His body was like a bolt of lightning, rushing to the side of the most arrogant Sanji, who was also very domineering, but even so, it was not as fast as Mo Fan's attack.


Warm blood trickled to the ground, and Sanji's pupils contracted rapidly and rapidly, revealing a look of horror as if he couldn't believe what was in front of him.



Several people shouted at the same time, only to see that Sanji instantly had a very large wound on his chest, which spread from his chest to his abdomen, like an extremely ugly centipede, as if he would open his mouth to bite at any time.

The deep wound was so terrifying that Sanji's body couldn't move, his body stiffened in place, he couldn't move, and the red blood was still dripping, and the expression on his face was very horrified.

Chopper instantly treated Sanji, after all, his body is the most important.

Mo Fan returned to the same place, his face was indifferent, the blade was full of blood, nourished by blood, and the blood knife seemed to be even more powerful.

And Mo Fan's move also angered the entire Straw Hat Pirates, and they were all extremely angry.

Nami clenched the weather stick, with a faint thunderbolt on it, and her body suddenly took two steps back, and then quickly rushed forward, rushing towards Mo Fan.

Frankie's body made a "creaking" sound, and one of his hands was mechanical, but that didn't stop him, it only made him stronger.

The two of them rushed over at the same time and surrounded Mo Fan.

"Purify the Flame!"

Frankie's mouth instantly erupted with flames, and the monstrous flames rushed over, and the surrounding temperature instantly rose, and the flames formed a column, and then rushed towards Mo Fan, as if they wanted to devour Mo Fan.

At the same time, Frankie's pistol under his left hand also attacked.

"Painful fingers!"

Countless cannonballs attacked the past, coupled with the monstrous flames, the two mixed together and then attacked towards Mo Fan.

Luffy was also very angry, where could he stand Sanji being hurt like this, he was directly on fire, he shouted, and then the soft body suddenly retreated, rushing out like a spring.

The current situation of Mo Fan can be said to be embattled, once he is hit, Mo Fan is very likely to die.

At such a moment of crisis, Mo Fan did not panic, his body disappeared in place like that lightning bolt, and if the three forces of the three people collided with each other, it must be a very big shock.

After disappearing in an instant, he appeared behind Nami, he just pushed it gently, and Nami was pushed into the public like this, Mo Fan showed a smile on his face, there are some things, he doesn't want to make a move, just a small movement.

The forces of Luffy and Frankie collided together, and an explosion occurred in place, the sound of the explosion was deafening, and the faces of both of them were very bad.

The fluctuations from the explosion shook the earth, shaking everything around him, and the navy fell to the ground one after another, Luffy's strength was stronger than Frankie's after all, although his hair was already scorched at this time.

Mo Fan had a violent aura on his body, and then he didn't give a few people a chance to breathe, and slashed out, with a fierce sword wind, after the impact went out.

After all, Mo Fan is a full-level swordsmanship, so even with such a move, the deterrent and destructive power are very powerful, and Nami was too late to dodge at this time, it was Luffy who used his body to roll Nami up.

But even the aftermath of the sword qi was enough for a few people to drink a pot, and the bodies of several people shook together, and they only felt some pain in their internal organs.

Blood flowed out of the corners of several people's mouths as if they didn't want money, not only because of Mo Fan's attack, but also because of the overlord's domineering attack, this kind of strength, ordinary people can't bear it at all.

Perhaps because they understood Mo Fan's ability, several people no longer made easy moves.

A sword.

Another sword.

Mo Fan attacked fiercely again, and Luffy was timid at this time to protect Nami and the others, and his body had actually been injured just now.

And Sanji's body has improved a lot, thanks to Chopper, Chopper's body has become huge, revealing solid muscles, and the hat on his head has been squeezed off at this time.

Sanji's expression became normal, he ignored the wounds on his body, and then instantly stepped forward and appeared behind Mo Fan.


Sanji's legs were like the wind, and he was about to kick Mo Fan's back with one kick, Mo Fan had no time to clone at this time, and his body was kicked like this.

The strength on his feet was very heavy, Mo Fan was kicked, and in just a moment, the sound of bones breaking came clearly, and Mo Fan's body moved forward slightly.

Mo Fan's body reacted immediately, he turned around and grabbed Sanji's ankle with a strong right hand, and then threw his body out of thin air, Chopper seized the opportunity of this vacancy, picked up his hind legs and rushed over, but was punched in the face by Mo Fan, his teeth were shattered on the ground, Chopper's expression was very painful, very frightening.

His body fell limply to the ground, as if he had no strength left.

Sanji's body fell to the ground like this, and in an instant dust splashed, there was already a wound on his chest, not to mention that the wound was even more serious at this time, and his ankle was also injured to varying degrees.

It seems that this is the first time that everyone will rush out when they are not paying attention.

Mo Fan's physical strength was already a little close to a limit at this time, but this could not hinder his movements.

"Mo Fan, you're too much!" Luffy looked at Mo Fan with red eyes, gritted his teeth, and looked at Mo Fan very angrily.

He had already driven to the fourth gear, and now he was in a very angry state, and in this state, his strength exploded to a new level.

The power kept exploding, exploding, his fists, his body, all shouting.

Mo Fan has been carrying out continuous attacks, and his strength has decreased to a certain extent at this time.

The attack of the rubber physique attacked again, unstoppable, Mo Fan only felt a little tired under the constant attack, but this could not affect his actions.


Mo Fan's body skyrocketed in an instant, and after the skyrocket, he became even more powerful, and a whirlwind was set off around him, layer after layer.

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