Mo Fan's face also turned indifferent, indeed... The price paid this time is too great to be dragged on, otherwise, what kind of moth will Imu have to come up with?

"So I'm going to settle you, and I bet that in three seconds, you'll be on your knees and apologize for all the soldiers who lost their lives. Mo Fan said in a determined tone.

His appearance of such affirmation simply made Yimu mad, his face became hideous, the blue tendons on his forehead burst out, and his eyes were already full of red bloodshots, he had paid too much energy for this war.

"What nonsense are you talking about!!" Im snorted, his eyes filled with endless sneer.

"Then give it a try. Mo Fan's body disappeared in place in an instant.

Then when he quickly appeared in another place, he didn't even leave an afterimage, and just appeared directly in another place.

Im didn't even see what was going on, he felt a strong wind behind him, and by the time he tried to dodge, he had already been stabbed several times in the back, and his body jerked forward because of the injury.

Mo Fan likes the upgraded system very much, his speed is comparable to the speed of light, even if he is the strongest level of domineering, it is difficult to fully detect him, his speed has been greatly improved, and his attack power has also been greatly improved.

For example, the current scene, he appeared leisurely behind Imu, and drew the blood knife and slashed many swords directly on Imu's body, and the sword went sideways, and each time he very skillfully avoided the important parts of Imu.

Imu's body fell directly to the ground with a "bang".

Everyone exclaimed, let out cheers, applause was like thunder, just when everyone was rejoicing in the victory at that time, but they didn't expect Yimu's body to slowly stand up from the ground.

The cheers stopped abruptly, with so many knives on his body, his back was already a blur of flesh and blood, and he couldn't see a good place at all, even if he was able to stand up, was this still a person?

Simply terrible people, no, not people!

A large amount of blood in Yimu's body is draining, but it is recovering at a very fast speed, because Mo Fan deliberately avoided the vital position, so he was able to support himself, and then he was able to have a temporary respite.

Mo Fan was not surprised at all by the way he got up, he just wanted to torture him simply, just now Im made the pheasant so uncomfortable, and the way he crooked his neck still appeared in Mo Fan's mind.

"You..." When Imu was about to say something, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, which was very scary, and he looked like a person who was dying soon.

His face was also horrible and terrifying, as if he had been smeared with white ash, and the dripping blood fell to the ground, and in a short time, Im returned to his normal state again, but it took less than a second to return to normal.

Yimu's body was beaten by Mo Fan again, he is now like a doll being played with at will, every time when Yimu's body is about to recover, Mo Fan makes a move, every time it is like this, and when his body reaches a state that is about to be unbearable, let him buffer.

Obviously, Imu is aware of this.

There was a smile on the corner of Mo Fan's mouth, that is, he wanted to live better than death, this is what he wanted, he still remembered the scene of the pheasant crooking his neck and smashing on the ground just now, so how could he let him go so easily now.

You must torture him well, so that his life is worse than death.

Im's body finally fell heavily, and his bruised body kept returning to its normal state again, but he already clearly felt that his internal organs had been shattered, although he could recover, but it was a very slow process, not enough to support the current battle, not enough time...

He made a very big decision at this moment, even if he died, he would not let Mo Fan live.

Thinking like this, he staggered to his feet, with a subtle smile on his face: "Mo Fan, do you think you won." "

Mo Fan raised his eyebrows, this is an undoubted thing, even if he is making some moths, then he must be the one who will win, and he will definitely not fail again!

Looking at the light of victory in Mo Fan's eyes, it really disgusted Yimu and made him feel disgusted.

"Then you are really wrong, I will definitely make you pay the price of blood!" A cold chill burst out from the bottom of Yimu's eyes, as if he was going to devour Mo Fan alive.

Mo Fan didn't react and was waiting for his next move, only to see Yimu clenching his fists at this time, and then his face was unusually heavy.

At this time, before everyone could see what was going on, a huge beam of light suddenly descended from the sky, Mo Fan didn't know what it was, only saw clearly that the white light seemed to protect Yimu.

In this case, Mo Fan really didn't know what it was, and at this time, Mihawk, who was knocked down on the ground, got up from the ground, and looked at Mo Fan confused, and he glanced at Yimu again.

"Crazy, really crazy!" Mihawk's usual calm and calm disappeared at this moment, and Mo Fan clearly saw the shocked look in his eyes.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on?" Mo Fan grabbed Mihawk's shoulder, which meant to calm him down first.

What had happened? Mihawk felt a sense of confusion in his heart, fear taking over his pupils.

"He blew himself up..."

"What does that mean?"

Mihawk said slowly: "The self-destructor must be very powerful, self-detonation at the cost of his own life, and then the power in his body will explode more than three times, and then he can lead to a catastrophe." "

He had never heard these unfamiliar words before, and Mo Fan was trying to understand them.

"Say it quickly!"

"The Tribulation is a thunderbolt that kills with one blow and cannot be dodged, and at the same time, it is also the time when the body of the self-destructor begins to dry up. "

At this moment when the two of them were talking, Yimu's body had completely entered another state, even from a distance, he could feel Yimu's existence, and Mo Fan's eyes and ears felt that he was really much stronger.

so strong that he couldn't perceive his power anymore.

"Ant, die. Im's face was unusually calm, and he slowly urged his strength as he spoke. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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