To participate in the palace exam this day, Zhu Yuanyuan wakes up very early, around 3:30 in the morning. This palace exam will be unified into the palace, and the officials who enter the palace must enter the palace together, so get up earlier.

   Generally speaking, officials waited at the gate of the imperial palace at three to five in the morning, and then entered the imperial palace after five o'clock.

   As for Zhu Yuanyuan, why did he get up so late?

   He thinks it’s fine to choose an intermediate time. It’s not good to go early, and it’s not good to go late. I’m talking about Zhu Yuanyuan and he is not an official in Ji, so what if I go later? Others can't help him. Of course, maybe some officials will find the trouble of Haoranzong. Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, Zhu Yuanyuan chose an intermediate time so that he will not run into the late ministers. We are.

   Generally, the first officials to go were those who could not be ranked in the court. It was just a little bit. The minister who went to the gate of the palace and waited at the end was the highest-ranking minister and the celebrity in front of the emperor.


   Zhu Yuan did not eat breakfast in the house, but cooked things on the carriage, leaving a mouth-watering fragrance along the way.

Replenish vitality in the morning, because the morning is the most important time of the day. In the morning, you should eat more nutrients, so that you can be full of vitality throughout the day. So Zhu Yuanyuan cooked a pot of bird’s nest snow clam soup, and then steamed some Spirit beef and shrimp soup dumplings, these things are mostly in the martial system warehouse, they are all ready-made, just take it out and steam it, bird's nest, snow clams, spirit cow, anchovy shrimp, these are all of the Qiankun Xianzong The disciples breed it.

Sun-dried bird’s nest, snow clam farming plus killing for meat, sacred cow farming plus killing for meat, and anchovy shrimp farming for killing shrimp. These are the life tasks of the Qiankun Xianzong. The main thing is that you don’t need to go out to participate in the war. So there are many disciples doing these tasks, and there are many accumulations in the martial warehouse. Of course, not only these things, but also some elixir, Linggu, Lingmai, honey, etc. are all within the scope of the task. Among them, there are disciples who do such tasks, and of course some disciples have exchanged these things, and the daily consumption is still very large, so there is no need to worry about not being exchanged.

If Zhu Yuanyuan wants to eat these things, he can take them directly from the martial system warehouse and cook them without washing, because all have been processed, and after the disciples hand in the task, when these things enter the martial arts warehouse, the system It will automatically repel some bacteria and invisible dust on the surface of these things, so you can eat with confidence.

   "My son, the gate of the palace is here."

   Before Zhu Yuanyuan could prepare the breakfast, Zhu Chuyi reminded him outside that he was at the gate of the palace.

   "Well, I see."

Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the pot and steamer on the stove. The soup dumpling in the steamer was ready, but the bird’s nest and snow clam soup hadn’t been made yet. It would take a little longer to boil it, probably more than ten minutes. After thinking about it, he decided to go down and show his face, lest others think he is not here!

After getting out of the car, Zhu Yuanyuan found that the sky was still dark. Although it was still summer, it was already close to the end of summer, and it was about to fall, so the sky was much shorter. It is estimated that the sky is still only at 6 o'clock. It's slightly bright, not like it's bright at 5 o'clock in summer when it is hot.

The place where Zhu Yuanyuan got off is a special parking place. It is on both sides of the palace gate. The road in the middle must be left open. You cannot stop on the road in the middle, because some ministers are allowed to enter the palace by sedan chair or horseback riding. This is the gate of the palace to the outside, so it is not allowed to block the road.

After Zhu Yuanyuan got off the car, although the sky was dark, there were street lights near the palace. These street lights were driven by spirit stones. When installed, they will not go out for tens of hundreds of years. Of course, they will only be on at night and on during the day. It is extinguished, and at the same time, this street lamp is also portrayed as the Spirit Gathering Array, so the use time may be even longer.

   "Brother Zhu, here."

   Zhu Origin’s carriage was very large, so it stopped at the end alone. He was seen by Yun Wenmo as soon as he got off the carriage, so he shouted, and then everyone at the gate of the palace looked over.

   "Who is this? Such a big carriage."

   "I don't know, Master Feng, do you know him?"

   "This seems to be the origin of Huiyuan Zhu for this test. It is said that he is a talented figure who has created legendary poems and is still a battle poem."

   "Oh? Lord Zhao is really serious? He even created a legendary battle poem?"

   "Master Zhao, please tell me what this legendary war poem created by Zhu Yuanyuan is, how about letting me look forward to it?"

   "Okay, let me tell you. This battle poem is called "Joining the Army". The poem says: The blue sea, the clouds and the dark snow mountains, the lonely city looks at Yumen Pass in the distance. The yellow sand wears golden armor for hundreds of battles, and the demon clan won't be returned if it is not broken."

Some officials looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and talked a lot, and then Zhao Pingwen came out to explain to these officials. Zhao Pingwen was the third master of the Zhao family, a literary master in the realm of writers, and a member of the Imperial Academy of Jiguo. He is a bachelor with a rank of second grade, and he is considered a senior official. Zhao Qingwen, the head of the Zhao family, is very optimistic about Zhu Yuanyuan, so he told Zhao Pingwen about this matter. Zhao Pingwen needs to take care of Zhu Yuanyuan in the court, so he will stand. Come out to talk, otherwise he won't bother to participate in such a thing. A genius remembers Chinese in one second m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

After all, Zhao Pingwen is now speaking to Zhu Yuanyuan. In case Zhu Yuanyuan gets the top prize in the exam, I am afraid that His Majesty the Emperor will assign the top prize to the Hanlin Academy. This will not become his competitor. I am afraid that his current position will not be guaranteed. If it weren't for Zhao Qingwen to let him speak to Zhu, he would only be silent, but would not promote Zhu Yuanyuan's great achievements.

   "Okay, a good sentence is not broken, the demon clan will never return it. This "Joining the Army" is indeed a legendary poem, admire it."

"Yeah, this poem is really good. It tells of a general standing on the lonely city on the border and looking into the border. He also has the absolute belief that the **** nature of not defeating the demon clan will not return. It seems that those of us in the mainland Officials really cannot appreciate the cruelty of the border."

   "This Zhu Yuanyuan is a talent, he doesn't look big, he probably hasn't been to the border, and he can write such majestic poems, he deserves to be Huiyuan!"


   The officials in the front looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and talked a lot, and Zhu Yuanyuan also started chatting.

   "Brother Yun, you came so early, there is still an hour to enter the palace! By the way, have you eaten breakfast?"

   It was 4 o’clock when Zhu Origin arrived at the gate of the palace. The Haoranzong’s house was still very close to the palace, and there were no people and carriages on the street at this point, so the people came here quickly.

   "Brother Zhu, this is not the first time I have entered the palace, so I came earlier. I really didn't eat breakfast. Huh, what is Brother Zhu? It smells so delicious!"

   Yun Wenmo said, and at the same time he smelled the scent from the carriage of Zhu Yuan, like beef and shrimp soup, and bird's nest and snow clam soup. The scent was simply tempting.

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