Random Shopping System

Chapter 984: Haoranzong (3)

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"Dear fathers and villagers, although Haoranzong recruits disciples this time, there are no restrictions on their identities, but there are still restrictions on their ages. Only young people between 13-20 years old are recruited. Those who are below this age or are above this age, Haoran Zongs are not recruited, so please follow the rules to avoid delaying everyone's time."

"Well, this is the condition for our Haoran Sect to recruit disciples. Anyone who wants to join Haoran Sect can come on stage to participate in the assessment. As long as they pass the assessment, they can become Haoran Sect's disciples."

Zhu Baqiu said on the wooden table the requirements for recruiting disciples, and after speaking, he waited for people to come up, and he didn't continue to say anything extra.

Zhu Yuanyuan watched the onlookers below and began to discuss each other in a low voice. He knew that the matter must be a success, and someone would definitely join the Haoran Sect.

"Second son, don't you try? If you join the sect, then your family's affairs will be resolved!"

Wu Lao San looked at his friend and said.

"The third child, can I call the shots by myself? At the very least, I have to discuss with my parents, otherwise I will join the sect in private and I will probably be beaten by my father."

The second son rolled his eyes. He is 15 years old this year. Although he has reached the age to be married, he can't make his own decisions if he doesn't get married. Therefore, his family must agree to do so, otherwise he has become an unfilial son?

"That's right, I have to go back and talk to my father." Wu Laosan nodded when he heard it. All the nations of the human race put filial piety at the forefront. Before doing anything, he must think of his parents, like Joining a sect is such a big thing, of course, you have to get the consent of your parents.

Not only Wu Lao San and his son, but also other onlookers. Joining a sect is a lifelong event. After all, no sect will make a disciple betray the sect. Once you join, it is a lifetime thing, otherwise you want to quit the sect and rejoin. Another one, how can there be such a simple thing!

However, although many people have to go home and discuss before they can make a decision, there are also people who go up to participate in the assessment on the spot, such as those who are orphans, and those who come out with father and son, they all decide to go up to participate in the assessment and join the Haoranzong on the spot. Up.

"I come!"

A young man wearing a patched dress came out first. This young man was not very old. Zhu Yuanyuan knew at a glance that he was definitely less than 18 years old. However, although he could be found from the clothes that he was poor, he Very clean, it means that he is poor, but he is not poor, such a person will have great luck waiting for him in the future, and those who are not lazy will eventually get better.

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

Zhu Yuanyuan still didn't speak, but Zhu Baqiu on one side began to ask, this recruiting disciples, of course Zhu Yuanyuan would be present, otherwise, how do you know whether these people's talents are for cultivation or other cultivators?

The reason why Zhu Yuanyuan wants to come every day is because the Ten Thousand Realms system on his body has an appraisal function. After these two days, his reputation has increased a bit. Although most of them are level 1 reputation, but 1-3 reputation The value has been increased a bit, the identification function costs prestige points, and the prestige value he earns is also enough for identification.

As for the source of these prestige points, of course, Zhu Yuanyuan wrote the king-level poems, so the people in Mingye Town will worship him, and the king-level poems can be written during the child test. This genius is the first. Appeared twice, so it's normal to worship Zhu Origin.

"In response to this senior, Li Zheran, 16 years old this year, is a member of Lijiazhuang, and his parents have died since childhood. He grew up eating Baijiafan and now works in Mingye Town."

After Li Zheran heard Zhu Baqiu's question, he quickly answered. Chinese Novel Library

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Li Zheran's introduction, he only spent one hundred points of level 1 reputation to identify Li Zheran's information.

"Name: Li Zheran."

"Race: Terran."

"Sex: Male."

"Age: 16 years old."

"Nationality: Ji Guo."

"Address: Mingye Town-Lijiazhuang."

"Qualification: Wenxiu (upper-level)."

"Realm: None (ordinary mortal)."

The Ten Thousand Realms system was almost able to identify all the eighteenth generations of Li Zheran’s ancestors. This is still a bit of information. Zhu Yuan didn’t look at the other information. The names of Li Zheran’s parents, relatives, and where did they work? All the major events encountered in the past few years are in the information.

It is the first time that Zhu Yuanyuan feels that the Ten Thousand Realms System is a real cow. As long as others are in front of him, it is the same as without clothes. All details will be exposed. Of course, this is the same as Zhu Yuanyuan’s spiritual ability. Mind reading in Chinese is different. Mind reading allows you to know what other people are thinking, but the appraisal of the world is nothing short of it. There is even a record of what this person has done. If you know all your secrets, ask if you are afraid. ?

"Li Zheran, right? Very good, you are good, you have passed the assessment, you have the qualifications of literary training, you can join my Haoran Sect. Of course, we don’t force you to join here. My lord tells you now, you have literary training. You can edit your essays. Your aptitude is intermediate to upper-class. If you follow the steps, you may reach the level of Wenzong, Great Wenzong, or even literary magnate. It depends on what you think. If you want to join our Haoranzong, of course it’s better. Yes, we will provide you with resources to help you edit your essay. It's up to you to decide!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan’s appraisal, he directly stated Li Zheran’s qualifications. He did it on purpose. In fact, this is considered an assessment. It depends on how Li Zheran’s mentality is. If he feels that he has the qualifications for cultural studies, he can join in. If other forces are concerned, Zhu Yuanyuan will not stop it, because such a person is not worth staying, and such a person is not worthy of joining Haoran Sect without a firm heart.

"Sect Master, don't need to think about it, the disciple decided to join the Haoran Sect~www.ltnovel.com~ and never regret it!"

After Li Zheran heard Zhu Yuanyuan’s words, he strengthened his belief. A sect that can let go of disciples with cultural aptitude must be very strong. Even if it is not strong now, it will be strong in the future. In addition, he himself was originally. Just as impoverished, there is nothing that can not be lost, so resolutely decided to join the Haoran Sect.

"Oh? Okay, now that you think about it, come forward and receive the disciple token."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Li Zheran's words, his face also showed a satisfied look. Although Li Zheran was not very qualified, he had a firm heart and was worth training. Finally, he asked him to come forward to receive the disciple token.

"Yes, Sovereign." Li Zheran stepped forward to Zhu Yuanyuan.

"This is the token of my Haoranzong disciple. You hold it, and drip a drop of blood on it, and you can make this token record your breath. After that, this token can only be used by you, and others cannot use."

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