Chapter 41 - Luke and Jackson (a love story)
I'm an owner of a small restaurant which specializes in healthy food. We are located in a busy area of a large city and we are constantly busy. I have two chefs and several waiters plus a hostess.
My name is Luke, I'm 38 years old, I'm 5'10" 180 lbs. almost black hair and hazel eyes. I keep my body in good shape by visiting a gym three to four days per week.
It was a miserable snowy night and I had let most of the help go home. It wasn't busy so I was alone and doing odds and ends. It was 8PM and I would be closing at 9 PM.
The door opened and this young man came in all huddled over and appeared to be freezing. He only had on a thin coat and he looked quite dirty. I said to him: " can I help you with something". He said: "Sir could I just sit here for a few minutes to warm up". I looked at him and his hair was all matted and his clothes were filthy. I asked him what he was doing out in this weather without proper winter clothing. He said that what he had on was all he had.
He told me that he was homeless and all the shelters were full. I asked him his name and he said: "Jackson". He went on to say that he was twenty years old. I didn't want to seem to nosey, but I asked him if he had a job. He said: "I did have a job washing dishes but I got fired for being late, as I don't have an alarm clock.
I asked him if he was hungry and he said with his head down: "Yes". I made him a sandwich and a salad and watching him eat I knew he hadn't eaten in a few days. I think he ate the sandwich in four bites. I asked if he wanted another sandwich and he just shook his head.
I asked where he was going to sleep and he said: "I will check with the shelter to see if a spot has opened up, but I don't think that will happen. I was starting to close and he got up to leave thanking me for the food. I said: "Hold on Jackson your coming home with me, you can spend the night until something opens up at the shelter."
He just looked at me and said: "You are most kind and I will find a way to repay you".
The weather was becoming nasty as we drove to my home only a few miles away. As we walked in the house I got an awful smell coming from Jackson. I said: "Why don't you take your clothes off and take a shower and I will wash your clothes. I will give you a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt. I got a towel for him and fresh clothes and left him in the bathroom. I got the guest room ready for him and he came out of the bathroom and as I looked at him I hadn't realized how cute he was. He was about my height 5'10" and only about 160 lbs. he was thin. He had blond hair and blue eyes. I have to say my c.o.c.k stirred in my trousers.
I asked him if he felt better and he said: "Yes I do, thank you so much". I told him to get some rest as he looked very tired. He went to bed and I checked on him a few minutes later and he was already snoring litely.
I sat in the living room and pondered what I was going to do for this boy. I didn't know if he had family. I thought maybe I could have him start working in the kitchen at the restaurant". For some reason I was taken with this boy (man). I went to bed with him on my mind as I drifted off to sleep.
Jackson I want you to stay here as long as you need, and I have some questions I would like to ask you". "I will answer any questions you may have". I would like to know where your parents are and did you finish high school". "His expression changed and he said: "My parents were killed in an automobile accident when I was fourteen and I was put into foster care and I went to several foster care families:. "I was a problem child and very rebellious, and I didn't graduate high school as I dropped out in eleventh grade". "Well Jackson I would like you to start working at the restaurant in the kitchen, it doesn't pay a lot but it will give you some money, and then I would like you to check into obtaining your GED". "I can't start you working for a few days so you can stay here".
I told Jackson that tomorrow during the afternoon when the restaurant was slow we would go shopping for clothes for him. "Luke how will I ever repay you". "Lets now worry about than right now". I left for the restaurant and told Jackson I would be home at 5:00, but I would have to be back at the restaurant at 6:30.
When I got back at 5:00, I walked in with a delicious smell in the air and Jackson had made us dinner. He said: " I made dinner, caribbean jerk chicken over rice with pepper and onions". "Wow Jackson it smells delicious, and where did you learn to cook like this". "When I lived with one of my foster families I had to do all the cooking and I enjoyed it, so try the food and tell me what you think". I took a bite and it was absolutely delicious. I told him that we would have to incorporate this dish at the restaurant. I could see the excitement on his face and told him: "Maybe we can train you for a chefs position". "Oh Luke I would love that and tears formed in his eyes". My heart just ached for him.
No only had he cooked dinner, but he had cleaned the whole house. I said: "Jackson you didn't have to clean the house". He replied: "Its the least I can do for all your kindness Luke".
"Okay I have to go back to the restaurant for an hour, would you like to go with me." "Yes, I would love to." We walked into the restaurant and I took Jackson to where the chefs were. I introduced him and told the chefs to give Jackson a tour. I went to the office to finish paperwork that I had to attend to. I finished up and I heard Jackson laughing with the chefs and as I approached them I said: "So guys whats so funny". Mark one of the chefs said: "We were teasing Jackson about how cute he is". "That he is" Luke said.
They left the restaurant and headed home and Jackson said: "Its my birthday next week and I'll be 21". "Well we will have to have a party for you at the restaurant after hours. "I haven't had a birthday party in so many years".
We walked in the house and I went to the fridge for a beer and I asked Jackson if he wanted one. "I'd love one" he said. Jackson said he was going to take a shower first and I said: "I'll take one after you". We finished our showers and I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his sweat pants which started a stirring in me. I said to myself what the f.u.c.ks wrong with you he's almost 21 years old and your 38.
We sat on the couch and enjoyed our beers, and I reiterated to Jackson that I wanted him to check on the schedule for GED classes. He said he would. He went to get up and tripped over my leg and I caught him, bringing his face close to mine with our lips almost touching. He just looked into my eyes and mine into his for a brief moment. I quickly lifted him up and he went into the kitchen. My c.o.c.k was fully erect. I said: "What the hell is wrong with me".
The next day was Saturday and my crew took care of the restaurant I said to Jackson: "We never got to go clothes shopping lets do it today". He was all excited. We went to a nice mens store and Jackson had become very handsome, his hair was cut and cleaned shaved. We bought him five pairs of jeans, five shirts, a winter coat and then we went to the u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r area and he said: "I like s.e.xy b.r.i.e.f.s". His face turned all red. I told him to pick out whatever he liked. I looked at what he picked and said: "Your right those are s.e.xy". We went from there to a shoe store and got him a pair of sneakers, a pair of dingo boots, and a pair of work boots. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said: "A week ago I was on the street, and now I have place to stay, and brand new clothes to wear". "I put my arms around him and said: "I'm glad to see you so happy".
We headed home and enjoyed each others company and watched a movie. Jackson fell asleep and leaned over with his head on me. I ran my fingers through his hair and said: "My God I'm falling in love with this boy (man). After enjoying his warmth on me for awhile I woke him up to go to bed.
It was sometime during the night, I awoke and Jackson was in my bed with his arms wrapped around me. I didn't know what to do, but just then he started to move and I could feel his c.o.c.k in my b.u.t.t crack. I instantly became hard and I turned around and he said: "are you upset with me" all I could say was: "No".
He reached in and touched my lips and a raging fire broke out as our mouths became one, engulfed with e.r.o.t.i.c l.u.s.t. Our bodies were touching and our c.o.c.ks were rock hard. I slipped my b.r.i.e.f.s off and so did Jackson. He started down my body biting and l.i.c.k.i.n.g my n.i.p.p.l.es and then down my stomach, my abs, and then down to my balls and he s.u.c.k.e.d them gently, then he went for the head of my c.o.c.k and licked and s.u.c.k.e.d and started s.u.c.k.i.n.g the pre-c.u.m and both he and I were m.o.a.ning. He then went down on my c.o.c.k until he hit my pubes. I couldn't believe he took my whole c.o.c.k. I am well endowed with 8" of horse c.o.c.k. "Yeah baby suck that c.o.c.k". After about five minutes I told him to stop or I was going to c.u.m.
He straddled me and reached down and gave me a hot, wet, wild, passionate kiss. He looked into my eyes and said: "Luke please f.u.c.k me". I told him to get on his stomach and spread his legs. He did as I requested and I dove in to his sweet a.s.s. I spread his checks and took in his scent which was manly and sweet. I s.u.c.k.e.d his hole and he shouted: "Oh f.u.c.k Luke please eat that a.s.s, your making me so hot". ". I finished my dessert and lubed my c.o.c.k and his a.s.s, and with one push I passed his sphincter and stopped for him to adjust and then pushed all the way in. He m.o.a.n.e.d and said: "Don't stop f.u.c.k me". I started a steady rhythm in and out feeling the heat of his hot a.s.s. I f.u.c.k.e.d him hard giving him all 8" and then I told him to get on his back and lift his legs wide. I slipped my c.o.c.k back in his love channel and we were in ecstasy as I f.u.c.k.e.d him with a powerful force. I reached down and took his c.o.c.k in my mouth s.u.c.k.i.n.g all the pre-c.u.m and then kissed him, slobbering with our juices.
I told him I was ready to c.u.m and he said: "Me too". I started to feel my balls pull up and the c.u.m shot thru my c.o.c.k and exploded in his a.s.s and I was screaming: "Oh f.u.c.k Jackson can you feel my c.u.m exploding in you". "Oh f.u.c.k yes I feel it oh f.u.c.k I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g". Jackson's c.u.m blasted everywhere and I licked it up and we shared his seed.
We cleaned up and got in bed and I put my arms around him, I said: "Jackson I'm 17 years older than you". "He looked at me and said: "Luke love knows no age and I love you". Tears filled my eyes as I realized the maturity he had after all he had been through. I looked at him and told him: "I love you too.
Three Years Later
Luke and Jackson's love blossomed and you could see it when ever they were together. Jackson got his GED and was going to go to college. He was working in the restaurant as a chef until he started classes.
Luke and Jackson were married after Jackson graduated from culinary arts school. He is now head chef at their restaurant. It just goes to show you that love has no boundries. Someone quoted "LOVE IS AT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE AND WE NEED IT TO SURVIVE, ONCE WE FIND IT, IT WILL CONSUME EVERY FIBER OF OUR BEING".
My name is Luke, I'm 38 years old, I'm 5'10" 180 lbs. almost black hair and hazel eyes. I keep my body in good shape by visiting a gym three to four days per week.
It was a miserable snowy night and I had let most of the help go home. It wasn't busy so I was alone and doing odds and ends. It was 8PM and I would be closing at 9 PM.
The door opened and this young man came in all huddled over and appeared to be freezing. He only had on a thin coat and he looked quite dirty. I said to him: " can I help you with something". He said: "Sir could I just sit here for a few minutes to warm up". I looked at him and his hair was all matted and his clothes were filthy. I asked him what he was doing out in this weather without proper winter clothing. He said that what he had on was all he had.
He told me that he was homeless and all the shelters were full. I asked him his name and he said: "Jackson". He went on to say that he was twenty years old. I didn't want to seem to nosey, but I asked him if he had a job. He said: "I did have a job washing dishes but I got fired for being late, as I don't have an alarm clock.
I asked him if he was hungry and he said with his head down: "Yes". I made him a sandwich and a salad and watching him eat I knew he hadn't eaten in a few days. I think he ate the sandwich in four bites. I asked if he wanted another sandwich and he just shook his head.
I asked where he was going to sleep and he said: "I will check with the shelter to see if a spot has opened up, but I don't think that will happen. I was starting to close and he got up to leave thanking me for the food. I said: "Hold on Jackson your coming home with me, you can spend the night until something opens up at the shelter."
He just looked at me and said: "You are most kind and I will find a way to repay you".
The weather was becoming nasty as we drove to my home only a few miles away. As we walked in the house I got an awful smell coming from Jackson. I said: "Why don't you take your clothes off and take a shower and I will wash your clothes. I will give you a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt. I got a towel for him and fresh clothes and left him in the bathroom. I got the guest room ready for him and he came out of the bathroom and as I looked at him I hadn't realized how cute he was. He was about my height 5'10" and only about 160 lbs. he was thin. He had blond hair and blue eyes. I have to say my c.o.c.k stirred in my trousers.
I asked him if he felt better and he said: "Yes I do, thank you so much". I told him to get some rest as he looked very tired. He went to bed and I checked on him a few minutes later and he was already snoring litely.
I sat in the living room and pondered what I was going to do for this boy. I didn't know if he had family. I thought maybe I could have him start working in the kitchen at the restaurant". For some reason I was taken with this boy (man). I went to bed with him on my mind as I drifted off to sleep.
Jackson I want you to stay here as long as you need, and I have some questions I would like to ask you". "I will answer any questions you may have". I would like to know where your parents are and did you finish high school". "His expression changed and he said: "My parents were killed in an automobile accident when I was fourteen and I was put into foster care and I went to several foster care families:. "I was a problem child and very rebellious, and I didn't graduate high school as I dropped out in eleventh grade". "Well Jackson I would like you to start working at the restaurant in the kitchen, it doesn't pay a lot but it will give you some money, and then I would like you to check into obtaining your GED". "I can't start you working for a few days so you can stay here".
I told Jackson that tomorrow during the afternoon when the restaurant was slow we would go shopping for clothes for him. "Luke how will I ever repay you". "Lets now worry about than right now". I left for the restaurant and told Jackson I would be home at 5:00, but I would have to be back at the restaurant at 6:30.
When I got back at 5:00, I walked in with a delicious smell in the air and Jackson had made us dinner. He said: " I made dinner, caribbean jerk chicken over rice with pepper and onions". "Wow Jackson it smells delicious, and where did you learn to cook like this". "When I lived with one of my foster families I had to do all the cooking and I enjoyed it, so try the food and tell me what you think". I took a bite and it was absolutely delicious. I told him that we would have to incorporate this dish at the restaurant. I could see the excitement on his face and told him: "Maybe we can train you for a chefs position". "Oh Luke I would love that and tears formed in his eyes". My heart just ached for him.
No only had he cooked dinner, but he had cleaned the whole house. I said: "Jackson you didn't have to clean the house". He replied: "Its the least I can do for all your kindness Luke".
"Okay I have to go back to the restaurant for an hour, would you like to go with me." "Yes, I would love to." We walked into the restaurant and I took Jackson to where the chefs were. I introduced him and told the chefs to give Jackson a tour. I went to the office to finish paperwork that I had to attend to. I finished up and I heard Jackson laughing with the chefs and as I approached them I said: "So guys whats so funny". Mark one of the chefs said: "We were teasing Jackson about how cute he is". "That he is" Luke said.
They left the restaurant and headed home and Jackson said: "Its my birthday next week and I'll be 21". "Well we will have to have a party for you at the restaurant after hours. "I haven't had a birthday party in so many years".
We walked in the house and I went to the fridge for a beer and I asked Jackson if he wanted one. "I'd love one" he said. Jackson said he was going to take a shower first and I said: "I'll take one after you". We finished our showers and I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his sweat pants which started a stirring in me. I said to myself what the f.u.c.ks wrong with you he's almost 21 years old and your 38.
We sat on the couch and enjoyed our beers, and I reiterated to Jackson that I wanted him to check on the schedule for GED classes. He said he would. He went to get up and tripped over my leg and I caught him, bringing his face close to mine with our lips almost touching. He just looked into my eyes and mine into his for a brief moment. I quickly lifted him up and he went into the kitchen. My c.o.c.k was fully erect. I said: "What the hell is wrong with me".
The next day was Saturday and my crew took care of the restaurant I said to Jackson: "We never got to go clothes shopping lets do it today". He was all excited. We went to a nice mens store and Jackson had become very handsome, his hair was cut and cleaned shaved. We bought him five pairs of jeans, five shirts, a winter coat and then we went to the u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r area and he said: "I like s.e.xy b.r.i.e.f.s". His face turned all red. I told him to pick out whatever he liked. I looked at what he picked and said: "Your right those are s.e.xy". We went from there to a shoe store and got him a pair of sneakers, a pair of dingo boots, and a pair of work boots. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said: "A week ago I was on the street, and now I have place to stay, and brand new clothes to wear". "I put my arms around him and said: "I'm glad to see you so happy".
We headed home and enjoyed each others company and watched a movie. Jackson fell asleep and leaned over with his head on me. I ran my fingers through his hair and said: "My God I'm falling in love with this boy (man). After enjoying his warmth on me for awhile I woke him up to go to bed.
It was sometime during the night, I awoke and Jackson was in my bed with his arms wrapped around me. I didn't know what to do, but just then he started to move and I could feel his c.o.c.k in my b.u.t.t crack. I instantly became hard and I turned around and he said: "are you upset with me" all I could say was: "No".
He reached in and touched my lips and a raging fire broke out as our mouths became one, engulfed with e.r.o.t.i.c l.u.s.t. Our bodies were touching and our c.o.c.ks were rock hard. I slipped my b.r.i.e.f.s off and so did Jackson. He started down my body biting and l.i.c.k.i.n.g my n.i.p.p.l.es and then down my stomach, my abs, and then down to my balls and he s.u.c.k.e.d them gently, then he went for the head of my c.o.c.k and licked and s.u.c.k.e.d and started s.u.c.k.i.n.g the pre-c.u.m and both he and I were m.o.a.ning. He then went down on my c.o.c.k until he hit my pubes. I couldn't believe he took my whole c.o.c.k. I am well endowed with 8" of horse c.o.c.k. "Yeah baby suck that c.o.c.k". After about five minutes I told him to stop or I was going to c.u.m.
He straddled me and reached down and gave me a hot, wet, wild, passionate kiss. He looked into my eyes and said: "Luke please f.u.c.k me". I told him to get on his stomach and spread his legs. He did as I requested and I dove in to his sweet a.s.s. I spread his checks and took in his scent which was manly and sweet. I s.u.c.k.e.d his hole and he shouted: "Oh f.u.c.k Luke please eat that a.s.s, your making me so hot". ". I finished my dessert and lubed my c.o.c.k and his a.s.s, and with one push I passed his sphincter and stopped for him to adjust and then pushed all the way in. He m.o.a.n.e.d and said: "Don't stop f.u.c.k me". I started a steady rhythm in and out feeling the heat of his hot a.s.s. I f.u.c.k.e.d him hard giving him all 8" and then I told him to get on his back and lift his legs wide. I slipped my c.o.c.k back in his love channel and we were in ecstasy as I f.u.c.k.e.d him with a powerful force. I reached down and took his c.o.c.k in my mouth s.u.c.k.i.n.g all the pre-c.u.m and then kissed him, slobbering with our juices.
I told him I was ready to c.u.m and he said: "Me too". I started to feel my balls pull up and the c.u.m shot thru my c.o.c.k and exploded in his a.s.s and I was screaming: "Oh f.u.c.k Jackson can you feel my c.u.m exploding in you". "Oh f.u.c.k yes I feel it oh f.u.c.k I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g". Jackson's c.u.m blasted everywhere and I licked it up and we shared his seed.
We cleaned up and got in bed and I put my arms around him, I said: "Jackson I'm 17 years older than you". "He looked at me and said: "Luke love knows no age and I love you". Tears filled my eyes as I realized the maturity he had after all he had been through. I looked at him and told him: "I love you too.
Three Years Later
Luke and Jackson's love blossomed and you could see it when ever they were together. Jackson got his GED and was going to go to college. He was working in the restaurant as a chef until he started classes.
Luke and Jackson were married after Jackson graduated from culinary arts school. He is now head chef at their restaurant. It just goes to show you that love has no boundries. Someone quoted "LOVE IS AT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE AND WE NEED IT TO SURVIVE, ONCE WE FIND IT, IT WILL CONSUME EVERY FIBER OF OUR BEING".
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