[Renren Novel Network]

"Return to the princess and empress, the front camp is composed of a motorcade of two sons, one is Zhu Yuanzi Zhu, and the other is Yunwen Moyun."

After hearing the question from the princess and empress, Ji Gang quickly answered.

"Oh? I wonder if these two princes are worthy of being raped and assassinated?"

After Zhang Xiuxiu heard Ji Gang's words, she felt that there must be something worthy of treacherous assassination between these two sons, otherwise it would not expose so many dark sons.

"Wang Concubine, you really have a heart of Qiqiao and exquisite, you are right, these two sons have their own special features, Zhu Yuanyuan Zhu is the leader of the Mingye Town Tongsheng Trial and the leader of the Mingjiang Urban and Rural Trial. Moreover, this young master Zhu also composed four king-level poems, which is why people will notice that Lord Zhu is a great talent."

"And that Yunwenmo is the son of the Yun family of Mingjiang City, and Young Master Yun is also the second place in the Mingjiang Urban and Rural Examination, and he also created a golden poem."

Ji Gang first took a picture of a horse, and then told about Zhu Yuanyuan and Yun Wenmo.

"Oh? It seems that this Young Master Zhu is the real purpose of the rape. This Yun Wenmo was taken care of by the **** by the way. Okay, let's go down. Now that the matter has been understood, it will be the same, this time. After the matter returns to the palace, the princess will talk to the prince."

Zhang Xiuxiu was not too surprised after hearing about Zhu Yuanyuan and Yun Wenmo. Although he felt that Zhu Yuanyuan’s talent was very good, she was not too surprised. She had seen many geniuses, not that there were no people with similar talents to Zhu Yuanyuan, so Not surprising.

"Yes, the princess, the subordinates wait to retire." After hearing the words of their princess, Xing Bo and Ji Gang all retreated.

"I didn't expect to have such a harvest this time. Zhu Yuanyuan is a bit interesting. Although it is not someone who did not create king-level poems during the Wensheng stage, he did not create four poems in 1-2 months. A king-level genius, after returning to the palace this time, he must let the prince pay attention to the origin of Zhu."

Although Zhang Xiuxiu is not surprised, she still thinks it is worth making friends. Maybe Zhu Yuanyuan will become Wensheng in the future.


Zhu Yuanyuan and the others only started to set off at nine o'clock in the morning. At the same time, they knew what Princess Fu had sent to inquire. Zhu Yuanyuan also remembered that after arriving in Mingzhou City, he still had to visit Fuwang Mansion. A personal network, how a prince can say he has certain rights and abilities in Ji Guo.

"Zhu Origin."

"Sex: Male."

"Nationality: Chinese nationality."

"Age: 36."

"Occupation: Light Master God (11th level, late Magic God, 1 million combat power).

Cultivator (Twelfth Floor of the Golden Core Stage, 2.64 million combat power).

Chef (Yellow Tier 9 and 9 stars, combat power does not count).

Wenxiu (major literary teacher, combat effectiveness is not counted.)

"Divine Power: 1000 points. (Converted from 1 million magic combat power.

"Warcraft pet: Silvermoon Wolf King (Little Wolf) (lower god), fighting power 3 million."

"Life Skills: Guitar (Level 9), Piano (Level 9), Singing (Level 9), Driving (Level 9). Computer Skills (Level 9). Chinese Medicine (Level 9) (ps: The level here is only Aquastar Level 9 is the top level.) Thirteen needles for returning to the soul (can wake up vegetatives). Piano, chess, calligraphy and painting (level 9

"Special Skill: "Five Elements Feng Shui Secret Skill""

"Psychic Ability (Level 3s): Mind reading. Mental hypnosis. Mental shock. Mental defense. Mental piercing. Mental manipulation. Mental shock. Mental realm."

"Ice type ability (3s level): Manipulate ice and snow to perform powerful ice type alien spells! (ps: immune to all ice elemental attacks below 3s level!

"Treasures: Space Ring (10,000 cubic meters), Jinyan Flying Sword (Level 2 combat power of 120,000.

"Gong Method: Control God Skill (Level 8), "Starlight Refining Technique" (Level 7). Soul Devouring Technique (Level 4). Qiankun Jue (Golden Core Stage 12th Floor

"Wenbao: King Class (2 pieces)."

"Number of crossings: Level 1 civilization (2 times). Immortal level civilization (1 times)."

"Property: 100 million Chinese coins."

"Level 1 reputation: 34 billion,134.8 million."

"Level 2 reputation value: 1.630.73 million."

"Level 3 reputation value: 345.79 million."

"Level 4 reputation value: 78.91 million."

"5 rank reputation value:."

After setting off, Zhu Yuanyuan opened the system and looked at his own information, and found that there were some changes, and the chef’s combat effectiveness had also changed. The combat effectiveness was neglected, and Wenxiu also neglected combat effectiveness, because these two cultivation systems themselves are very special. , Its power is based on heaven, so it is normal to ignore the combat power.

At the same time, the prestige value has also skyrocketed. This is not unexpected for Hu Zhu Yuan. The name of Zhu Yuan is now spread everywhere in Mingjiang City, and even people in the surrounding cities know it, plus Ming Jiangcheng itself is a port city, so its spread is very fast.

"It's almost a prestige value that can raise Wenxiu to the realm of Wenzong. Yes, maybe it will be almost after Mingzhou City. However, the increase in reputation value of this level 5 is really slow. It seems to rely on a lot of low-level. The reputation value has been converted."

Zhu Yuanyuan also saw that his level 4 reputation value was about to reach 100 million ~ www.ltnovel.com~ After reaching 100 million, he could be promoted to Wenzong. He was still very happy, but it was difficult for him to reach level 5 reputation. The prestige value above level 5 can only be provided by Wen Zong. Wen Zong is already a strong one. The strong will only worship the strong. Maybe there are good Wu Zong or Wen Zong who disdain him!

This is not surprising. Being able to cultivate to Wuzong or Wenzong is not surprisingly talented and seldom worships others.


Mingzhou City, Youtan.

"Meet the master!"

A man who escaped after attacking Zhu Yuanyuan's convoy returned to Youtan and knelt down in front of a shadow sitting high on a throne, trembling and calling his master.

"Um... why did you come back alone?"

A strange sound came from among the dark shadows sitting high on the throne, which sounded as if it were near or far away.

"Master, this time we failed. Zhu Yuanyuan turned out to be a great scholar. He has a king-level Wenbao in his hand. We are not opponents at all. The chiefs and all of them are killed."

The man who had escaped did not dare to look up at all. He clasped his head on the floor and knelt and said, he was afraid of death, but he had to come back. They had control methods. If they didn't come back, there would be only a dead end.

"Oh? So Zhu Yuanyuan is already a great scholar? The hiding is really strong enough. But since your leaders are dead, why are you still alive?"

Although Sombra knew the truth, when the last sentence landed, the kneeling man was already entangled by a black energy, and was instantly corroded by the black energy into a pool of green water.

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