His body was kicked away just now, and he couldn't even recover now, but he couldn't show weakness in front of the enemy, and his body stood up quickly, and even a little unstable.

The Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands looked at each other, and it was obvious that they both understood the meaning of the other party's heart.

"None of them are cloth bag techniques!"

That's right, it was the trick just now, Mo Fan clearly felt that the ground was bursting again, as if something was about to move again, as if it was about to jump out from under the ground.

Sure enough, a pair of big hands jumped out quietly without knowing when, and the lines on the hands were even clearly visible, and then continued to block Mo Fan's footsteps and catch Mo Fan's footsteps, but this time Mo Fan did not calm down, and kicked his hand away.

The big hand turned into smashes in an instant, but in a short period of time, a lot of hands came out of the ground in an instant, suddenly appeared in different places, and grabbed Mo Fan's arms, legs, and even his whole body.

Then it tightened inch by inch, and Mo Fan grabbed his skin tightly as if he had no way to dodge.

Mo Fan's body suddenly became harder, and the powerful armed color rushed into the skin, and his body instantly began to plump, for this level of physical attack, there was not much damage at all.

The sound of "bang !!" kept sounding on Mo Fan's body, all of which were the sound of those wooden hands shattering.

Looking at these things between the thousand hands and pillars couldn't stop Mo Fan's movements at all, and now Mo Fan's body had rushed over, at this time, his first reaction was to want to escape from this place, but he was fast, but Mo Fan's body was even faster, and his body was not as fast as Mo Fan at all.

His shoulder was grabbed by Mo Fan, Mo Fan clearly saw a look of fear in his eyes, Mo Fan laughed softly, he didn't give him too much chance to think, after pinching his shoulder fiercely, he threw out the body between the thousand hand pillars at once.

Before everyone could react to what was going on, the body between the Thousand Hand Pillars had already flown out, and then there was a loud noise.

A huge deep ravine was smashed out of the ground, billowing black smoke came out of it, and the scene was shocking for a while, judging from the current situation, Mo Fan had an absolute advantage.

When the black smoke and dust gradually dissipated, the body between the thousand hand pillars appeared in the ravine, his body was full of wounds, at first glance, the injury was very serious, the blood gradually flowed on the ground, and the blood mixed with the black soil looked a little disgusting, and the smell of blood spread around.

Seeing this situation, Thousand Hands hurriedly ran over to block it in front of the Thousand Hands Pillars, and the Thousand Hands Pillars were very reluctant to support themselves from the ground, and the expression on his face was extremely weird.

The feeling of shattering his internal organs made his body feel the limit, and his repair began to slow down, reaching the point where he could no longer continue, he coughed twice, and blood spurted out of his mouth frantically.

He had already understood that in this situation, he had to use the most powerful tactics, or he and Kazuma would surely die at the hands of this man.

Thinking like this, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and the white smoke that began to emit from the surroundings began to bury everything, and all the power that covered it, the reduction of visibility, made everyone around him begin to feel excited.

Because the people around him are all people from the Thousand Hands Pillar, and the Thousand Hands Pillar has released such a trick just to deal with Mo Fan, since this is the case, of course they are happy.

Mo Fan's visibility was reduced, but he didn't know how, even the domineering appearance of seeing and hearing had inexplicably lost its effect, and now the only thing that could determine the direction of the surroundings was his body.

Relying on his body to perceive everything around him, this is the first time for Mo Fan.

Mo Fan became vigilant, Shouhe became smaller and nestled in his arms, and strange sounds suddenly began to sound around him.

"In my name, crown your nature..."

A demagogic voice sounded in Mo Fan's ears.

In this vast white fog, only the Thousand Hands Pillar could see the situation in front of him clearly, because the current illusion was a situation created by him, and since it was him, of course he could see it clearly.

Seeing that Mo Fan had nowhere to resist inside, and was even more at a loss, he felt a little relieved, but he still performed the illusion.

In this space created between the Thousand Hand Pillars, chakras are everywhere, rich and permeating, this time he is determined to let Mo Fan die under his hands, and he must not let him live.

The hypnotic illusion was performed on Mo Fan, and the eyes of the thousand hands were locked on Mo Fan's body, and when Mo Fan felt threatened, he had already opened the defense mechanism in his body.

The eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar looking at Mo Fan gradually began to become confused, as if he was really affected by the Thousand Hands Pillar, Shouhe in his arms saw the expression on Mo Fan's face, and couldn't help but start to get anxious, she arched in Mo Fan's arms in a panic, as if to let him quickly regain consciousness.

But at this time, Mo Fan couldn't continue to wake up at all, his eyes were blurred, as if he had become a puppet, and the powerful power of Chakra was constantly swirling around him.

When the white smoke gradually dissipated, Mo Fan's face at this time was finally truly presented in front of people's eyes, his gaze was dull, and he didn't seem to have any attack power.

"Hahaha! It's not that I'm defeated. "The heart of the Thousand Hands Pillar was greatly satisfied, he had already prepared this day when he learned of Madara Uchiha's death, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

The subordinates among the surrounding Thousand Hand Pillars let out exclamations one after another, and their faces were full of surprise.

Qianshou also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, he was finally able to control Mo Fan, just control it, he had never met such a powerful human, so he simply had no power to fight back.

However, this also made the heart of the thousand hands begin to have doubts.

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