Random Shopping System

Chapter 1020: Poetry Meeting (1)!

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"Forty-seven million."

"Forty-eight million."

"Forty-nine million."

"Fifty million."


"One hundred million..."

After Zhu Yuanyuan came to announce the good news, he lay on the deck chair in the pavilion by the pond of Haoranzong's courtyard, opened the system panel and looked at it. As expected, his reputation value soared wildly.

The level 1 reputation value ranges from more than 40 million to 100 million. This time has not been used for an hour. It can be said that Zhu Yuanyuan's name is now full of knowledge.

"There are 100 million level 1 prestige points, so I won't improve my realm for the time being. I will improve my prestige value in a few days, and I will raise a few more realms."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the prestige value that was still beating on the system panel. He did not immediately improve his cultural level, but temporarily kept it. He has to wait a few days, because tomorrow night he will go to participate in the City Lord’s Mansion Union Academy. The poem meeting is a poem meeting held in the champion building. At that time, a poem will definitely be created. After the poem is created, it will definitely cause another wave of waves, so that the reputation value can be harvested to the greatest extent.

After tomorrow’s poem meeting, his reputation value will be even more, not only the reputation value of level 1, but also the reputation value of level 2 and above.

It can be said that the literary world is a good place for Zhu Yuanyuan to earn prestige. Because there are many people in the literary world that exceed the second-order cultivators, it means that even ordinary people in Jiangcheng practice martial arts, most They are all Tier 2 and Tier 3 warriors, and these warriors can provide Zhu Yuanyuan with a lot of reputation.

So as long as he can accumulate 100 million level 2 prestige, then Zhu Yuanyuan can be directly promoted from Wensheng to Wenzong, of course, he also wants to be promoted to a great Wenzong or even Wenzong, but only by Ming People in Jiangcheng, I am afraid it will be difficult to promote to Wenzong, and it is still possible for a great Wenzong, and it will take a long time for Wenzong.

"Level 1 Reputation: 124.83 million."

"Level 2 reputation value: 31.09 million."

"Level 3 reputation value: 4.03 million."

"Level 4 reputation value: 120,000."

Now Zhu Yuan’s prestige value has increased considerably. Basically, he will increase some prestige value every hour. He estimates that the last day can increase hundreds of millions of level 1 prestige. Even level 2 prestige can increase by several thousand a day. Ten thousand, as for the level 3 prestige value to increase by 1-2 million a day, it is good, the level 4 prestige value is tens of thousands a day, it is good. Practitioners are also great Wenzong.


The next day, at night, the champion building.

"This is an invitation letter from my son." Bobo Novels

The Zhuangyuan Building was packaged today, and someone at the door was watching the invitation letter. Zhu Yuanyuan showed up at the gate of the Zhuangyuan Building with Zhu Baqiu and some guards, and then Zhu Baqiu took out the invitation letter.

This time, those who passed the exams had invitations, and they were able to bring a servant into the champion building. The person who was brought in, whether it was a guard or something, was allowed to enter, of course, only one person.

"It turned out to be the chief of this rural examination, please come in, Master Zhu!" The person who received the invitation letter at the door opened it and saw that Zhu Yuanyuan's name was written on it. He was shocked at once, and then quickly handed the invitation letter back to Zhu Baqiu. , Bends down and respectfully invited Zhu Yuanyuan into the restaurant. This is a big man, who can create a king-level poem, which is a big deal.

What you need to know is that although the level of poetry seems to be tied to the level of literary cultivation, it is actually not counted as such. The level of literary and poetry does not matter.

For example, Wang Zhe-level poems and the realm of literary magnates seem to be at the same level, but in fact, literary magnates may not always be able to create Wang Zhe-level poems.

Therefore, the level of literary cultivation is not equal to the level of poetry. Basically, no matter what the literary level is, creation depends on knowledge accumulation and inspiration. It does not mean that higher literary level can create higher poetry works. .

For example, in other human empires, there is a sub-sage. This sub-sage relies on the accumulation of literary spirit to improve the realm. He has never created legendary poems, even epic poems, this sub-sage The highest achievement is the king-level poems.

So it doesn't mean that the level of literary revision is high, it means that he can create infinitely the same level of poetry as the current level of literary revision. This is impossible.

This can be said to be common sense in the literary world. Most literary scholars can create entry-level poetry articles and they are already very good. For example, low-level literary studies, some literary studies are miserable, and even stay in the literary student. Did not create a poem or article that was rated as grade.

There are also some low-level literary students who have created graded poems, but most of them are bronze-level poems, and the highest is only silver, otherwise they will not only be in the first to third order (literary student-literary-literary teacher) The text has been revised.

"Brother Zhu, here."

As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan went up to the eighth floor, he heard a yell, and then went over. It turned out to be Yunwenmo.

This time Yun Wenmo also participated in the local examination, and the ranking was second only to Zhu Yuanyuan. It can be said that if it weren't for Zhu Yuanyuan, the case of this township examination was Yunwenmo. It was Zhu Yuanyuan who snatched the head of Yunwenmo. name.

However, Yun Wenmo still has a smile on his face. It seems that he did not take this matter to his heart. You know that Yun Wenmo has a good temperament and will not anger people because of these trivial matters. Yes, scientific examinations are trivial matters. The big thing can only be to create new poems and articles to improve one's own cultivation. I am afraid that the only real big thing is to resist the alien race. Other things are not worth mentioning.

"Brother Yun, good evening."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Yun Wenmo yelling ~www.ltnovel.com~, he walked over and greeted Yun Wenmo.

The environment in this champion building is very good. The eighth floor is also very large, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people without any problem. There are also low tables and high tables.

The low table is on a high level table, and the high table is on the wooden floor below. However, whether it is a low table or a high table, several people can sit together. This champion building is made of special wood. The whole house They all exuded the scent of wood, and they were also equipped with a formation to purify the air. Even if someone had foot odor, the people at the same table would not smell it. Cultivation civilization is so magical.

"Brother Zhu, please sit down. Congratulations on getting the first name. Because there is something important at home, I didn't go to the house. Congratulations. Please forgive me."

After Yun Wenmo saw that Zhu Yuanyuan came, he quickly asked him to sit down and speak, and also apologized. After all, there were 2 days and one night since the list came out yesterday. He himself has not yet gone to give gifts and congratulations. This is to make Zhu Yuanyuan It is indeed a bit rude to do so.

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