The moment it rushed over, Imu had already gathered his strength and frantically output forward, while Shouhe was constantly dodging Imu's attacks while rushing forward.

It easily dodged these physical attacks, and then just as it was about to rush to Imu's side, the forces of all sides mixed together and rushed towards Shouhe again.

Mo Fan was a little worried, and when he was about to exert his strength, the power had already rushed over, and the bodies of Shouhe and Mo Fan were surrounded by quicksand at the same time, blocking all the forces of the waves outside and unable to invade again.

Imu didn't look like he was in a hurry outside, this is nothing, the power will become stronger and stronger, and interesting things are ahead.

Sure enough, the mixed forces kept hitting the protective mechanism created by the quicksand, and cracks appeared! Mo Fan noticed that a crack had appeared in one of the corners, and the forces of nature were frantically rushing in from this breakthrough.

You must know that if there is no breakthrough at all, it is okay, now there is, and the power is even more crazy and raging, when the power comes to the protection mechanism of Mo Fan and Shouhe, it directly besieges Shouhe's huge body, it is like a crazy blade, so that it cannot move.

Shouhe roared wildly, but the power of the quicksand was swept away by the power of nature, and the raging power surrounded it at the same time, like a blade, cut deep wounds on Shouhe's yellow and white hair.


Shouhe's pain was unbearable, Mo Fan found that its body had changed again, the original soft hair found that all of it had turned into fine quicksand, and its body seemed to be composed of thousands of quicksands.

But this time, Shouhe's body was directly separated, but in a very short time, it was regrouped again, because by this time its body was all quicksand, and it was no longer hair.

Mo Fan, who had been sitting on its back, was not idle, he used his armed color domineering to the extreme, trying his best to protect Shouhe's body and keep it from harm.

With Mo Fan's help, Shouhe jumped out of the frantically surging power like a crusher like a tiger with wings, and those forces could no longer stop Shouhe's footsteps.

It leapt as fast as it could, opening its mouth wide to show its fangs, as if to tear apart the obscuring blackness.

Shouhe's fangs tore at the black power that covered the sky, and it roared angrily and bit out an exit directly, like a curtain on a theater, after being bitten out of a hole by Shouhe, and then all the black disappeared at this moment, fading wildly, making the entire sky show its original appearance.

The sky was blue, as if at this moment it was really possible to see everything outside, and the navy couldn't help but exclaim when they saw such a scene, and the expression on their faces was also extremely happy!

Without the restraint of black, everyone dared to breathe with confidence.

And Shouhe's body fell steadily to the ground, and then added a mouth with a barbed tongue, looking unfinished, and its body changed back to a furry appearance again, but its eyes were still fierce.

As if he had suffered some great blow, his body took two steps back and almost collapsed on the ground, that was all his strength, and when the black disappeared into this daughter island, it meant that his time of death had come.

Fear once again took over his heart, and there was a heart-rending pain in his body, and he felt that he could not breathe for a while, and blood flowed from both ears, nose, and eyes, which was much more ugly than the previous death of Madara Uchiha.

"I don't believe it! Even if I can't kill you, the heavenly thunder will kill you!" Im still can't believe it, but he can't see Mo Fan die with his own eyes now.

After saying this, Imu's body fell to his knees, the red blood turning him into a bloody man, and his eyes glared at the boss, as if he was holding on to not die.

"People are going to die, what's the point of saying this?" Mo Fan couldn't understand his current behavior of still talking ruthlessly, and in the end he wasn't dead, making so many moths.

However, his words reminded Mo Fan that there was still a heavenly thunder that was about to split on his body.

Just as he was thinking about this, the already clear blue sky changed again, and the crazy power was gradually gathered together by the sky, and the wind suddenly rose, and it rained heavily in the sky, and the rain the size of a soybean grain fell eagerly, making the blood on the ground flow more rapidly.

The temperature around him also dropped a lot, and the atmosphere began to become tense for a while, Mo Fan immediately ordered the rest of the navy to retreat, this matter must not affect the other navies, if it affects the navy, then he is all guilty.

But the navy has long put life and death on the line.

"We don't go !!"

"Pheasant, let them go!" Mo Fan frowned around him, watching the changes in the sky becoming more and more obvious, and his heart became more and more worried.

Thinking that he jumped off Shouhe's body, and then whispered to Shouhe, "You can go back to where you need to go." "

Shouhe's body became smaller in a flash, and then climbed up Mo Fan's body, looking clingy, with caution in his eyes.

"Boom !!"

"Boom !!"

The thunder and lightning were rapidly converging, and an extremely strange light was forming in the sky, and everything around them began to change.

"Let's go. Mo Fan didn't want to bother Shouhe, but Shouhe blinked and didn't plan to leave.



The heavenly thunder has been gathered, this is the heavenly thunder brought by Yimu's self-explosion, this time I am afraid it will not be so easy, Mo Fan watched several thunderbolts gather together and then converge into a huge thunder light, slashing in the direction of Mo Fan.

At this moment of crisis, Mo Fan threw out the Shouhe in his arms, and then quickly wrapped his body with the color of the arm, drew the blood knife and swung it with all his might, and the heat wave instantly rushed towards the heavenly thunder.

The two forces collided together, making an earth-shattering sound.

Both of them are very powerful, and while the thunder and lightning in the sky are being consumed, other thunderbolts are also constantly sending energy to the center.

Inch by inch, the thunder and lightning became more and more powerful, directly pushing Mo Fan's heat wave down and crashing into Mo Fan's armed color domineering.

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