
The ten martial emperors in the group of Youxue and the assassin all broke free, and the ice on their bodies burst open.


As soon as Youxue and the Martial Emperors broke free, their whole bodies lost strength and collapsed on the ice.

All the other subordinates brought by Youxue were King Wu, unable to break free from the ice on his body, so they were still frozen.

"Baqiu, take people down and catch all these people on board for me. Remember, first abolish them."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the crowd below Youxue, his eyes were cold and he said.

"Yes, son, the subordinate will take people down."

Zhu Baqiu agreed, and then went down to the ice with hundreds of guards on the ship where Zhu Yuanyuan was located.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Youxue paralyzed to the ground, his face was very scared, but secretly the true energy in the **** body was fiercely impacting the meridians, and now his meridians are full of cold cold air, and most of the meridians of the Youxue He was dominated by the cold air, and his own true qi had been squeezed into the dantian. If it weren’t for the blood that had the realm of Emperor Wu, I’m afraid that his fate would have turned into an ice sculpture like those Wu Wang. .


Zhu Baqiu didn't even bother with Youxue. He directly sent people up to abolish the dantian of Youxue and their eleven martial emperors. The dantian was shattered. Although the meridians were still intact, they had no place to store their true energy. Sooner or later, he will collapse out of his body, and there will be no way to cultivate in the future. Abolishing the cultivation base can be said to be cruel in the literary world, but there is no way. Who will let these people be **** and come to deal with Zhu Yuanyuan again? They deserve to suffer.


"My cultivation..."

"Asshole, I actually abolished my cultivation base, I will kill you, kill you... kill you!"

A terrible scream rang out at the scene.

"Since you are a rape, then you have to bear the current price! Take them all on the boat." Zhu Baqiu said coldly with a cold smile on his face looking at the incompetent and furious appearance of these rapes. I will not sympathize with these rapes!

Following Zhu Baqiu's command, there were eleven of them in Youxue, and more than 100 Wuwang-level killers who had become ice sculptures. After the ice was broken, their repairs were abolished. The guards tied them all with ropes and took them onto the ship of Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Master, things are done, look?" Zhu Baqiu first brought Youxue and the others to Zhu Yuanyuan, and then asked what he wanted to do.

"Let's go down for interrogation, and dig out their hidden forces in the human race." Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand and said.

Although these human traitors have been used some control methods, Zhu Yuanyuan still wants to try and see if he can interrogate something. If he can dig out the stronghold of the secluded pool in the country of Ji from these people, then It could not be better.

"Yes, son." Zhu Baqiu agreed, and then ordered the guards: "Take them all and detain them separately, and then interrogate them carefully."

"Yes, son! Chief butler, the subordinates know about it."

All the guards agreed, and then they took all these rapes down. There were still places where the rapes were held in the ship. There were closed cells on the bottom floor, and they were soundproofed. Although it is very dark, there are usually lights, these lights are the work of the refiner, relying on a low-grade spirit stone can shine for ten years and will not go out.

"This Youtan is really a trouble, if it is not dealt with, I am afraid that there will be no less trouble in the future!"

Zhu Yuanyuan defrosted all the frozen ice above Mingjiang, and then let his men continue to sail.

This Frost Sword has ice laws, so it can control all ice spells, cast spells, and of course recover the spells released.

"It seems that we have to find a way to solve this secluded pond." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the fishing boat fishing in the distance on the river surface, he felt his chin thoughtfully.

"This matter can't be rushed. Jizhou City doesn't know people. It seems that I have to wait for the trial to deal with the big people. I'm talking about it. Suddenly I went to say that the thing about this organization is definitely not going to work, and others may not know it. listen to me."

After Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a long time, he felt that he couldn't just bring these people to the door to let others go out and solve the secluded pond. He had no status in Ji, and those who were officials might not listen to him.

Although human traitors are the enemies of all human beings, Zhu Yuanyuan, a little-known person who took Mingzhou’s Xieyuan, but there is more than one Mingzhou in the Ji Kingdom, there are other big states, and Zhu Yuanyuan cannot say What is what.

Maybe after Zhu Yuanyuan handed these Youtan killers to the government, those who became officials would pay attention to it, but if the government moves, I am afraid that the people in Youtan have long discovered that the situation has run away, then where else to find them?


"Candied haws... Selling candied haws... Sweet and sour candied haws..."

"Counting the sky and the earth, counting the world, does this little lady count as a marriage?"

"Obbe, fragrant and crispy biscuits..."


After half a month's voyage, Zhu Yuanyuan's ship finally arrived at the port of Jizhou City~www.ltnovel.com~ and it took so long, mainly because of the winding of the Mingjiang River, so it took some time.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others took relatively little time. If they were to ride a carriage, it would take at least a month to reach Jizhou City.

After arriving at the port of Jizhou City, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others felt the prosperity and excitement here. Merchant ships, passenger ships, fishing boats, official ships, as well as those working at the dock, also came and went on the dock. The carriage, big people and small people all gather here.

"It's really prosperous. This Jizhou City really deserves to be the imperial capital of the country of Ji." Zhu Yuanyuan sat on the carriage and looked at both sides of the street outside. There are various shops and small vendors on both sides of the Imperial Street. Too much excitement.

Although the current order on Aquamarine is definitely much better than Wenjie Jiguo here, but in terms of being lively, it is much worse.



As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan was admiring the scenes on both sides of the street, he suddenly broke out and threw everyone else's stalls up, and then ran away, with another person chasing after him.

"The person in front of you get out. Get out of the way." The person who ran away was a handsome young man with a shabby dress and patches.

"Don't run, stop, the little thief in front stopped for this lady, and he dared to steal this lady's wallet. Don't be caught by this lady, or she might break your limbs."

The one who was chasing the young man in front was a girl in a silk skirt, who looked like she was rich or expensive, and she yelled while chasing.

"Little girl, if you have the ability, come and chase the little master. If you catch up with the little master, the little master will pay you back." The boy in front had a humiliating expression on his face. He was not stupid. It would be strange to stop not being beaten. Even more desperately, some people and stalls were messed up along the way.

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