It can be said that although Yun Wenmo was born with a golden key, his life was actually arranged when he was just born. There are strict requirements on what to learn, what to do, what to eat and drink. , Unless you are an adult, you can suffer it! New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

So don’t think that you can do whatever you want after you are born with the golden key. If you want to be a dude, you have to wait for adulthood, not only adulthood, but also what you have learned, if you are a gifted son or daughter. Concubine, it is estimated that they will have to be managed in a stricter way, because the good seedlings cannot be allowed to go crookedly, and those who are not very talented will be left unattended. They can do whatever they want, even if they are offended. Those who offend, let them die in the big deal, those aristocratic families will not care about useless people.

   Not to mention the ruthlessness of these aristocratic families, this is the case in any world, the survival of the fittest, the victorious enjoy the highest life, the loser either die, or lower his head to live in obscurity at the bottom.


   Zhu Yuan and Yun Wenmo drank wine for more than 2 hours, and then Yun Wenmo got down.

   "Brother Zhu, continue...continue to drink, brother is drunk..."

   Yun Wenmo was supported by his own guards, his face flushed and yelled a few words, but his appearance was already drunk and unconscious, just yelling subconsciously.

   "You send Brother Yun back, I will send some guards to **** you back, be careful along the way."

   Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan was thinking about whether to leave Yun Wenmo to stay in the mansion for one night, but he thought that the two of them were first acquaintances. If he left him, I am afraid that it will be settled, so forget it.

Yes, this Yun Wenmo is the son of the Yun family. Although it is not the eldest son, it is also watched by spies from various forces. So no matter how late it is now, Zhu Yuanyuan feels that Yun Wenmo must be sent away, otherwise it must be. Troublesome.

   What is the trouble?

   This Yun Wenmo is the son of the Yun family. What if someone from any power is fascinated by sending some dead men to assassinate Yun Wenmo?

   If Yun Wenmo dies in this mansion, Zhu Yuan's troubles will be great, and this mansion will definitely be abandoned, and it will definitely be sealed off.

   If Yun Wenmo died, Zhu Yuanyuan’s responsibility would be greater. Not only would the Yamen find him to investigate, the Yun Family would definitely not let him go.

   Even if Zhu Yuanyuan is not afraid of them, but also afraid of trouble, try to avoid things that can be avoided. Otherwise, he knows that there will be accidents, and he knows that there are tigers in the mountains and go to the tiger mountains. Isn't that death?

   Zhu Yuanyuan feels that he is not Xiu'er himself, he has always quit doing things to die, only then would he be crazy.

   "Thank you Zhu Gongzi."

   Yun Wenmo's housekeeper and guards all thanked them. Although they seemed to have a lot of manpower, they didn't mind more. After all, safety was the first priority.

   Nothing happened to Yun Wenmo on the road, except for throwing up in the car, but no other unsightly forces came out to assassinate him.


"Go a little to the left, yes, that's it, don't hang up, it's not finished yet, go down a little, hey, too down, go up a little, slow down, yes, just like this, hold on, okay, stop, Hang it up."

   A group of people were staring at the people on the door wall of a huge mansion at the entrance of the gate. They were hanging plaques, and Zhu Baqiu instructed the people on them to hang the plaques.

The three big characters    Haoranzong appeared in the middle of the gate wall of the mansion, and the entire font looked like a mighty righteous spirit rushing toward you.

   "Alright, set off firecrackers and fireworks!"

   Zhu Baqiu gave an order, and the firecrackers and fireworks at the entrance of the mansion were all set alight.



   With the explosion of firecrackers and fireworks, Haoranzong formally settled in Mingjiang City.

The residence of Haoranzong is officially located in Mingjiang City. Although it is lively, the only people who come to give gifts are Yun Wenmo who sent his subordinates to give a gift. Yun Wenmo does not want to come by himself, but because it is close to scientific research. , Yun Wenmo was locked up in the family to study, although he looked like grind his gun, isn’t there a saying?

   "I'm not happy when I grind the gun!"

   Continuing to study seriously before the country test, even if it is a short-term grind, it can play a little role, as long as it has a little effect, it is not a waste of time.

   Although the gate of Haoranzong Station in the south of the city is full of firecrackers and fireworks today, and there is a group of people around the gate, it looks very lively, but in fact there are no people who come to give gifts and eat alcohol.

   Zhu Yuanyuan is only an outsider. Even if he gets a mansion, the spies are not a waste. Zhu Yuanyuan's identity has actually been placed on the table of the great forces in Mingjiang City.

   It is reasonable to say that Zhu Yuanyuan is a genius who has created two king-level poems. Those forces should have come to win them, but it is strange that none of the big forces in Mingjiang City have come to win them.

   Although it is said that genius has to grow up to be useful, potential is not equal to strength, but Zhu Yuanyuan is now a genius who has written two king-level poems. This is already a nailed literary magnate. Are those forces thinking about watts? A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

  Of course, people from these forces don’t have but they are very sober.

   Then why don't you come to win Zhu Yuanyuan?

   is actually because Zhu Yuanyuan has exposed a serious "defect", of course this "defect" is for others, in fact it is not a defect for Zhu Yuanyuan.

  What is this defect?

   Zhu Yuanyuan has created two poems that have entered the grade, and they are both at the king level. This is true. It can be said that he himself is a peerless genius.

   But at the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan also exposed a "flaw", which is fatal, that is, he created two king-level poems that are still in Wensheng, which is very abnormal.

Zhu Yuanyuan created the first king-level poem that opened the Wen Palace and reached the peak of Wen Sheng. Well, even if this king-level poem was used on the opening of the Wen Palace, after the creation of the second king-level poem, Zhu Yuanyuan There is still only Vincent Peak, which is incredible. .

Yes, Zhu Yuanyuan created two king-level poems. Some people may not be able to create king-level poems in their entire lives. However, Zhu Yuanyuan seems to have a flaw in his cultivation talent, and he is still in the Wensheng level, which makes people feel It's funny, it's also the reason why those forces in Mingjiang City didn't come to win him over.

The great forces of Mingjiang City all believed that Zhu Yuanyuan’s cultivation talent was not good enough. Even if his literary talent was very good, he could frequently create king-level poems, but they all believed that Zhu Yuanyuan was not far on the road of literary cultivation. Poetry is only promoted to Wensheng, isn't this a waste?

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