"General Feng came to me to do it?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan found Feng Jia and Zhang Chen after walking on the city wall, and when he saw that there were no other people around, he asked.

   "Zhu Gongzi, you have misunderstood, the news of the Ministry of War has not arrived yet, but the abnormal movement of the demon clan has been discovered, look over there."

   Feng Jia shook his head and said that it was not a matter of discussing hands-on, but instead pointed to a distance beyond Wu Quguan.

Zhu Yuanyuan looked towards Feng Jia’s point, and found dust in the sky over there from a distance. This is not a sandstorm, but a sign of a large number of living creatures moving. I'm afraid that only those monsters move on a large scale. Will form such a huge dust.

   "General Feng, is the monster group over there? Is it that the monster clan is going to do something against Wu Quguan?"

Zhu Yuanyuan frowned as he watched this situation. It is not a good time to do it now. Although he can repel these eager monster races, he will definitely continue to attack after the monster race retreats. I am afraid that it will be attracted by then. Many strong monsters come over, this is not a good thing.

   If there are too many strong monsters, Zhu Yuanyuan alone is not an opponent. This is not a question of fear, but a question of strength.

Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan planned to wait until the ten empires started to take action. He would come to fish in troubled waters depending on the situation. As long as he quickly destroys all the monster races here, he will not alarm the other monster races, so that he can quietly eliminate them. Some power of the Yaozu. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   This is what Zhu Yuanyuan wants. If you can sneak in, don't be stubborn. Do you think it's a sneak attack and openness to the enemy? Of course, you can use whatever means you can use. There is no such thing as despicability and justice to deal with the enemy.

   There are only victory and defeat to deal with the enemy, and the winner is the king and the loser is the invader.

   The ancients said that history is written by victors. This is not a lie, but a fact.

In fact, throughout the history of Aqua Blue Star, there have been many changes that have been changed beyond recognition. The most famous may belong to Yang Guang. Yang Guang has done many great things in his life. The most brilliant deed left is the opening of a line that runs through the north and south. The Grand Canal is still in use until modern times. It can be said to be a major project that has continued through the ages.

   But what about historical records? It is said that Yang Guang ordered the construction to satisfy his arrogant, extravagant and prosperous life. This historical record is probably not true history. After all, it has been more than 1,400 years since the Sui Dynasty to modern times. No one can tell what happened in the middle. Those records are useless. Anyone can record some things and pass them down. Who knows who recorded these things at that time?

   Let’s not talk about Aquastar, just say that there are literati in the literary world writing something with their own preferences, not to mention Aquastar more than a thousand years ago.

I am afraid that Yang Guang was killed during the Sui Dynasty. After the dynasty changed hands, some wars occurred one after another. It was not until the founding of the Tang Dynasty that it gradually calmed down. At this time, history was written by the victors. Who knows that the historians at that time wrote What did it come out?

   And how did the emperor write it, would the historian dare not listen? If you don't listen, I'm afraid that the historian will be solved by finding a reason casually. The officialdom in ancient times is even more dangerous. I am afraid that people who can be framed by forging some physical evidence and personal evidence can not turn back.

   So after we arrived in modern times, it is impossible to verify how true or false the historical data we have seen.

   Sometimes what I see with my eyes and what I hear with my ears is not necessarily true, let alone just find a few words left over from ancient times.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan sometimes wondered if he wrote an article at this time, or recorded some unnecessary things, and then preserved these things. After thousands of years, his own writing will become a kind of history. What? Will there be a group of archaeologists and writers gathered together to study what he wrote?

   This kind of thinking made Zhu Yuanyuan come up with a kind of "Did the ancients also think the same way, that's why they wrote so many things for future generations to ponder?"


   "I'm afraid this is the case. The target of those monsters may be Wu Quguan, Zhu Gongzi, do you have any countermeasures?"

   Feng Jia has received an order from the Ministry of War, saying that these days he cannot take the initiative to act, he can only defend, and cannot disrupt the plan, otherwise he will be a sinner.

"I will not lead soldiers to fight, and there is no countermeasure. General Feng has led soldiers for many years. I, a layman, dare not intervene casually. Of course, this time I came to Wuqu Pass. If the monster comes to the strong, I will be responsible for dealing with it. The other monsters need to be dealt with by General Feng, is it okay?"

Zhu Yuanyuan has self-knowledge. Although he has a group on Aquastar and a Qiankun Xianzong with many disciples on Linli Star, he really does not lead soldiers, even if he has read the art of war, it is not feasible to talk about soldiers on paper. Yes, otherwise there would be no such idiom.

"Okay, no problem, I can rest assured if you have this sentence from Lord Zhu." Feng Jia nodded quickly and said that it was okay. What he actually wanted was this sentence. He didn't know how many times he had been attacked by the Monster Race. There is no threat to Wu Quguan if the top-level players participate in it.

   As for the Yaozu, why didn't they invade the ten empires from other places?

Don’t look at some areas of the city wall that seem to be unguarded. In fact, those areas where no one is defending are the most dangerous. There are various formation restrictions on this city wall. As long as the monsters dare to break in, I am afraid that there will be no place to bury him, even if it is a holy powerhouse.

   The walls surrounding the ten empires are terrifying. Except for the checkpoints that can be controlled, most of the walls are already dangerous places, and even the human races dare not enter it without authorization.

Take Feng Jia, for example. Although he is the general of Wu Quguan, Feng Jia is afraid to enter those unknown sections of the city wall from above the city wall, because the formation there is not known for many years. Out of control, it is now completely a natural formation, and you can only die in vain. Unless someone can crack the dangerous formations and regain control of the eyes, otherwise those formations will not stop.

   As for the lack of energy supply and no one to control, why can those dangerous formations still work?

   Because the dangerous formations have become natural and have been integrated with nature, the natural formations can absorb energy from the heavens and the earth to store them on their own. As long as the energy is not consumed, the formations can continue to operate.

The Monster Race is also very afraid of these dangerous places. A long time ago, the Monster Race had died in the formation of the Saint-level powerhouse, so the Monster Race will always be harassing on the level, instead of entering the Human Race through the undefended city wall passages. .

   "General Feng, according to your experience, when will any monsters start attacking Wu Quguan?" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

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