Random Shopping System

Chapter 1022: After entering the university-king class!

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"Haha! That's right, that's right, then Brother Zhu will think about it, and the younger brother will think about it too." Yun Wenmo thought about it, and that's right. Brother Zhu has a very good literary talent and is a genius, but he needs to create a poem. It also takes a while. It’s impossible to have poems right after the title comes out. That would be too perfunctory.

"Yeah." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded. He knows his own affairs. If this poem is the first one to end, what else is there? When that happens, he will be here to smash the scene, and everyone else will become a decoration. This is not a good thing. Even if Zhu Yuanyuan is not afraid of these new talents, he can't do it. He will be the same sooner or later. Anyway, you will eventually get the results you want, so why can't you let other people present to show your results first, and then he will go up in the end?

Zhu Yuanyuan also discovered that An Mingwen and Song Mosheng were paying attention to their side. Who told them to sit on the table with the first and second places in the township test, so Zhu Yuanyuan also pretended to hold the wine glass on the table while drinking. Pretending to be contemplative, he began to think, as if he was thinking about poetry.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan not only drinks, but also picked up the chopsticks and ate the delicacies on the table. The food made in this champion building is not bad. There are more than ten dishes on the low table. Although the plate is small and the portion is small. , But the taste is first-rate. If it is placed on the Aquastar, it is properly a chef of the state banquet master level. According to the ancient times, it is a chef level.

Of course, these dishes still have many shortcomings in front of Zhu Yuanyuan. When cutting, some more actions lead to nutrient loss, some heat is a little bit off, and some dishes are delivered after they are out of the pot. The taste has changed slightly.

These shortcomings are actually nothing. Most people can't taste it, and Zhu Yuanyuan, who has been to the kitchen world, can taste it.

After a quarter of an hour, people began to clean up the food on the table one after another, and Fang Sibao began to write poems.

These people who had already started writing quickly finished the poems, and then sent them to An Mingwen and Song Mosheng to watch them in front of them.

Due to the short period of time, no one has created poems of high quality. Of course, there are more people who have not created poems.

However, when everyone present except Yun Wenmo and Zhu Yuanyuan had finished writing the poems, Zhu Yuanyuan found that none of them had made a graded poem, which made him feel very surprised. You must know that although these people were present. New talents, but in fact, there are many people who have not been admitted to talents last year or the year before or even longer. These people are already literary students. Now there are more than a dozen people who are writers, and even one of them Is a literary teacher.

Even this literary teacher hadn't created in-grade poems. Zhu Yuanyuan knew that the level of literary cultivation really had nothing to do with the creation of in-grade poems. All this depends not only on talent but also on literary talent.

Soon Yun Wenmo began to write his poems.

"Liu Zangyan, clouds leaking the sun. The cold is full of carved pans of jade food. The wind is scorching, the water shakes the sky. The fish and dragon carry the colorful boat. The people on the water, the waves are happy. The city lord and the people have fun. Spring is good, always with Xuan. Who is the champion in the flower."

"Okay, Brother Yun, you wrote the word well! Brother Yun really has great talent!" After reading this poem, Zhu Yuanyuan also brightened his eyes and praised him.


Just after Zhu Yuanyuan's words fell, before Yun Wenmo could reply, there was a green vigour on the poems already written on the table. This literary atmosphere rose as high as one person, and everyone in the audience saw it.

"Brother Yun, congratulations, this is a golden-level poem, not bad!" Zhu Yuanyuan felt very good after seeing this green literary atmosphere. He has a gold level. This is a real skill, unlike he who relies entirely on plagiarism. Of course, he can write poems himself, but it is definitely not as good as the level, so if there is plagiarism, plagiarize it!

Well, no, how can literati affairs be called plagiarism? It should be called for reference!

"Brother Zhu is polite, hey, he is still not as good as Brother Zhu. You are the king-level poem. Brother Zhu, you are the only one who did not write poems in the audience. You can write it first. I will take this poem to City Lord An , Song Lao and the others tasted it." 135 Chinese

Although Yun Wenmo was also very pleasantly surprised, he thought that Zhu Yuanyuan had already created three king-level poems in succession. This comparison of my own is simply a loss of people. And I don’t know what kind of poems Zhu Yuanyuan will create in a while. It’s too early to be happy.

"Okay, Brother Yun is going." Zhu Yuanyuan also found that the people around him were coming around, so he didn't stop Yun Wenmo either.

"What should I write?" Zhu Yuanyuan waited until Yun Wenmo walked over to An Mingwen and started talking, he quickly turned around in his mind. There are not too many ancient Chinese poems. You must choose a classic. Out.

"That's right, just write this poem after admission."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought of a poem. This poem "After Enrollment" is a very famous poem in China.

After thinking about it, Zhu Yuanyuan picked up his pen and began to write. This time the four treasures of the study he used were all intermediate, and he bought it in Mingjiang City. This is the best one can buy in Mingjiang City, although it is not. There is no advanced one, but others do not sell it.

"In the past, it was not enough to praise the sordidness, but now the debauchery is boundless. The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe, and I can see the Jizhou flowers in one day."

This poem was written by Meng Jiao, a famous poet in the Chinese Tang Dynasty. He was proud of the spring breeze after he was inscribed on the gold list. The past nastyness is no longer enough, and the grievances suffered in the past have disappeared.

All that remains at this time is Chunfeng proud and exuberant.

It may not be appropriate for Zhu Yuanyuan to write this "After Diploma", but it is not a big deal. After all, this time the title is the champion, and he just wrote it according to the title.


On the other side, An Mingwen and Song Mosheng were still discussing the poems written by Yunwenmo. Many talented people were all around there, and then Zhu Yuanyuan's bright red text rose into the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ Suddenly, the sky in Mingjiang City turned bright red again, and a breath of awe-inspiring aura contained in it, which made people immediately fearful.


"This... God!"

"King class, this is the birth of a king class poem."

The new talents present felt the huge cultural fluctuations and then turned around and saw Zhu Yuanyuan who was shrouded in bright red cultural atmosphere. They were all shocked.

"King-level, king-level again, Brother Zhu, you have completely suppressed me, little brother!"

Yun Wenmo shook his head with a bitter smile looking at the bright red writing. He knew it would be like this. In fact, he was ready to be crushed a long time ago, but what he didn't expect was Zhu Yuanyuan repeatedly. Now This is the fourth time that Wang Zhe-level poems have been created.

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