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Chapter 1000: Rape (1)

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"Yes, I'll take over the matter of Zhu Xiaoyou. As long as the old man is still in Mingye Town, no one in Mingye Town will trouble Haoranzong. You can go to Mingjiang City to test the talents."

After Liang Youwei heard Zhu Yuanyuan's request, he immediately agreed. Although he didn't know where Zhu Yuanyuan got the resources to establish a sect, these were trivial matters, as long as they were for the human race. Cultivating talents, then all things are nothing.

"Liang Xuezheng, the students have thanked me here." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't say anything else, and bowed to Liang Youwei with a fist. The literary world liked this one. Even if he was not very humble, he was very respectful of etiquette and manners. The rules are very particular, after all, it is a world respected by literature.


After Zhu Yuanyuan bid farewell to Liang Youwei, he went to Zhengqi Mountain to inform Haoranzong's suzerain Wang Yi that he was going to Mingjiang City.

Wang Yi is a literary scholar recruited by Zhu Yuanyuan. His realm has reached the pinnacle of literary scholars. What is even more rare is that Wang Yi’s literary talent is superior, which means that Wang Yi’s talent can at least be cultivated to the level of a writer. , It is very possible to reach Yasheng.

Zhu Yuanyuan’s affairs in Mingye Town will be handed over to Wang Yi. Wang Yi is also a poor student. This is why Zhu Yuanyuan feels relieved. Although the sect system prevents the joining disciples from betraying, it is popular. It's unpredictable. If someone with a family background becomes the suzerain, maybe the Haoran Sect in Mingye Town will become a tool of the family, which is not what Zhu Yuanyuan wants.


After arranging the affairs of Mingye Town, Zhu Yuanyuan also took some people towards Mingjiang City. Zhu Baqiu and the others had to take ten, and there were a hundred martial arts guards. As for the Zhu Mansion of Mingye Town All of the maids and servants were sent to Zhengqi Mountain. They were not likely to carry some burdens on the road. The maids and servants only needed to buy them in Mingjiang City.

Mingjiang City is a subordinate city of Mingye Town, which means that Mingye Town is under the jurisdiction of Mingjiang City.

"My son, from the map, we can't make it to the next town. We can only rest in the wild."

Zhu Chuyi drove Zhu Yuanyuan’s carriage to the forefront. He looked at the sky and glanced at the road ahead. He found that he did not see the shadow of the town at all. After reading the map, he knew that the distance to the next town was at least It's a few hours' journey, and it's midnight when I get there. It's impossible to drive late at night. Horses can't be far away in the dark. They are prone to car accidents. It is better to drive during the day.

"Well, then stop on the side of the road and find a smoother place to rest. After dawn, you will continue to set off. Don't worry, you can get to Mingjiang City within a month."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard what Zhu Chuyi said, he felt that he could not drive at night, it was too dangerous. Although the people he brought were all powerful practitioners, those carriages and horses were ordinary things. If it is dropped, it is also a trouble.

"Yes, son."

After Zhu Yuanyi received Zhu Yuanyi's reply, he also settled down. He was really afraid of driving in the dark. The visible distance of the dark night is only more than ten meters away. If there is a stone or wood in front of the road. There was no time for the carriage to stop. At that time, even if the son was not injured, the horses would have been abandoned, and the carriages that followed would definitely collide with each other one after another, and it would be a chain accident.

After finding a flat place, the entire convoy stopped.

Zhu Yuan’s motorcade has a total of more than 20 carriages, mainly for people. The guards cannot always ride horses. Zhu Yuan understands how tiring riding is. Even a cultivator can’t run his body every moment. If the energy in it depends on the physical body, it will be tired after a long time.

After finding a flat ground, Zhu Yuanyuan arranged to surround all the carriages in a circle, and then lit a bonfire both in and outside the circle. At the same time, he issued some bows and arrows to the guards. In order to defend against sneak attacks by the enemy, there are still bandits in the literary world. These bandits, regardless of whether there is a foreign threat or not, they are the mouse **** among the human race.

The guards are also arranged in three shifts when they are resting. The three groups of people take turns to watch the night. There are carriages blocking the outside. When they are resting, they rest on the side of the inner carriage, so that they are not afraid of someone attacking with bows and arrows, and there are bonfires around the enemy The guards who watched the night immediately after approaching could spot it.

After setting up the camp to rest in the evening, I started to cook dinner. This time Zhu Yuan did not make it himself. The food culture in the cultural world has also developed very soundly, much like the food culture of China, although it is not cooked. Origin makes good food by himself, but it is relatively good. In Mingye Town, Zhu Origin finds several chefs. After all, he has a lot of things every day, so it is impossible to cook by himself every time, so he recruited I have a few chefs, and the level of these chefs is still very high, at least equivalent to the chefs of the three-star hotel on Aquastar~www.ltnovel.com~ It's pretty good.

In fact, ancient Chinese chefs such as the literature world far exceed the level of modern Chinese chefs in Aquastar.

The chefs in the literary world do not just cook food to make people full, but to make delicious. If you want to be full, don’t you know how to eat steamed buns and noodles? Who goes to the restaurant to eat those exquisite food?

In fact, it is not only in the ancient times of the literary world, but also in the restaurants of Aquastar in the ancient times. The chefs are very particular about the cooking skills, which far exceed those of modern small restaurant chefs.

It can be said that chefs in any restaurant in ancient times can be chefs in star-rated hotels in modern times, and some can even be chefs in five-star hotels.

It can be said that modern chefs’ cooking skills are far behind those of ancient chefs. Some modern seasonings are synthetic and not natural. They taste good, but they can’t keep up with natural seasonings.

The seasonings used by Zhu Yuanyuan himself are all natural. They are all made from the essence of plants. The whole process is made manually by artificial robots. In fact, they are similar to those made manually. .

After eating dinner, Zhu Yuanyuan took a sheepskin blanket and spread it on the ground. Then he lay on it and looked up at the starry sky. The starry sky in the literary world is very beautiful, but the entire starry sky has no familiar constellations. I found it, but I couldn't see the familiar Big Dipper.

There is no development of science and technology in the cultural world, so the entire sky is very bright, and there is also a moon hanging in the sky, but the moon here is very small, much smaller than the water blue star. It is estimated that the distance is very far, or it is the continent below or The reason why the planet is too big is that there is no difference in time from the water blue star. A day and a night are 24 hours. Maybe the time of the planet and the moon rotates faster.

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