Seeing that Zhu Yuanyuan's motorcade was about to leave, the people from the Fuwang sent over to give him something.

"Okay, I accepted the thing. Thank you, His Royal Highness, Fu Wang." Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the burden. He did not refuse. If others refused with the kindness of others, he would offend others. Anyway, he did not intend to be an official in Ji. So accept this thing, and Fu Wang can't ask him to come.

After the people sent by King Fu left, Zhu Yuanyuan got on the car again and set off. They did not go by land this time but by water. Zhu Yuanyuan has bought several large ships, and this time they brought a thousand guards, so they took more Some escorts were used. After all, whether it was water or land, it was very dangerous.

The reason Zhu Yuanyuan chose to take the water route was because he didn’t want to waste time on the road. He wanted to go to Emperor Ji to win the champion in one fell swoop, and then to be famous in Quanji and the surrounding human empires. In this way, he could earn More prestige points, and he doesn't need to build Haoranzong in every city himself.

Zhu Yuanyuan had already talked to Qin Feng and asked him to use Mingzhou as the starting point to establish Haoranzong's branch in the entire Ji Kingdom to recruit disciples, and even go to other empires to establish branched sects within the permissible range.

The ten human empires are actually very enlightened. Because of the threat of alien races, there has never been a war between the ten empires. Except for the army, each empire cannot cross the border. Caravans and sects are all interoperable. In order to communicate with each other, denominations can travel to and from various countries to recruit disciples, and the language is also unified, and the Chinese used in them is actually the same except for the accent.

Therefore, it is feasible for Haoranzong to go to other countries to recruit disciples. Other countries will not prevent such things. After all, they are all for resisting alien races, rather than dominating the human race.

"What is this gift from King Fu?"

Zhu Yuanyuan sat in the carriage and took apart the baggage to check it out. He really wanted to know what was inside.

After opening the package, Zhu Yuanyuan found that there were 4 exquisite wooden boxes inside, and there was a round box, which looked a lot like the kind of snack box.

"Really some dried fruit preserves and the like! Well, it's not bad, it's delicious." After Zhu Yuanyuan opened the log box, he saw that there were many small grids in the box, and each grid was placed. There are a variety of nuts and various candied fruits in it, which looks very attractive. Zhu Yuanyuan ate a candied fruit and found that it was full of fruit flavor without adding sugar, but the sweetness of the fruit itself.

After opening the other three boxes, Zhu Yuanyuan found that there were two boxes containing pen, ink, paper and inkstone. It was a set of advanced pen, ink, paper and inkstone. It was very precious. This set was at least worth hundreds of. Thousands of gold coins, Fu Wang can be said to be well-intentioned.

At the same time, inside the last box is a space ring, which contains various cultivation resources, which can be used to train martial artists and other cultivators.

Fu Wang gave these things to himself. Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t know why, and it didn’t matter. If Fu Wang wanted to rebel or be against humanity, he would certainly not agree to it. If Zhu Yuanyuan could accept the things he asked for, he would do well to help Fu Wang one or two. should.


"Strange, there is only one Wenzong and one Wuwang in this fleet. Why did Venerable Darkness let me just monitor instead of doing it?"

After the departure of Zhu Yuanyuan’s fleet, You Snake has been lurking under the water. He has already explored these ships. Except Zhu Yuanyuan is Wenzong and there is a Wu Wang class guard, no one else It's worth mentioning that I can take them down.

You must know that You Snake was at this moment, and he had successfully assassinated Emperor Wu, so he felt that he could completely win Zhu Yuanyuan and them.

Zhu Yuanyuan has a legendary Wenbao. You Snake doesn't know it, but feels that he is a Wenzong. He himself is an assassin. As long as Zhu Yuanyuan is not given the opportunity to use Wenbao, he will definitely be able to win it.

"This time I will do it myself. I will win Zhu Yuanyuan and get the legendary Wenbao. Then I will definitely show my face in front of the Lord. Then I will benefit a lot. Do I still need to look at the face of Venerable Gloom?"

You Snake thought about the benefits he would get after taking Zhu Yuanyuan. That was really a great benefit, and he wouldn't need to be under the hands of Venerable Darkness anymore. Maybe he could become Venerable in the future.

But You Snake wanted to return. He didn't do it the first time, but waited all the time. He waited to do it at night. It was not easy to hide during the day, and it was easy to be seen by others.

At night, You Snake came out of the water to the side of the ship Zhu Yuanyuan was riding in, and then walked along the side of the ship to the deck, after which the figure melted into the darkness, so that the trained guards could not find it.

You Snake stepped closer to the room where Zhu Yuanming was resting. Although he felt that he was about to succeed, how about it actually?

In fact, when You Snake followed Zhu Yuanyuan's fleet from Mingzhou City Port, Zhu Yuanyuan had already discovered it.

Zhu Yuanyuan possesses super god-level treasures. The Wenjie Jinbang is not only a simple collection of strong people on the list, but also helps scan the surrounding creatures, so Zhu Yuanyuan knew that the serpent was tracking them from the beginning.

Zhu Yuanyuan knew everything about You Snake. The description on the gold list of the literary world was very careful. You Snake was born in the Demon Race, so he doesn't miss the Human Race at all.

"Yin!" After You Snake lurked into Zhu Yuanyuan's room, the dagger in his hand slammed towards Zhu Yuanyuan.

Seeing that it was about to be pierced into Zhu Yuanyuan's neck, it went by accident.

"Bang!" A set of armor appeared on Zhu Yuanyuan to block the dagger.

"Boom!" Zhu Yuanyuan used the Tiger Going Down Picture, and immediately knocked the snake into flight, and the blood in his mouth vomited all over the place without money. All of a sudden, the snake lost its resistance.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan did it deliberately, and You Snake was very vigilant, but when You Snake was about to insert a dagger on him, You Snake had already lost, because there was a flaw in You Snake, and You Snake was about to assassinate successfully. There was a moment of relaxation, so Zhu Yuanyuan seized this opportunity to use the Bronze Grade Wenbao of Tiger Down the Mountain to fly away, and lost the power to fight again, which is extremely sad.

"You...what are you...poof!" You Snake fell to the ground and struggled, and found that his bones had been broken, and he had become a useless person. The blood in his mouth still remained, and he was unwilling to look at it. Zhu Yuanyuan said.

"What's wrong with me? You snake, right? Do you want to ask, why am I awake, why I will fight back, even as if waiting for you to throw yourself into the trap?"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at You Snake with a smile and said.

"Ahem! How did you know that I was a serpent? Did you find me following?"

After You Snake heard Zhu Yuanyuan call his name, his face was ugly, and he was still coughing up blood.

"Yes, You Snake, you are so self-righteous, why do you think we can't find you? I found you at the beginning, and then I waited for you to send it to the door. Sure enough, you didn't hold back and sent it to the door. Up."

Zhu Yuanyuan smiled, he really felt happy.

"As for why you know that you are called You Snake, haha, do you really think that You Tan is hard to find? The last time I sent someone to deal with me, I hadn't settled the account with you, but I came back and wanted to assassinate, You Tan. Damn it in itself, **** the organization, don't worry, this son will let them come down and be with you."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the pale serpent and said.

"No, it's impossible..." You Snake was already frightened. He felt that this Zhu Yuanyuan was simply a devil. He knew all his secrets, even You Tan.

You Snake didn't think that Zhu Yuanyuan was their own, otherwise Venerable Darkness would not send him to watch.

At the same time, there is no literary cultivation among the traitors. It is impossible for literary cultivation to betray the human race, otherwise the cultivation will be abolished by the heavens.

"Baqiu, take this guy down and be optimistic, don't leak the news, after arriving in the capital, hand him over to the people in Wen Palace."

Zhu Yuanyuan called Zhu Baqiu out, and then ordered the secluded snake to look better.

"Yes, my son, the subordinates know about it." Zhu Baqiu agreed, and then took the serpent. As for whether the serpent would commit suicide by poisoning, he had already checked. This serpent is really different from the killer. There is no poison hidden in the teeth, and now the serpent has been abolished, and the true qi can't be used anymore, it is almost the same as the meridians of the whole body, so there is no need to worry about this guy dying or running away.

After Zhu Baqiu took You Snake down, Zhu Yuanyuan had no intention of sleeping.

"I didn't expect that there is a treacherous organization in the human race, Youtan? If it weren't for this armor this time, I'm afraid it would be really dangerous."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't expect that there are traitors hidden in the human race. It's really too dangerous. Fortunately, he wrote a legendary battle poem and got a defensive armor, otherwise he would really be planted here this time. In the world.

"No, it can't be like this. You have to write a myth-level poem, and create a myth-level cultural treasure to protect yourself."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought that he could not be in a fluke. This time the **** organization lost a Martial Emperor, but next time they sent Martial Saint to kill him, what would they use to resist?

Zhu Yuanyuan became more afraid as he thought about it, so he prepared to write a mythical poem to get a piece of Wenbao to protect himself.

"I think about it, what poems have been passed down through the ages, hey, I thought, the "Swordsman" by Jia Dao, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, is very good, although the real meaning written in it is ten years of hard work. It shows up, but it can also be used on swordsmen."

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, Frost Blade has never tried. Today, Shijun, who is injustice? This poem is very suitable, and it will definitely become a magical poem in the literary world. Wenbao must be very powerful. I don’t know if it can become a mythical poem."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought of a poem. This "Swordsman" has been passed down through the ages. Basically people who have studied Tang poetry know this poem, but they just don't know whether this poem can become a mythical poem in the literary world.

"Follow him, let's just write it out. If it's really done, it will save effort. If it doesn't, just keep writing."

After Zhu Yuanyuan thought it over, he decided. Then he walked out of his room to the deck of the ship, and got on the top deck of the ship. He looked around and found that there were no other ships around this evening, so he just Started to write.

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, Frost Blade has never tried. Today, Shijun, who is injustice?"


A golden light rushed straight into the sky, and the entire night sky was illuminated by the golden atmosphere, and then the golden atmosphere quickly spread to the surroundings, and soon the entire Ji country was enveloped in a piece of gold. , This golden color broke the entire darkness as if the sun was rising.

"Okay, yes, it's really a mythical level, I don't need to continue writing, this is really big news, but I don't need to be afraid in the future."

Zhu Yuanyuan stared closely at the poems in front of him, fearing that the poems would run away.

It was already half an hour after the golden atmosphere of the sky disappeared.

The literary atmosphere of Zhu Yuanyuan's cultural palace is also full of purple and gold, and the cultural atmosphere of other colors is all covered by both.

"The Frost Sword, a mythical Wenbao, comes with an ice attribute attack, and can release any ice spell."

After this "Swordsman" was transformed into a Wenbao, it was just such a Frost Sword. Holding this Frost Sword could release any ice spells and at the same time increase the attack. After Zhu Yuanyuan used this Wenbao, he could completely fight Wensheng. , Of course, the premise is sufficient culture.

As for Wu Sheng, Zhu Yuanyuan can now fight against Wu Sheng.

"Forget it, after coming to this world, I really wrote a lot of poems."

"Spring Day", king-level, "Winning sun seeks to find the beautiful waterfront, the boundless scenery is new. When the leisurely knowledge is in the east, spring is always in bloom."

"Wandering", "March snow night, did not hurt the material bloom. Only because of the end of spring, keep the accompanying pear flowers."

"Mujiang Yin". King-level poems.


A setting sun spreads over the water, half the river sore and half the river red.

Poor on the third night of April, the dew looks like a pearl and a bow. "

"After Diploma". King-level poems.

"In the past, it was not enough to praise the sordidness, but now the debauchery is boundless. The spring breeze is proud of horseshoes, and I can see Jizhou flowers in one day."

"Coming from the Army", a legendary war poem.

"Blue ocean with long clouds and dark snowy mountains, lonely city looks at Yumen Pass. Huangsha wears golden armor for hundreds of battles, and will not return if it doesn't break the monster clan."

"There is also this "Swordsman"."

"There is also this "Swordsman"."

"Zhu Origin."

"Sex: Male."

"Nationality: Chinese nationality."

"Age: 36."

"Occupation: Light Master God (11th level, Late Magic God, 1 million combat power). UU Reading

Cultivator (Twelfth Floor of the Golden Core Stage, 2.64 million combat power).

Chef (Yellow Tier 9 and 9 stars, combat power does not count).

Wenxiu (Wenzong, fighting power is not counted.

"Divine Power: 1000 points. (Converted from 1 million magic combat power.

"Warcraft pet: Silvermoon Wolf King (Little Wolf) (lower god), fighting power 3 million."

"Life skills: guitar (level 9), piano (level 9), singing (level 9), driving (level 9). Computer technology (level 9). Chinese medicine (level 9) (PS: the level here is only Aquastar Level 9 is the top level.) Thirteen Needles of Rejuvenation (Can awaken vegetatives). Piano, chess, calligraphy and painting (Level 9

"Special Skill: "Five Elements Feng Shui Secret Skill""

"Psychic Ability (Level 3S): Mind reading. Mental hypnosis. Mental shock. Mental defense. Mental piercing. Mental manipulation. Mental shock. Mental realm."

"Ice type ability (3S level): Manipulate ice and snow to perform powerful ice type alien magic! (PS: immune to all ice elemental attacks below 3S level!

"Treasure: Space Ring (10,000 cubic meters), Jinyan Flying Sword (Level 2 combat power of 120,000.

"Gong Method: Control God Skill (Level 8), "Starlight Refining Technique" (Level 7). Soul Devouring Technique (Level 4). Qiankun Jue (Golden Core Stage 12th Floor

"Wenbao: King Class (2 pieces)."

"Number of crossings: Level 1 civilization (2 times). Immortal level civilization (1 time)."

"Property: 38,980 billion Chinese currency."

"Level 1 reputation value: 124 billion 13.48 million."

"Level 2 reputation value: 11.6 billion 30.73 million."

"Level 3 reputation value: 1.34579 million."

"Level 4 reputation: 213.92 million."

"5 rank reputation value: 530178."

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