surrounding walls, and then some fell to the ground, and some fell into the pool.

Strangely, the normal dead fish float on the surface, but all of the fish that fell into the pond are gone, and they don't float up at all.

But fortunately, after a while, when a few people walked a little halfway, the bridge was suddenly broken by something, and a huge force rushed up, and they were forced to go back, and their bodies flew up like this, and the bridge was shattered.

An unknown object was seen, knocking everyone away, and the bridge shattered, only to see a large dragon-looking thing rushing out of the dark blue firelight.

He returned to the water very angrily, only showing a pair of fierce eyes looking at everyone, this should be the one who guards these treasures.

Seeing that this thing is not easy to mess with, Mo Fan's face is very calm, he is thinking about countermeasures, after all, it flashed just now, and everyone sneaked back before they even saw what he looked like.

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