Random Shopping System

Chapter 1028: After the war!

"Wanjie Random Shopping System (

This time the attack by the traitor can be said to be shocking and dangerous. It is also the traitor who underestimated Zhu Yuanyuan’s strength, thinking that Zhu Yuanyuan is still Wen Sheng, because Zhu Yuanyuan created a king at the time of Mingjiang City Zhuangyuan Building Poetry Meeting. The first-level poems came out, but his literary cultivation realm still hadn't broken through, so those people mistakenly thought that Zhu Yuanyuan was still the literary realm.

Otherwise, if those rapes knew Zhu Yuanyuan's true strength, they would probably not only send these middle-strength people to attack. I am afraid that the strongest people who came would be either the Emperor of Martial Arts or the Emperor of Martial Arts.


"Brother Zhu, are you... these people frozen? Your fan is a Wenbao? Is it a king-level Wenbao? Also, Brother Zhu, you are already a master Wenbao now?"

Yun Wenmo felt the literary energy surge on Zhu Yuanyuan's body, and saw the cyan literary energy pouring into the fan, so he knew what level of literary cultivation Yun Wenmo was, and who solved those Wuzong and Dawuzong. Up.

Zhu Yuanyuan’s own guards and his subordinates weren’t surprised at this. On the contrary, all the people who hadn’t seen Zhu Yuanyuan on Yun Wenmo looked at him with surprise, as if it was strange that this newly promoted talent would be so strong. Strength.

"Brother Yun, yes, these people are all solved by me. This fan is a king-level cultural treasure. I also created a king-level poem when I was in Mingjiang City. After returning to the mansion for a few days of meditation, I broke through. In the realm of a literary teacher."

Zhu Yuanyuan was just telling a lie now. He couldn't say that he had a system in his body and used his reputation to be promoted to a great scholar, so he could only talk nonsense.

"Brother Zhu, congratulations. This time I also want to thank Brother Zhu, otherwise the younger brother will go to Mingzhou City alone and be raped and attacked. I am afraid that he will be killed if he is not kidnapped. The grace of life is remembered in my heart. "

After Yun Wenmo heard Zhu Yuanyuan's answer, he quickly bowed his hands in congratulations and thanked Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Brother Yun doesn’t have to be like this. These rapes may not be directed at you, but at me. I have created so many king-level poems that have already been exposed to the eyes of the rapes, and they won’t be able to attack me. Unexpectedly. So I just saved myself. Seriously, I might have caused Brother Yun, so Brother Yun doesn't have to take any life-saving grace into his heart."

Zhu Yuanyuan turned aside and gave a bow, and what he said was not unreasonable. These rapes must be directed against him.

Although Yun Wenmo's talent is also a genius level among the human races, there are such talents in the human race every year.

Zhu Yuanyuan was different. He was able to create king-level poems before he opened the Wen Palace, and he created four king-level poems in less than two months. This talent is in the human race. It has never been seen before, so the spies will use a large number of these spies lurking in the human race to attack Zhu Yuanyuan.

But it is obvious that the plan of the **** failed, and they were a step too late. If they attacked when Zhu Yuanyuan was still Wen Sheng, he might peel off even if Zhu Yuanyuan was immortal, unless he used the warehouse of the Ten Thousand Realms System. Otherwise, Zhu Yuanyuan might be inevitable this time.

The things in the Ten Thousand Realm System Warehouse can't be used just like that. If those creatures with combat effectiveness are made out, the Heavenly Dao of the Wen Realm will instantly look at this side, and it might even impose a punishment.

However, even if the Heaven Punishment is lowered, it has nothing to do with Zhu Yuanyuan. This Heavenly Punishment will only target what he took out. Zhu Yuanyuan’s own aura has been changed by the Ten Thousand Realm System, and even the heavens in this world cannot find that Zhu Yuanyuan is not a literary world. , So the punishment cannot be directed against him.

"Brother Zhu is serious. Regardless of whether the rapes came to the younger brother, Brother Zhu saved the younger brother's life this time. There is no doubt about it."

Yun Wenmo didn't think that Zhu Yuanyuan was involved in this incident. Perhaps the treacherous people saw him and Zhu Yuanyuan go together, so maybe the two teams originally sent together attacked them.

"Okay, Brother Yun, let's not talk about this. Since the matter has been resolved, then we will go to rest first, and we will continue to set off tomorrow after we rest."

Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand and interrupted Yun Wenmo's words. He didn't want to talk about this life-saving thing. It didn't make much sense to him, and he didn't need anyone's repayment.

"Okay, what Brother Zhu said is. You pack up and continue to rest in shifts."

After Yun Wenmo heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words, he understood that he didn't want to say more, so he agreed, and then ordered the guards to cooperate with Zhu Yuanyuan's guards to clean up the battlefield.

Although the sky is now dark, and it is already five o'clock in the morning, Zhu Yuanyuan still let his men continue to rest. After a lot of battle, the guards are very tired, physically and mentally. Tensions are there. Under the crisis of life and death, people's bodies are tight and their spirits are highly concentrated. After the battle is over, they will naturally feel very tired when they relax.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan thought that he had to rest and hit the road~www.ltnovel.com~, even if it was delayed for half a day.

He was also afraid that someone would run out to attack them halfway. Although Zhu Yuanyuan himself was not afraid, his guards could not go to death in vain. They were exhausted to confront the enemy in a state of fullness. This was not heroism, but death.

Zhu Baqiu was the command of the guards. After the battle, he also commanded all the guards to clean up the battlefield, not only collecting the bodies, but also capturing some prisoners who were still alive.

These corpses should also be dealt with. Since all of their guards are warriors, there is no formation mage, and no warlock, so they can only dig a large hole in the distance, and then use the thick branches of the arms to spread a layer and throw one. Layers of corpses went up, and then the branches covered the corpses again, and then another layer of branches. After spreading layer by layer, they lit a fire and started to burn. Of course, they chose to burn the corpse where the wind was towards The campsite blows in the opposite direction, so the smoke and smell will not drift to the campsite after burning.

As for why these bodies should be burned?

Even if the corpse is exposed in the wild, there will be beasts to eat, but in such a **** realm, even if the beasts dare not come, at most some vultures will come, but so many corpses will definitely not be able to be eaten. In the end, they will only rot. If you drop it, maybe it will cause a plague. This is the main road, and there are usually many people passing by, so you can't just put the body here, you must deal with it.

The plague in this literary world is not the same as the plague on the water blue star. The literary world is a world of cultivation and civilization, which contains spiritual energy, so all the plagues here are enhanced versions, which are more terrifying than the plague on the water blue star. Hundreds, thousands of times, it is still a terrifying disease in the literary world, even if a cultivator is infected with the plague, it is possible to die of illness, let alone ordinary people.

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