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Chapter 1062: The happiness of ordinary people!

"How dare you break the little master's fishing rod, and die!"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the fish that kept escaping. He looked at the fish with cold eyes. An invisible cold sword appeared in his hand. Then Zhu Yuanyuan raised the sword in his hand and pointed towards the fish. .


An ice arrow appeared above the surface of the fish, and then with a "shoo", the ice arrow instantly penetrated the escaped fish.

"Back!" Zhu Yuanyuan gave an order, and the Frost Arrow in the distance flew back to the deck with the nailed fish.


A **** fish of fifteen meters long fell on the deck.

When the **** fish fell on the deck, the ice arrow on the fish also disappeared without a trace.

The whole body of this fish was not frozen by ice, it died through the brain, and the meat of the whole body was very tender, not covered by ice.

It has to be said that Zhu Yuanyuan's control of ice spells with a frost sword in his hand can be described as a micro-manipulation-level spell control. Killing the enemy without hurting the enemy's body is just a trace of trauma. This kind of control is already superb.

"The son is mighty!"

After seeing his son's strength and the Frost Sword in his hand, Zhu Baqiu shouted excitedly.

"The son is mighty!"

"The son is mighty..."

As Zhu Baqiu yelled, the people on the ship also yelled, and then the entire ship, and then the entire fleet yelled loudly. All of a sudden the sound spread over hundreds of kilometers around. Outside, the nearby ships felt inexplicable, watching Zhu Yuanyuan and their fleet whispering, all discussing whose fleet it is.

"Okay, stop, Baqiu, we have to keep a low profile, you know?"

Although Zhu Yuanyuan enjoys the taste of being cheered by people, he doesn't want to be too high-profile. They want to enter the village quietly and don't want to shoot guns. Only when they rise up without the aliens' knowledge, this is called pretending to be a pig. The highest state of the tiger.

People can't figure out their own details, so that they can make people jealous. If all his hole cards are exposed to others and let others study how to deal with him, then Zhu Yuanyuan would not do such a stupid thing. He used to Dealing with one's own enemies has exhausted all means, saping, framing and framing, so that others have nowhere to go.

Since Zhu Yuanming has crossed to the Aquastar, he has done this, because he is an orphan, and it was difficult to live. If he didn't use any means, he might not be able to live today.

However, even though these things he did were **** and couldn't make it to the table, what he did was not a crime, and he was just a lesson when he was caught, because the people taught by Zhu Yuanyuan were not good people.

For example, when Aquastar was in college, Zhu Yuanyuan fell in love with Chen Ziyuan, but there were also many people who were pursuing Chen Ziyuan. Zhu Yuanyuan secretly investigated these rivals and found out that there were threats to the rich, handsome or handsome guys. They are all scumbags, not playboys, handsome guys who stepped on a few boats, and even small fresh meat that was raised by a rich woman. This is disgusting. That's why Zhu Yuanyuan uses all kinds of strange tricks. Teaching these people.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan's methods are not so fair and upright, he has a clear conscience in dealing with these corrupt people.

After all, these people with depraved character did not do anything illegal, play with their feelings, or be brought up. They were not illegal, and the law could not restrain them. Zhu Yuanyuan had nothing to do, so he used various shady means to deal with these people.

It is said that a man who marries the wrong wife will ruin her life, but the same woman who marries the wrong man will ruin her life.

These are all relative, they are all human, of course there is no distinction between high and low.

Speaking of it, although people are divided into subordinates and subordinates, this is only a work relationship, which has nothing to do with life. The rich live the life of the rich, and the poor live the life of the rich. The same is just living. The quality of life is different.

But they are all human beings. After work, ordinary people may be able to go to the Internet, play a game, or meet a group of three or five friends to sit and chat, or sing and drink.

But when the rich end their work, it is either for the entertainment or for the entertainment. They rarely have their own time. What they think is different from ordinary people. This is a matter of vision and it is also a matter of education.

Also, rich people can enjoy all the things in the world, while ordinary people can only enjoy ordinary things.

These two seem to be very happy and happy for rich people, but in reality?

In fact, rich people have everything, yes, money can buy everything, but they can easily get all the things they can get. These things are common people dream of, and they are out of reach for common people. But the rich are within reach, so the rich have no sense of these things and are unhappy.

But ordinary people are different. Ordinary people usually buy things very cheaply. They have no money, but as long as they save enough money, they can buy what they want. After buying it, the sense of accomplishment is overwhelming. ~www.ltnovel.com~ That kind of happiness, kind of jovial, kind of excitement, these things are not felt by the rich.

This is the so-called sense of accomplishment. As far as the sense of accomplishment is concerned, perhaps the rich will have it. For example, when a company has opened up, the company has opened up a certain market and developed a certain product. The appearance of these things will give the rich a sense of accomplishment. .

But ordinary people get far more sense of accomplishment than rich people.

For example, an office worker, with a salary of 10,000 yuan a month, has saved for ten years to buy a house, and it is only a down payment, but this sense of accomplishment is great.

And buying a bag, a computer, a bicycle, a car, a mobile phone, or even a meal that is usually expensive, will make ordinary people feel fulfilled and happy.

Even if you usually go for a walk to a place with good scenery, it can make people happy. This is the sense of accomplishment of ordinary people, and this is the happy taste of ordinary people!

Many people will complain that they make a little noise and envy people who were born with a golden spoon. But in just a few decades, can young masters who were born riches really feel the joys and sorrows experienced by ordinary people?

Of course, ordinary people have the joys and sorrows of ordinary people, and the rich also have the joys and sorrows of the rich.

Life is not constant. There are accidents, surprises, parting, reunion, grief, happiness, sadness, and joy. This is life, this is life!

So whether it is an ordinary person or a rich person, they are living in the same world and under the same sky. It is enough to be yourself. There is no need to complain, or envy and jealousy, recognize yourself and do It's enough to let yourself not regret.

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