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Chapter 1075: Good sect!

After this examination is the palace examination, just three days later, and because it is in the capital of Jiguo, no one invites candidates in the examination to hold a poem meeting, but the various poem meetings will not start until the palace examination is over. The banquet or something, this is also to win over these newly promoted scholars. After all, no one knows whether an upstart will emerge among them. To make a good relationship in advance is a social relationship, a circle of friends.

The reason why the poetry meeting was not held after the examination was because the candidates who passed the examination were already determined scholars, so the poetry meeting would not be held until the palace examination was over.


On the third day after the test, the Haoranzong residence was decorated in red on this day. This was also required by Zhu Yuanyuan. He likes it. The red is festive. Haoranzong wants to establish its headquarters in Jizhou City. Of course, the arrangement must be red, which also represents a moral, prosperous, and it is also Zhu Yuanyuan’s hope that Haoranzong will become more prosperous in the future.

On the second day of the test, Zhu Yuanyuan sent people to send invitations everywhere. There were academies, as well as the major families and sects of Jizhou City, and of course the royal family also sent them, and the officials of Jizhou City Yamen. I also sent invitations.

This invitation is also divided into materials, with different grades. The worst is made of cardboard. The highest grade is made of wood, the higher grade is made of copper, and the higher grade is made of silver. The first grade is made of gold, and the highest grade is invitations made of jade. Other invitations are fine. The invitations made of jade are also inlaid with various gems, which seem to be glorious, not only that. There is also a small gathering array on the jade invitation, which makes the jade invitation look radiant.

"Zhu Xiaoyou, congratulations to Haoranzong for having settled down in Jizhou City!" The vice-gong of Xuegong claimed that literary talents came very early. After Zhu Yuanyuan and the others lighted firecrackers, this old Zhang came to the door.

"Thank you Zhang Lao for coming, it is a great honor for the students!" How could Zhu Yuanyuan not know this big guy? After seeing Zhang Wencai here, he was also very happy, this big guy is here, then Jizhou Will those big forces in the city still not come? I'm sure to come and give myself gifts continuously!

"Haha! Today is to join in the fun, Zhu Xiaoyou is welcome." Zhang Wencai didn't think it was weird that Zhu Yuanyuan claimed to be a student. In Ji Guo, all scholars would call the academy's gentleman and doctor, and the palace lord as a teacher. This is normal.

"Lao Zhang, please!" Zhu Yuanyuan saw another team appear not far away, and he led Zhang Wencai into the house.

"Lao Zhang, please have tea, students have to be busy with this, please bear with me." After Zhu Yuanyuan took Zhang Wencai to the front table of the main hall, he asked someone to have a cup of good spiritual tea. Then said sorry.

"Zhu Xiaoyou, today is your home court, even if you go, the old man understands it." Zhang Wencai also knows that today is the day when Haoranzong officially settled in Jizhou City. Zhu Yuanyuan must deal with many people, otherwise how could Haoranzong be in Jizhou? State city survival?

After bidding farewell to Zhang Wencai, Zhu Yuanyuan walked directly to the door.

"Master Zhu, congratulations. The old man is Zheng Huawen, the owner of the Zheng family." Following Zhang Wencai, Zheng Huawen, the owner of the Zheng family, came to congratulate him. This Zheng Huawen is not simple. Wei Yasheng, the strength of the Zheng family is the top family in Jizhou City, of course, it is also the top family in the entire Ji country, except for the royal family.

"I have seen Patriarch Zheng, but I didn't expect that a sect-based emperor in Xiaozi district would startled you, but I am flattered!"

Zhu Yuanyuan also talked about people when he saw people, and talked about nonsense when he saw people. Since the Patriarch insisted on being so serious, he could only accompany him in shock. Who is not a genius in these years?

"Haha! Master Zhu is really a shameless old man. By the way, Master Zhu, this is my grandson Zheng Jimo, who is about the same age as you. In the future, you should get close and be friends. What do you think?"

Zheng Huawen first got Zhu Yuanyuan's favor, and then introduced a handsome young man next to him.

Zheng Jimo is also a literary artist, or a great literary sect. It can be said that he is a genius. He looks about the same age as Zhu Yuanyuan on the surface, in his 20s.

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan is more than 20 years old. He is 36 years old now. This is still counting his age on the water blue star. The time he has experienced in other worlds is not counted, but because of Zhu Yuanyuan’s strength, There are also systematic reasons, so his appearance is maintained at about 20 years old, and even if his bone age is also 20 years old, others cannot find out.

"It turns out to be the eldest of the Zheng family, I have seen brother Zheng!" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Zheng Jimo, he laughed straight in his heart, MMP, how much do you want to make friends? What is wrong, it is really lonely, cough Cough, of course, this is a name. Others can call anything they want. Even if you feel a little like to laugh, you have to bear it. You can't make fun of others. This is immoral.

"Brother Zhu are welcome. Congratulations to Haoranzong for his settlement in the imperial capital. I heard that Brother Zhu has created many king-level poems~www.ltnovel.com~ and even a legendary poem. I hope Brother Zhu can give more pointers in the future."

Zheng Jimo's attitude was very gentle, but what he said seemed a bit dull, he seemed to be a dull scholar.

"Okay, Brother Zheng, I can discuss knowledge together when I have time. Patriarch Zheng, Brother Zheng, please come in. Mr. Zhang is drinking tea in it. Patriarch Zheng can chat with Mr. Zhang for one or two. It’s busy here, so the kid won’t accompany him. Up."

Zhu Yuanyuan agreed to Zheng Jimo's request, and then quickly changed the subject. The good guys can't get themselves trapped, and discuss knowledge when they come up. What Zhu Yuanyuan fears most is these nerdy students who study hard.

One after another, the major clans and sects of Jizhou City have sent people, some of which are the Patriarch and Sovereign personally, and some have sent direct lineages and head disciples. In short, they are all big figures.

Fortunately, the house I bought in Jizhou City this time is large enough. The square outside the main hall is huge. Now there are many low tables. These tables are for those who come to congratulate, of course. Only the master is qualified to sit on the table.

"His Royal Highness, Lao Zhang, Patriarchs, Sect Masters, thank you all for coming today to congratulate Haoranzong for his settlement in the imperial capital. I would like to thank you all here in Xia Zhu Yuanyuan."

Zhu Yuanyuan said loudly in the main hall, speaking in the main hall, and can be heard in the square outside.

"Haoranzong is committed to cultivating talents for the human race. Although the disciples who join the Haoranzong are not allowed to betray the sect, they are also talents belonging to the entire human race. The purpose of the Haoranzong is to defeat the alien race, in order to let the race get rid of the encirclement of the alien race and become the human race. , To fight for the country and future generations, this is the purpose of Haoranzong."

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