Random Shopping System

Chapter 1037: The legendary Qingfeng Sword Sect!

"Selling magical instruments, selling magical instruments, magical instruments from the border, come and see Le..."

"Lingmei, Lingmei is selling now. It's delicious and not expensive. Come and see it!"

"Antiques 10,000 years ago, come here and see if they don't need money."


"Treasures of the Kamikaze Ruins, come and see it, don’t miss it when you pass by, maybe it’s just like this one today, everyone came to see it, my brothers used their lives to get out of the Kamikaze Ruins. ."

A middle-aged man who set up a stall in Xicheng District put up a lot of things that looked old. There were everything, antiques, tattered books, and rusty sword armor.

"What? Kamikaze Ruins? Boss, are you kidding? Did you really go in a ghost place like Kamikaze Ruins? Have you come out alive?"

A person passing by this stall didn't want to take care of what the stall owner was screaming, but after listening carefully, the stall owner returned alive from the Kamikaze ruins. What's the joke?

The Kamikaze Relic is a death forbidden area within the Mingzhou area. There are dense winds in it. If you are accidentally attacked by the wind, I am afraid that the whole body will not be left. Even so, there are still many people entering.

Although there are many gang winds in the kamikaze ruins, there are also many opportunities contained in them. As long as they get a chance in the ruins, they can become the supreme powerhouse.

This is not made up, but true. Many people go to the Kamikaze Ruins every year to explore, but there are not one out of ten people who come out. The deaths and injuries are very heavy, but there are still people who enter the ruins desperately.

Most people who enter the ruins without their lives are cultivators with low strength. These cultivators are at the bottom of the entire human race because of their low strength. Even if they want to resist foreign invasion, they will only die. , So many cultivators would rather go to the kamikaze ruins to take risks, because only in this way can they get the chance, and only after getting the chance and becoming stronger can they be able to resist the alien race.

Of course, most people at the bottom actually think that they can get rid of the status of a small person after they become stronger.

Everyone wants to be a big person. The people at the bottom have a simple idea. They don't want to be the one at the top. They just want to be the middle-level people. To get rid of the identity of the small person is to not become the target of arrogance.

Although the kamikaze ruins are dangerous, it is not that no one succeeds in getting the chance to live out. Every year, people with good luck get chance from the kamikaze ruins.

"Yes, boss, have you really entered the Kamikaze ruins? Could it be a lie?"

"Yes, the Kamikaze Ruins are so dangerous, you got so many things inside?"

"It must be a liar, these things have no aura, how could they be the treasures of the Kamikaze ruins?"

After the stall owner shouted that his stall was all treasures from the Kamikaze ruins, everyone around him gathered around to watch the excitement.

"I'm not deceiving people. These things are indeed obtained from the relics of the gods. I am Qin Feng, the head of the Qingfeng Sword Sect. If you don't believe me, you can go to the Yamen to inquire. After the Kamikaze Ruins, I was the only one who came out. All the other disciples were sacrificed. These things were obtained from the Ruins. As for why there is no aura, the things in the Ruins are like this. There is no aura in everything."

"If it weren't for the alimony of the relatives of the disciples, I wouldn't sell these things for money."

Qin Feng showed a very sad expression as he spoke. He was indeed heartbroken. This time he was forced to go to the Shenfeng Ruins. The Qingfeng Sword Sect had already fallen. After it was passed to him, there were only more than 10 disciples. Once entered the Kamikaze Ruins, all the disciples died unfortunately, leaving him alone. Isn’t it sad?

"What? You turned out to be the head of the Breeze Sword Sect? No way? How come the Breeze Sword Sect is now mixed into this look?"

After hearing Qin Feng's words in the crowd, an uncle suddenly exclaimed.

"Huh? Uncle, is this Qingfeng Sword Sect very powerful? Look, you seem to know this Qingfeng Sword like this!"

The young man next to the uncle really didn't know the origin of this Qingfeng Sword Sect. After all, many sects were established in Jiguo every year, and many sects disappeared in history.

Most of the people around this stall are young and middle-aged, and they don’t know anything about the Qingfeng Sword Sect, so they all looked at the uncle and wanted to hear him explain, because the stall owner Qin Feng obviously didn’t want to explain. So they can only look at the uncle.

"Ahem! Okay, the old man will talk about the Qingfeng Sword Sect."

The uncle heard someone say that he wanted to know this, he looked around at the people around him, looked at Qin Feng, and found that there was no problem, he was also very satisfied in his heart, and continued talking.

"Speaking of the Qingfeng Sword Sect, we must start from tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, the Qingfeng Sword Sect also started at the very end~www.ltnovel.com~ The ancestor of the Qingfeng Sword Sect was established by a warrior named Qingfeng Sword Saint. , Qingfeng Sword Saint is a peerless Tianjiao. With a sword in his hand, he created a shocking sword technique called Qingfeng Sword Art. I heard that this sword art can be cultivated to the holy level. At that time, it was a stone. Melaleuca, the people who joined after the Qingfeng Sword Master founded the Qingfeng Sword Sect are in an endless stream."

"The peak of the Qingfeng Sword Sect was ten thousand years ago. At that time, there were as many as 4-5 martial sage-level powerhouses in the Qingfeng Sword Sect, and it was also one of the most powerful sects in the entire human race. "

"But the good times didn't last long. There was a large-scale alien invasion 10,000 years ago. The Qingfeng Sword faction was also stationed at the border at that time, because only the border had countless resources for the disciples to practice. During this invasion, the Qingfeng Sword The strong in the faction fought hard to resist. Although they killed countless strong aliens, the aliens were finally repelled by the strong humans, but all the martial sages in the Qingfeng Sword Sect died, even the Emperor Wu and Emperor Wu Dead, there are few genius disciples left."

"In this way, the Qingfeng Sword Sect has fallen, and in the end there is no record. It turned out to have come to Jizhou, and it is about to break the inheritance. It is really impermanent!"

The old man sighed deeply when he said this. He didn't expect that the legendary sect tens of thousands of years ago would end up like this. The Qingfeng Sword Sect was almost destroyed for the Human Race, how could this be!

"What? Uncle what you said is true? The Breeze Sword Sect was so powerful before? Then why haven't we heard of it?"

"Yes, sir, can you make a mistake, maybe it's just the same name!"

"Boss, is this true?"

All the onlookers boiled all at once. If this was the Qingfeng Sword Sect that was tens of thousands of years ago, then this would be a big break!

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