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Chapter 1034: Fu Wang Mansion!

Of course, although Zhu Yuan’s alloy sword used the technique of refining, he could not use his own spiritual power, so he could only use his knowledge to fuse the spiritual metals in the literary world to form a kind of Praise the new alloy, and then successfully created the alloy sword.

   Although this alloy sword is not a magic weapon flying sword, its hardness and sharpness are much better than ordinary magic weapons.

   But the alloy sword is still not as powerful as Wenbao. This sword is only suitable for warriors, and Wenxiu does not need to use ordinary weapons.

   Zhu Yuanyuan went to visit King Fu. He felt that he didn't need to prepare Wenbao. It was just a simple visit and prepared too expensive gifts. It seemed that he was trying to get the King Fu. It was unnecessary. He had nothing to ask for King Fu.


   "Who are you? This is Fuwang Mansion, if you have nothing to do, don't come near!"

Zhu Yuanyuan’s carriage stopped at the gate of Fuwang Mansion. Just after Zhu Yuanyuan got off the car and walked up the stairs, he was stopped by guards guarding both sides of the gate. There were eight guards at the gate of the palace, with four people standing on one side. , Maybe these eight guards will change shifts every once in a while, otherwise, if only a group of people, I’m afraid they’ll be exhausted all day.

The Fuwang Mansion is still very large. There are 78 floors in the stairs alone, and each floor is at least 30 cm high. The width of each floor is about 450 cm. The entrance is majestic. The Fuwang Mansion is located in the central area of ​​Mingzhou City, and it is just a neighborhood with the City Lord Mansion. Of course, the houses in the cultural world are separate. The walls are not the same, but separate. There are small spaces between the houses and the houses. Alley.

"My son is Zhu Yuanyuan, a candidate for this imperial examination. He encountered a **** attack on his way to Mingzhou City. Your Princess Fu met this attack and sent someone to help my son, so the son came to Fu Wangfu this time. To see King Fu, please tell me about one or two."

   Zhu Baqiu stood up and said after seeing these guards stepping forward to stop them.

   "Oh? Are you the candidates who came to take the test? You are waiting here, I'll notify the butler."

After hearing Zhu Baqiu's words, the guards at the gate of Fu Wang Mansion were taken aback for a moment, and then all the weapons were put away. One of the guards stood up and said that this guard was named Wu Si, the leader of the Fu Wang Mansion guard team, and his strength was Wu Zong. There are 7 people under him. Now the other seven people guarding the gate are all under Wu Si. Don't think that the team leader doesn't need to stand guard anymore.

   The team leader is a position, but he also has to do things. This is the case in the literary world. Regardless of the position, you should do everything you should do, but the monthly money and benefits are much higher than ordinary guards.

   Wu Si walked in quickly through the small door by the gate of the palace, and then found Ji Lin, the chief steward who was checking the placement and sanitation of things in the palace.

Ji Lin is the chief steward of King Fu and a member of the family of the Ji Kingdom. There are many royal families in the Ji Kingdom, but not every royal family has a throne. The royal families that are far away have lost their territories. Although the identities of the royal family are still there, they have no effect. Apart from their identities, they are basically no different from ordinary people. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

Generally speaking, the princes of Ji Guo have people in charge of the royal family, because only their own people will feel relieved when they use them, and they will not feel uneasy. If they are replaced by other people, even if they are born in the family, they will not be used. Don’t worry, there used to be several princes and aristocrats who were assassinated and killed by their own servants because they used their family to give birth to children. These servants may be raped and bought by others, so it is not only the royal family of the Ji Kingdom, but also other human empires. It's the same. I would rather use my subordinates as subordinates than those born in the family as subordinates.

   Ji Lin is a member of the branch of the brother of the former emperor of Ji, and he also has some relatives with Fu Wang. In addition, Ji Lin is still a literary master, so he has always stayed with Fu Wang as a steward.

"The housekeeper, an examinee who took part in the test came at the door and said that he was going to see the prince. This examinee said that he was raped and attacked on the way. It happened that the princess's convoy camped nearby and the princess sent guards to help. , And Ji Gang led the team to help, so he came to inform the housekeeper."

   After Wu Sixun got to Ji Lin, he explained things clearly.

   "Oh? Have you been rescued by the princess? Wu Si, you go and invite people to the living room first, and I will tell the prince."

After Ji Lin heard what Wu Si said, he thought for a moment, and felt that this matter really cannot be underestimated. This candidate can be sent and attacked by a rape, which shows that he must have a certain talent, otherwise it is impossible to be targeted by a rape. So this candidate is worth making friends, this was what Ji Lin thought of for a moment, and then he asked Wu Si to take Zhu Yuanyuan and the others to the living room.

   "Yes, the housekeeper, the subordinates will go now." Wu Si hurriedly bowed and said, and then quickly walked towards the gate of the palace.

   But Ji Lin quickly walked towards the main courtyard of the palace. Of course, King Fu was in the palace this early.

   In fact, although King Fu goes out every day, UU reads www.uukānshu.com, but King Fu only goes out to meet guests or play.

Fu Wang was originally an idle person. He did not have any official positions in the empire. Although he had the cultivation base of the Wu Wang, he did not need to lead soldiers to fight, and he did not need to manage anything. Of course, as a prince, his power is still very high. For example, in Mingzhou, if King Fu wants to mobilize soldiers and horses, it is also possible, but rebellion is impossible, and soldiers will not listen to him.

This mobilization of soldiers and horses is only limited to critical moments. For example, the aliens invaded Mingzhou. For example, Mingzhou has rebellion. For example, some bandits are too rampant. At this time, King Fu can mobilize soldiers and horses to suppress. , Private affairs simply cannot mobilize the soldiers and horses guarding Mingzhou. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

  Of course, King Fu can also manage those officials in Mingzhou, but only after these officials make mistakes. If these officials make no mistakes, then King Fu can't do anything about them.

   "Master, an examinee who took the government test came to see you, I wonder if you see you?"

   Ji Lin went to his prince’s study, found King Fu, and directly said what he wanted.

   "Oh? An examinee came to visit this king? See you! Ji Lin, didn't this king say that these examinees will come to visit in the future, and all of them will be gone? Why are you still asking?"

After Fu Wang heard Ji Lin's words, he felt a little pain in his head. The number of candidates who have visited him in the past few days has been terrible. There are dozens of hundreds of candidates coming to see him every day. At the beginning, Fu Wang felt very fresh but the number Once more, Fu Wang felt tired and didn't want to stay with these nerds.

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