The blood of the soldiers was aroused, and they all began to rush over to find the world government with great interest.

It's just that he doesn't know where these people are, how they are, and how they are studied.

Mo Fan looked back at the pheasant, and the pheasant seemed to be able to understand his mind: "That group of people has been sent to the laboratory, and they are currently in the research stage." "

But Mary Joya has a crisis of Mary Joy, Ace naturally has who he thinks about now, and this group of mutants makes him worry about whether Luffy has also encountered an accident now.

As if he had seen through Ace's thoughts, Mo Fan asked him to stabilize his mind first.

"Don't worry, Luffy's kid has a lot of ghost ideas, so he'll be fine, and now his life paper is no longer burning. Mo Fan said.

But even so, there was no way for Ace not to worry.

"No, I still want to go to him. I know that Mary Joya has a lot to do, otherwise you deal with Mary Joy's affairs first, and I'll leave first. There was no joke on Ace's face, Luffy was his brother, and he couldn't have said that he had let it go.

Mo Fan pondered for a while, and at this time Ace was already about to leave, but was stopped by Mo Fan.

"Since it's the World Government's hand, then you might as well wait for me for two days, and I will definitely attack the World Government. Mo Fan's voice sounded behind Ace.

Ace's eyes were complicated, this man was always so confident, he had beaten the world government before and escaped from Mary Joya like a rat crossing the street, and now he still said this kind of thing, he didn't doubt it at all.

"Okay, then I'll wait a few days. Ace calmed down.

And those mutated people have long been sent to the institute for research.

When Mo Fan was recovering his strength, he also took advantage of this time to go to the laboratory and look at the people lying on the research bed, their bodies were dissected, and the scientists studied the genetic research inside.

"How is it now?" Mo Fan asked.

Scientists have been looking at it all night for several nights and have finally come up with an accurate result.

"It's just that the situation is not optimistic now, these mutants have undergone special research, they are immune to the overlord color domineering, and they are only temporary to freezing, and they ignore physical attacks, they just become puppets, they don't have their own thoughts, and they are completely turned into weapons. "

Hearing this, Mo Fan couldn't help but be silent for a long time.

It's a tricky thing, but it's not a big deal, and if you want to find where Luffy and those mutants are, you still have to go to where Hancock is.

But when Mo Fan thought so, there was a person he wanted to meet.

That's right, it's Hancock.

"Boya Hancock, what is she doing? Let her in. Mo Fan said.

When Hancock came to Mary Joy, he couldn't help but feel even more moved when he saw that they had made Mary Joy so good.

When she saw Mo Fan again, he was already a different look, but he was still so handsome, and when she saw him, her face couldn't help blushing.

Mo Fan didn't notice the change in her mood, because his mind was all about those mutants and Luffy's situation right now.

But this is the first time that these surrounding navies have seen Han Cook in the Seven Martial Seas of the Real King, and her beauty has fascinated the surrounding navies, making people want to surrender from the inside out.

Facing the envious eyes of everyone, Hancock had a confident smile on his face: "I came to you with something important to say, can we go in first?"

Faced with her request, Mo Fan could only nod.

"Actually... I came here to have something important to say, I wanted to ask you to save Luffy, and the warriors of our daughter island. Hancock's expression was solemn, and his knees went limp and he almost fell to his knees.

Mo Fan hurriedly caught her body, a faint fragrance filled Mo Fan's nasal cavity, he straightened her body, and with a beauty in his arms, his mood seemed to be much soothed.

"What the hell is going on?" Mo Fan asked with a frown, isn't Hancock from the World Government's side?

Then there's only one possibility... That's...

When Hancock said this, her nose was a little sour, she was an empress, and she had no way to protect her people, if she wasn't forced to do so, she would never come to find Mo Fan.

Thinking like this, her tears actually slid down her cheeks.

"I... The World Government has taken away more than 20,000 soldiers from our daughter country, I don't know what happened to them from the World Government, but since they left, they haven't come back, I once accidentally bumped into them, but I didn't expect to see them already... Already—" Hancock's face had become very bad as he said this.

When Hancock said this, Mo Fan inadvertently thought of those mutants, so whether the warriors of those daughter countries would be studied.

"So, what do you mean now?" Mo Fan asked.

In fact, he also understood that Hancock came to him to try to make him do it.

Originally, Han Cook thought that Mo Fan would definitely take the initiative to say something like helping her when he saw her appearance, but he didn't expect that Mo Fan would ask her what she meant at this time, but she was not the kind of person who was not straightforward.

"I want to ask you to send troops to help me. "Hancock is in good color.

"If I help you, what good can you give me?"

His voice was magnetic, and Hancock's face was already red, but all her blushes disappeared when she thought of the warriors who were in danger.

He let go of her waist and put away the smile on his face.

"Don't worry yet, I'll arrange for you to stay here first. I'll figure things out. "

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